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AI representation of Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

The Rise of Monotheism in the Ancient Near East

For centuries, our distant ancestors believed in a plethora of gods and goddesses, having a close relationship with the nature around them and personifying many natural occurrences. But there were...
Hellenistic Jewish synagogue fresco Moses being taken from the river Nile. 	Source: Public Domain

The Therapeutae and the Secrets of Ancient Monastic Life

The Therapeutae are an ancient Jewish ascetic community, shrouded in mystery and truly obscure. Much of what we know about them comes from the writings of Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenistic Jewish...
Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones coming to life, signifying God's power to bring new life and open the gateway to heaven Generative AI.            Source: forenna /Adobe Stock)

Resurrecting Ancestry: Genetic Revelations Beyond Israelites

The prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones, as envisioned by the prophet Ezekiel, stands as one of the most potent revelations in his repertoire. Within this vision, Ezekiel is transported to a desolate...
A religious leader talks to hundreds of people. Source: ZaYoNiXx/Adobe Stock

Seven Great Religious Leaders in History (Video)

Seven significant historical religious leaders have profoundly impacted the development of faith traditions worldwide. Moses Maimonides, born in 1135 AD in Spain, was a distinguished Jewish...
The village and citadel at Thula have their roots in the Himyarite kingdom. Source: fotoember/ Adobe Stock

Himyarite Kingdom: The Forgotten Empire (Video)

The Himyarite Kingdom , spanning from the 2nd century BC to the 6th century AD, stands as a testament to Yemen's rich history beyond contemporary turmoil. Situated strategically along the Maritime...
impression of Bar Kokhba by Polish-Jewish artist Arthur Szyk Source: Arthur Szyk/CC BY-SA 4.0

Judaic Devastation: The Bar Kokhba Revolt’s Tragic Legacy (Video)

The Bar Kokhba Revolt of 132 AD had profound and enduring effects on Jews and Judaism. Firstly, it led to the shattering of Judaic society, with devastating consequences for Jewish communities. The...
A representation of the Queen of Sheba who is also known Bilqīs, Makeda, or Nicaula. Source: Archivist/Adobe Stock

Little Known Facts About the Queen of Sheba (Video)

The Queen of Sheba , a figure entwined in diverse mythologies, offers a rich tapestry of narratives across various cultures. Mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, Torah, Bible, and Qur'an, she weaves...
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. Source: andyross / Adobe Stock.

Is This the World's Most Contested Religious Site? (Video)

In Jerusalem's Old City lies the Alexa mosque within the Dome of the Rock, a site of profound religious significance. For Jews, it's the Temple Mount , while for Muslims, it's the noble sanctuary...
Ezekiel’s Tomb. Credit: David Stanley / Flickr.

Ezekiel's Tomb: Transcending Religious Boundaries (Video)

Ezekiel's Tomb , nestled beside the meandering rivers of Babylon in Al Kifl, Iraq , is a testament to the convergence of history, faith, and the enduring human spirit. This 14th-century shrine,...
A Muslim and a Jew inside a Jewish synagogue in Kolkata, India. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Atlas Obscura.

The Muslims Preserving Kolkata's Last Jewish Synagogues (Video)

In the vibrant city of Kolkata, India, a heartening and harmonious interfaith tradition is flourishing as Muslim caretakers diligently preserve the last remaining Jewish synagogues . This unique...
Hands of priest raise sacramental bread or the Eucharist under light. Source: Creativa Images/Adobe Stock

From Babylon to Christianity: Feeding into the Eucharist

There can be no doubt that the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist was derived from Jewish, Babylonian, Assyrian and Egyptian traditions of sun veneration and sun baking methods. The custom seems to...
Puriel is an angel who appears in the apocryphal work of the Testament of Abraham, the 2nd century AD apocalyptic tale of Abraham's journey to heaven. Puriel is described as “fiery and pitiless”, and is one of the two angels (along with Dokiel) charged with the task of examining the soul of each person brought to heaven after death. 	Source: chiaralily / CC BY NC 2.0

Apocalyptic Apocrypha: What was Removed from the Bible - and Why?

‘Biblical Apocrypha’ sounds like something out of a conspiracy theorist's darkest dreams. Books that have been hidden away from us. Books that contain secret information on the origins of...
The village and citadel at Thula have their roots in the Himyarite kingdom.		Source: fotoember/ Adobe Stock

The Himyarite Kingdom’s Bloody Conversion to Judaism: Passion or Ploy?

The Himyarite Kingdom was established in 110 BC and lasted until 570 AC. It is most often remembered these days as the “Jewish Kingdom”, thanks to the fact that for some time its predominant religion...
From King Tut To The Jewish Tallit

From King Tut To The Jewish Tallit

There is perhaps no greater symbol of Judaism than the white prayer shawl, the tallit . Likewise, there is probably no greater symbol of ancient Egypt’s majesty than the golden funerary mask of the...
The common perception of the cherubim as baby-faced angels, as depicted in Pieter de Grebber’s Adoration of the Shepherds. Source: Public domain

Were the Cherubim of the Hebrew Bible the Chariots of the Gods?

The cherubim are a somewhat mysterious topic that occurs numerous times in the Hebrew Bible, but is never truly explained. We are given only brief glimpses into their role and their nature. Since the...
The Coming Gnostic Civilization, and his most recent book, Sedona: City of the Star People.

The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend – Part I

What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by...
Balaam and the Angel, who is said to be the evil angel or Jewish Satan Mastema, by the painter Gustav Jaeger. 		Source: Gustav Jäger/ Public domain

The Jewish Satan Mastema and the Cosmic War Against God

The earliest Jewish accounts did not have a clear Satan figure, but one of the earliest to be named was Mastema. Mastema is portrayed as the adversary of God. Mastema has his origin in the Jewish...
3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions

3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...” The concept of a Trinity or triadic nature of the divine has been a part of our psyche for thousands of years, and has appeared in creation...
Do Akhenaten’s Links with Yom Kippur Traditions Shed New Light on Moses?

Do Akhenaten’s Links with Yom Kippur Traditions Shed New Light on Moses?

The holiest day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur, means “Day of Atonement”. Marked by confession, repentance, and forgiveness, it takes place ten days after the Jewish New Year. Its origins remain to...
The Genesis Of Modern Religions In Ancient Egypt

The Genesis Of Modern Religions In Ancient Egypt

It is an irony of history that the three great religions of Europe and the Middle East, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, did not originate there but rather had their genesis, like the human species...
The Sun rising over the Mount of Olives and Jerusalem’s golden Dome of the Rock.	Source: Px Fuel / CC0

Secret Connections Between Yom Kippur and Pharaoh Akhenaten

As Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar approaches, this article delves into the religious traditions that are followed by millions at this time of year. But it goes further, noticing...
How Two Jewish Rabbis Respected and Protected the Ka'bah of Islam

How Two Jewish Rabbis Respected and Protected the Ka'bah of Islam

Before I can explain Ibn Kathir’s account of the two rabbi who protected the Ka’bah, I have to relate something about the Jews in Arabia in the five centuries before the birth of Prophet Muhammad. In...
The Levites and the Kohens: The Patriarchal High Priests of Judaism

The Levites and the Kohens: The Patriarchal High Priests of Judaism

The Levites are members of the Hebrew tribe of Levi. They, and their tribe, are named after Levi, the third son of Jacob, and Leah. In the past, the Levites were entrusted with religious...
Babylonian Talmud is More Detailed On The Birth Of Jesus Than The Bible

Babylonian Talmud is More Detailed On The Birth Of Jesus Than The Bible

For historians, whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim, the Talmud is in many ways the perfect primary source, a first-hand account with a direct connection to Judaism. Through the Talmud, we can learn...
