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lost civilization

Generic image of flatlands. Source: Dmitry/Adobe Stock

Doggerland: Did a Tsunami Swallow Part of Europe? (Video)

In 1931, Pilgrim Lockwood's discovery of an antler harpoon in the North Sea unveiled the existence of a submerged land, Doggerland , connecting Britain to Europe. This region, traversed by...
11th Dynasty model of Nubian archers in the Egyptian army, from a tomb in Asyut (2130–1991 BC). Source: Aidan McRae Thomson/CC BY-SA 2.0

Five Mysteries About Ancient Nubia (Video)

Ancient Nubia , a region south of Egypt, boasts a rich history shrouded in mysteries that have often been overlooked. The first mystery revolves around the relative obscurity of Nubian civilization...
Tree rings. Source: tomeyk / Adobe Stock.

Can Tree Rings Explain the Demise of a Lost Civilization? (Video)

In the quest to uncover the mystery behind the fall of the once-vibrant Cahokia , archaeologists have turned to an unexpected source: tree ring records, aka dendrochronology. By 1150 AD, Cahokia,...
Fantasy image of a lost civilization underwater.	Source: Максим Горбанев/ Adobe Stock

Nine Civilizations That Met Mysterious (and Unfortunate) Ends

One of the most fascinating subjects to study throughout history is the rise and fall of various civilizations. While in some cases we have an understanding of the evolution and downfall of these...
A view of a reconstructed hut at the Nuraghe Antine site at night.

5 Must See Megaliths of the Mysterious Nuragic People

All over the Mediterranean island of Sardinia exist megalithic marvels that date from almost 4000 years ago. These mostly limestone structures are believed to have belonged to a civilization now...
A view of Nuragic complex of Palmavera

Nuraghe Palmavera: Examining the Legends of a Mysterious Civilization

In the 1930s, archaeologists uncovered the remains of megalith limestone structures believed to have belonged to the civilization of the Nuragic people. Known as ‘nuraghe’, these are the primary...
Myanmar sunset Bagan (formerly Pagan) temple      Source: murrrrrs / Adobe Stock

Is the Palace of Binnaka Waiting to be Discovered?

Myanmar, once known as Burma, is a Southeast Asian nation that is increasingly popular with foreign travelers due to its incredible history and traditions . The once important city-state of Binnaka...
Pyramid of La Danta, El Mirador, Guatemala

El Mirador, ‘The Look Out’ Of Guatemala Boasts Probably the Largest Pyramid in the World

The Mayan civilization is one of the most mysterious and fascinating in history. There is much we still don’t know, but they are much-admired for their fully developed writing system, their art,...
Puerto Rican figures

Skeptics Washed Away As Lost Civilization Is Finally Identified By Puerto Rican Figures

A collection of highly-controversial stone figures discovered in Puerto Rico are believed by some to have been created by members of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel and by others as hoaxes, but these...
Sophisticated rock carvings in Ratnagiri, India indicate a lost Indian civilization.

A Gallery of Hidden Prehistoric Rock Art Points to Lost Indian Civilization

India is a land of many civilizations. Now it appears that another one has been uncovered in the west of the country. A team of explorers has discovered a number of petroglyph sites that belonged to...
Newly discovered artifacts at ancient ruins in Honduras believed to be the legendary ‘White City’.

Hundreds of Intriguing Artifacts Unearthed at Ancient ‘White City’ Ruins in Honduras

Archaeologists have unearthed more than 200 intriguing artifacts, including elaborate sculptures and ritualistic relics, just 4 weeks into excavations at archaeological ruins in the jungle of...
Newly discovered artifacts at ancient ruins in Honduras believed to be the legendary ‘White City’.

New Discoveries at Ancient ‘White City’ Ruins in Honduras May Shed Light on Mysterious Civilization

Just three days into excavations at archaeological ruins in the jungle of Honduras - believed to be the legendary ‘White City’ – and researchers have already unearthed a dozen ancient artifacts which...
A “were-jaguar” effigy, likely representing a combination of a human and spirit animal, is part of a still-buried ceremonial seat, discovered in a cache in ruins deep in the Honduran jungle.

Honduras to Begin Investigations of Ancient Jungle Ruins Believed to be the Legendary White City

The President of Honduras has announced that scientists will begin exploring an ancient archaeological site in the jungle where they believe the legendary ‘White City’, otherwise known as ‘City of...
Some of the photographs taken via satellite and presented by Manuel Cuevas as an indication of the presence of ancient buildings in the area of the Pinar de la Algaida, Cadiz province.

2,500-year-old city buried under flood sediment may belong to lost civilization in Spain

Manuel Cuevas is 52 years old and is not only an entrepreneur, but also a passionate independent researcher. A few days ago, this resident of Sanlucar de Barrameda (Cadiz) sprung into the Spanish...
A 'were-jaguar' effigy, likely representing a combination of a human and spirit animal, is part of a still-buried ceremonial seat, discovered in a cache in ruins deep in the Honduran jungle.

Archaeologists find untouched ruins in their search for the Lost City of the Monkey God

Two years ago, an aerial search of the dense jungle of Honduras fuelled by local legends of a lost ancient city, revealed miles of seemingly man-made features. Announcements quickly spread that...