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Port Erin, Calf of Mann, Isle of Man.    Source: tr3gi/Adobe Stock

Short History of the Isle of Man, the Small But Significant Island

Nestled in the heart of the Irish Sea, the Isle of Man is a small, but very significant island nation with a rich history that stretches back thousands of years. T he Isle of Man boasts a unique...
Cerridwen: Mother, Magician, and Crone from Old Welsh Mythology

Cerridwen: Mother, Magician, and Crone from Old Welsh Mythology

An enchantress from Welsh mythology, Cerridwen is regarded as a woman of incredible power and magic.  She pervades Welsh and Irish culture as an emblem of wisdom and rebirth, remaining today as a...
The Majestic Tullynally Castle and gardens (Paul Moore Photography)

Tullynally Castle, the Most Majestic Estate in Ireland

Tullynally Castle, also known as Pakenham Hall, is a historic castle located in County Westmeath, Ireland. It is one of the largest castles in Ireland and is situated near the town of Castlepollard...
Experts conducted testing on an Irish bog body found in Bellaghy, dating back over 2,000 years. Source: PSNI

Shattered Bog Body Dated To 2,500 Years Old Unearthed

Last October, police in Northern Ireland were perplexed after the discovery of human bones and body parts, in peatland. After extensive tests, it’s now known that the remains were not of a modern...
Prehistoric monument Newgrange. Source: MNStudio / Adobe Stock.

Inside the Sacred Tomb of Newgrange: A Fascinating Look at Prehistoric Ireland (Video)

In County Meath, Ireland , stands one of the most mysterious ancient structures in the world - Newgrange . This massive stone tomb, built around 3200 BC, predates famous monuments like Stonehenge and...
Portrait of the Irish war hero Patrick Sarsfield, 1st Earl of Lucan. Source: Public domain

Talks Begin on Repatriating Remains of Patrick Sarsfield, Irish War Hero

Just last year, the Irish Mirror reported that excavations to find the skeletal remains of 17th century deceased Earl and revolutionary Irish war hero, Patrick Sarsfield, had begun in Belgium . They...
Left: Oil painting of John Hunter; Center: Charles Byrne’s skeleton at the Hunterian Museum, London; Right; Charles Byrne in and etching by J. Kay	Source: Left: CC BY 4.0; Center: Emőke Dénes/ CC BY-SA 4.0; Right: CC BY 4.0

Skeleton of Irish Giant, Charles Byrne, to be Removed from Public Display

The skeleton of an Irish giant, which has been on display at the Hunterian Museum in London for more than two centuries, will be permanently removed from the museum’s collection, the Royal College of...
St. Patrick’s Bell (left) is a simple design. The shrine (right) later designed to cover it is quite intricate. Source: National Museum of Ireland / CC BY SA 2.0

St. Patrick’s Bell: The Story of an Iconic Irish Artifact

Ireland is home to many iconic historical artifacts and objects, from the Book of Kells to the Tara Brooch. Many of these items are beautifully designed but shrouded in mystery. Others have a long...
Field archaeologist Michael Gibbons, left, discovered the outlines of this gigantic Bronze Age fortress, partially visible in the background of this image, which may be nearly 3,200 years old, while carrying out routine field work in a nature preserve in County Galway, Ireland.	Source: YouTube screenshot / RTE News

Huge New Bronze Age Fortress Discovered in Irish Nature Preserve!

While carrying out routine field work in the Burren lowlands of County Galway in Ireland, field archaeologist Michael Gibbons discovered a Bronze Age fortress that may be almost 3,200 years old. The...
fosterage Source: trafa / Adobe Stock

Why Fostering Kids Was So Popular in Ancient Ireland

There were many complex laws and customs prevalent in the Celtic-speaking world of ancient times. In Ireland and the British Isles in general, these customs survived for many centuries, some as late...
Mysterious man on a creepy night. Who really killed the King?

Who Killed the King? An Ancient Irish Murder Mystery

It might almost be a shocking moment from a Shakespeare play or even a plot-line from Game of Thrones, but the murder of an ancient Irish king, Crimthann mac Énnai, is an event which actually took...
This image of the opening event of the first revived “modern” Irish sporting games is from 1924 and inspires a sense of regal elegance, competition, and celebration.   Source: The Little Museum of Dublin

Irish Sporting Games: A Big Event 1,000 Years Before Greek Olympics

Like in Greece, pre-historic Irish history was threaded together with tales of giants, gods and goddesses battling for supremacy over earth, and humans. But did you know it was the latter, not the...
10,000-years-ago Irish Hunter-Gatherers Were Dark-Skinned

10,000-years-ago Irish Hunter-Gatherers Were Dark-Skinned

RTÉ, Ireland’s National Television and Radio Broadcaster, recently brought to our screens filmmaker Katrina Costello’s bold and groundbreaking two-part documentary – The Burren: Heart of Stone ...
Highly Unusual Ancient Tomb Discovered By Farmer in Ireland

Highly Unusual Ancient Tomb Discovered By Farmer in Ireland

An Irish farmer has discovered a "highly unusual and untouched" ancient tomb in County Kerry during land improvement works, which could date back 4,000 years or earlier. The well-preserved stone tomb...
Shocking Truth Behind Death of Ireland’s Egyptian Mummy Unraveled

Shocking Truth Behind Death of Ireland’s Egyptian Mummy Exposed

Researchers have established that Northern Ireland’s most famous Egyptian mummy was murdered. The mummy, which is the cadaver of a woman called Takabuti who lived 2,600 years ago, is now known to...
Hill of Tara, County Meath, Ireland

The Hill of Tara: Tracing the Footsteps of the High Kings of Ireland

The Hill of Tara is said to be one of the most ancient sacred sites in Ireland. Predating the Celts by thousands of years, the archaeological site is covered in tombs , monuments, and Neolithic...
Saint Patrick: When the True Story is More Exciting than the Legend

Saint Patrick: When the True Story is More Exciting than the Legend

The 17th March marks Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, a cultural and religious holiday celebrated every year in Ireland and by Irish communities around the world. The celebration...
A gold Claddagh wedding ring.

Legendary Claddagh Rings: What are the True Origins of these Symbolic Irish Wedding Rings?

The Claddagh ring design of two hands holding a crowned heart is a recognizable symbol of Ireland and enduring love. It is hugely popular as a fashion accessory and a symbolic gesture. While everyone...
Man drinking alcohol. Credit: Rainer Fuhrmann / Adobe Stock

Infamous Ancient Irish Spirit Is Now Legal and Sales Are Booming!

An Irish spirit that was until recently illegal is making a big comeback. Poteen which is pronounced as potcheen is a potent alcoholic drink and was notorious because it was so strong. Distillers in...
Inside the majestic chamber of Newgrange, one of the most iconic Irish megalith sites. Source: Cassidy et al./Ken Williams,

Signs of Dynastic Incest at Newgrange Reveal Secrets Behind Irish Megaliths

The European Neolithic era was a time of change. The first agricultural revolution saw people take a stronger interest in farming, small-scale communities grew, polished stone axes cleared forests,...
Statue of the Irish hero Red Hugh O’Donnell. Source: rgmcfadden / CC BY-NC 2.0.

Skeleton Of Irish Hero, Red Hugh O’Donnell, To Be Exhumed In Spain

Spanish archaeologists are preparing to dig beneath the remains of an ancient chapel in Valladolid looking specifically for the remains of the Irish hero, Red Hugh O’Donnell. Beginning this Monday a...
Representation of an Irish holy well. Source: Michal / Adobe stock

Believers Flock to Irish Holy Wells Seeking Solace From Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has led many people to seek comfort in a variety of ways. Some have returned to traditional customs and beliefs. In Ireland many people are making a pilgrimage to holy wells...
Painting of Howe Browne (1788 – 1845), 2nd Marquess of Sligo, the Irish Aristocrat.  Source: Unknown author / Public domain

2nd Marquess of Sligo: The Forgotten Irish ‘Emancipator of Slaves’

The only child and heir of John Denis, 1 st Marquess of Sligo, Westport House estate, Co Mayo and his wife Louisa, daughter and co-heiress of Admiral Richard Howe, British naval hero, victor of the ‘...
Eleanor, Countess of Desmond: Ireland’s ‘Forgotten’ Heroine

Eleanor, Countess of Desmond: Ireland’s ‘Forgotten’ Heroine

“Out of every corner of the woods and glens they came creeping forth upon their hands for their legs could not bear them, they looked like anatomies of death, they spoke like ghosts, crying out of...
