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Sintra, Portugal at the Initiation Well. Source: LALSSTOCK / Adobe Stock.

Knights Templar Symbols in Sintra's Inverted Tower (Video)

The Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra , Portugal, houses a mesmerizing architectural wonder known as the initiation well or inverted tower. This awe-inspiring structure is steeped in strange symbology,...
Xhosa boys taking part in the Ulwaluko circumcision tradition. Source: Dingeman / GNU Free Documentation License.

From Boys to Men: The Circumcision Tradition of the Xhosa People (Video)

The circumcision ritual has long been a rite of passage for young men in many cultures. For the Xhosa people of South Africa, the tradition , known as Ulwaluko, is a crucial aspect of their cultural...
Representation of a mystery school. Source: leks_052 / Adobe stock

Initiation to Secrecy: Unravelling the Truth Behind Mystery Schools

As the great Irish esotericist John Heron Lepper wrote, one could say that the existence of secret or closed societies [namely mystery schools] – in which certain teachings or practices are passed on...
Sunset at the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Source: Patryk Kosmider /Adobe Stock

Hidden Chambers and Meaning: Is the Great Pyramid for a King or Priests?

When I first thought of elements in the pyramid, I had no idea that I would end up postulating the existence of another hidden chamber. Can we locate it more precisely and find out how to get into it...
Magical Mythology of Winter

The Mythology of Winter: 7 Supernatural Beliefs and Magical Rituals From Around the World

According to ancient folklore, some supernatural beings can only manifest when it is cold. Others use the cold to their advantage in order to achieve a certain result. When spirits appear, they...
The burials were on the highest points of the spurs, or hillocks, on Arctic rivers.

Grave of Medieval 'Infant Prince' Found in Arctic, One of 9 Newly-Discovered Burials of 'Children'

By The Siberian Times reporter A young boy was laid to rest all alone with two iron knives, his feet trampling on reindeer bones, wearing an elaborate headdress decorated with iron rings. So far nine...
Detail of the kudu engraving which is said to depict female initiation rituals in the Namib desert thousands of years ago.

Rock Art Rituals: Namib Desert Engravings Provide Fascinating Insight into Ancient Initiation for Girls

When it is carefully examined, rock art in the Namib Desert may shine light on forgotten rituals and practices from thousands of years ago. One particularly interesting feature appears to show...
Birds, Stones, and Jaguars: Piecing Together the Multifaceted Ancient Olmec Religion

Birds, Stones, and Jaguars: Piecing Together the Multifaceted Ancient Olmec Religion

The Bilingual-Mayan inscription of Comalcalco and decipherment of the La Venta celts and Olmec iconography allows one to understand much about the ancient Olmec religion and its cult associations...
Ritual Chambers of the Andes: Used in Secret, Near Death Simulations

Ritual Chambers of the Andes: Used in Secret, Near Death Simulations

Rather than being burial chambers, the chullpas of Sillustani and Cutimbo were used for a secret, near-death simulation in which candidates returned 'risen'. Conventional history claims the Inka...