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Offerings to the Mayan Gods

Ancient Offerings to the ‘Gods’ Discovered in Mexico

More than 400 animal species have been found in offerings to the gods in Mexico at the temple of Tenochtitlan from approximately 1,500 BC probably during the Temple’s construction. The animals...
Decoding Mayan Glyphs

Linguists Finally Unravelling the Mysteries Trapped Within Mayan Hieroglyphs

For hundreds of years, linguists have been trying to decode the ancient hieroglyphic script of the Mayans, left behind on monument carvings, painted pottery, and drawn in handmade bark-paper books...
Decoding Mayan Glyphs

How Internet helps to decode Mayan scripts

The Mayan civilization was an advanced Mesoamerica civilization which developed art, agriculture, written language as well as mathematical and astronomical systems. People know the Maya mainly from...
Ancient Maya Pyramid destroyed

Builders destroy 2,300-year-old Mayan pyramid to make new road

A 100 foot Mayan pyramid in the Nomul complex in Belize has been destroyed by ignorant builders who have used the 2,300 year old ancient structure for road fill. However, distraught archaeologists...
Archaeological Findings Maya Ceibal

Archaeological Findings push Mayan Civilizations further back in time

The Ceibal (El Ceibal) archaeological site includes old Mayan Ruins over the west margin of La Passion River, about 12km east of the municipality of Sayaxche in Guatemala. This was the largest Mayan...
Maya Village

Unexpected Agriculture and ‘invisible’ crops found on Maya Village

A news research on an ancient Maya Village which was destroyed by a Volcano about 600 AD, brought up some interesting results. Ceren which is a Unesco World Heritage Site is known as the Pompeii of...
The Maya myth of creation

The Maya myth of creation

The Maya civilization flourished in South America at approximately 2000BC. They developed a unique style of arts and architecture, astronomy, even a written language. Though their writing—and even...
