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Felice Vinci

Felice Vinci, born in Rome in 1946, performed classical studies – Latin and Greek – in the high school, then he graduated in Nuclear Engineering in the University of Rome in 1971. He began working as an independent researcher on Greek mythology and his theory upon the Nordic origins of the Homeric poems in 1992. His research resulted in the book Omero nel Baltico. Le origini nordiche dell’Odissea e dell’Iliade (“Homer in the Baltic. The Nordic Origins of the Odyssey and the Iliad”), that was published in Italy, USA, Russia, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and France. It has given rise to international conferences and television broadcasts, with relative discussions and fiery arguments. The USA edition, entitled The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales , was adopted as a text for the students of the Bard College of New York. Moreover, the late prof. Mullen, who in those years taught Classics at Bard College in New York, sailed from Stockholm and crossed the Baltic Sea on a sailboat with four of his students to follow the route of the Achaean fleet to Troy. Felice has presented, upon invitation, the theory expounded in his book in many Universities and cultural institutions worldwide, such as the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), the Universities of Vancouver, Riga, Roma, Padova, Pavia, and so on.


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A Hypothesis on the Pillars of Hercules and Their True Location

A Hypothesis on the Pillars of Hercules and Their True Location

In this article, aimed at identifying the real location of the mythical Pillars of Hercules, it is first verified that in the works of Plutarch and Plato there are correct references to a continent...
The Forge of Vulcan by Diego Velázquez (1630) (Public Domain)

Excalibur: Extracting Swords From Stone, Ancient Metallurgical Metaphors

The first mention of the famous ‘Sword in the Stone’ of the Arthurian tradition is found in Robert de Boron’s Merlin , a medieval French poem, part of the 13th-century Lancelot-Grail cycle of French...
Samson and the Lion by Luca Giordano (1694) Museo del Prado (Public Domain)

Metallurgical Key Unlocking Samson’s Lion Riddle

Biblical Samson challenged his wedding guests with a riddle: “ Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet ”. The simple answer is Samson was referring to a...
Souls of Heroic Warriors in Polynesia ( adrenalinapura/ Adobe Stock)

Hawaii: Paradise Location Of Homeric Mythical Elysian Fields

Over centuries explorers as well as ethnologists noting the myths, legends, customs and folklore of the cultures native to the Pacific Ocean islands, have accumulated enough evidence to attest to...
Chronos and his child by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, National Museum in Warsaw, (17th-century) (Public Domain)

Beyond The Pillars Of Hercules: Megalithic People Of Kronos Reaching America

Plutarch's (46-125 AD) narrative in De Facie quae in orbe lunae apparet about continental Greeks could be the last memory, miraculously surviving the millennia, of prehistoric settlements of people...
The Pleiades by Elihu Vedder (1885) Metropolitan Museum of Art (Public Domain)

The Pleiades, Blue Print of the Seven Hills of Rome and Other Sacred Cities

Two thousand years after the death of Ovid – the Roman poet who was banished by Augustus from Rome to the remote town of Tomis on the Black Sea in 8 AD – the reason for his exile remains a mystery...
Kurdish Warriors by Frank Feller (1898) (Public Domain)

Are Zeus’ Curetes the Ancestors of Modern Kurds?

The hypothesis that there is a relationship between the ancient Curetes of Greek mythology and the Kuri or Kuronians, a tribe of warriors and navigators of the Baltic world, where the medieval Danish...
Odysseus mosaic at the Bardo Museum in Tunis, Tunisia. (2nd century AD) (Public Domain)

Homer in the Baltic: Odysseus a Fair-Haired Dane?

Described by Homer and Pindar as ‘fair haired’, one can ask the perturbing question: Was Odysseus a Dane originating from the Baltic Sea and is Troy located on the Gulf of Finland? Since ancient...