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John Dee

Painting by Glindoni of John Dee performing an experiment for Elizabeth I.	Source: Henry Gillard Glindoni/ CC BY 4.0

Queen Elizabeth I's Astronomer, John Dee (Video)

Dr. John Dee , the Renaissance luminary and confidant to Queen Elizabeth I , epitomized the intellectual spirit of 16th-century England. A polymath with interests ranging from astrology to...
John Dee demonstrating an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I (Wellcome Images/ CC BY-SA 4.0)

John Dee’s Enochian Magick: Language Of The Angels or Encrypted Spy Talk?

Enochian Magick is a complex system of occult practices and rituals that have their roots in the 16th-century writings of the Elizabethan scholar John Dee (1527 – 1608) and his associate, Edward...
John Dee, his obsidian mirror and Aztec design of obsidian mirrors.	Source: Antiquity Publications Ltd

New Study Verifies Aztec Manufacture of John Dee’s Obsidian Spirit Mirror

Archaeologists from the University of Manchester have just completed a new analysis of several alleged Aztec artifacts currently on display at the British Museum in London. Of special interest was a...

Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels

Enochian is a mysterious language that 16 th century occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley recorded in their private journals. They claimed this ‘celestial speech’ allowed magicians and occultists to...
John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I.

John Dee: Scholar, Astrologer, and Occult Practitioner that Captivated the Royal Court of 16th Century England

Born into the era of intellectual and artistic reawakening, John Dee quickly rose through Elizabethan society as a scholar, philosopher, navigator, doctor, and astrologer of the Queen of England...
Following the Magical Journey to Poland by John Dee and Edward Kelley

Following the Magical Journey to Poland by John Dee and Edward Kelley

For centuries, Poland has been considered a very Christian country. However, over the ages some of the rulers of Poland still searched for supernatural support. The belief in the power of witchcraft...
The London Stone, seen through its protective grille.

The Forgotten History of the London Stone, an Artifact Linked to Aeneas, King Arthur, and John Dee

The London Stone is a historic artifact that can be found on London’s Cannon Street. This mysterious relic is basically a block of limestone. This type of limestone does not occur naturally in or...
"John Dee Performing an Experiment before Elizabeth I" (Henry Gillard Glindoni (1852-1913).

X-Ray Images Show Hidden Features in Painting of the Enigmatic John Dee

John Dee was a scholar, philosopher, navigator, doctor, and astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I of England. He is often remembered as an enigmatic man who repeatedly crossed the line between science and...
The Mysterious Book of Soyga

Holy Conversations: The Impact of the Mysterious Book of Soyga

The Book of Soyga , or the Aldaraia sive Soyga vocor, was written in the sixteenth century as a possible treatise on magic. The illustrious occultist John Dee of the court of Elizabeth I owned one of...