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Human Origins

Ancient Origins presents how human origins are explained through three different perspectives: a) science and scientific evidence, b) religions and creation stories and c) folklore and mythology.

Kennewick Man

The Mysterious Kennewick Man still hangs in Limbo

Nearly two decades ago, two young men stumbled across a human skull in the Columbian River at Kennewick, Washington. The discovery ended up being one of the biggest archaeological finds of a...
Nakavadra mountain

The Creation Myth of Fiji and the Serpent God

The Serpent God plays an important role in many religions and myths from all over the World. However, most of the times its role is identified with that of Evil, even if the common denominator of the...
Origins of Life Challenged

Assumptions about Origins of Life Challenged

New research from the UNC School of Medicine has raised important questions about exactly how primitive molecule systems managed to replicate themselves and create life, and offers an intriguing view...
The Age of Kali Yuga

Our Ancient Origins:Symptoms of the Kali Yuga - Part 3

These days, in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga, it’s the Razor’s Edge – every step of the way Home. Knowledge of our essential Oneness is hard to come by in the Kali Yuga. Beneath the curtain of...
Our Ancient Origins: KALI YUGA

Our Ancient Origins: KALI YUGA, the Age of Conflict & Confusion - Part 2

The Kali Yuga is the only yuga most of us are familiar with because we have been living all our lives within these dense frequencies. Our mind, the way we think, and thus our perception of ‘reality’...
 The Cycles of Time & The Kali Yuga

Our Ancient Origins: The Cycles of Time & The Kali Yuga - Part 1

Knowledge of the Cycles of Time, the primordial ancient metaphysical wisdom found in the Sanskrit texts, reveals a more precise and deeper insight into our ancient origins. Beginning in 3012 B.C. we...
Left Right Brain Balance

Plant/Human Symbiosis and the Fall of Humanity: Interview With Tony Wright

Tony Wright and Graham Gynn are authors of Left In The Dark - the book that presents Tony’s research outlining a radical re-interpretation of the current data regarding human evolution and, they...
Aboriginal Rock Art - Astronomy

Australian Original Astronomical rock Engravings will Rewrite World History

We are of the opinion the cluster of engraved astronomical markers found on a series of rock platforms is without parallel in Australia, and perhaps the world. Within a span of 3.5 kilometres there...
Pleiades - Australia, human origins

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Pleiadians and the Elders (Part 3)

If we accept Wilson is correct in identifying Homo erectus (which we do not fully subscribe to but for the sake of balance we will include) as half of the newly emerging Homo sapien sapiens...
Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Part 2

Everything fitted perfectly, three times fifty or sixty thousand checked off nicely against the desired number of 150-200,000 years, or so it seemed, until Rebecca Cann decided to delve deeper and...
Aboriginals Australia

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Part 1

Every book, television documentary, syllabus and curriculum that makes any reference to the evolution of modern humans, begins this ancient narrative in Africa. Through a combination of recent...
One God Versus Many

One God Versus Many - A Solitary God in the Company of Many (Part 2)

The concept of the Christian Trinity is puzzling, to say the least, but what about the Jewish/Christian god’s admittance to the existence of other gods? Here are the Old Testament instances where...
One God Versus Many

One God Versus Many - The Plurality is in the Pronoun (Part 1)

The Hebrew/Christian concept of monotheism has invaded the far corners of the earth, and many people have heard its doctrine; however, it continues to cause confusion and controversy, just as it did...
Cipactli and Aztec Creation

Cipactli and Aztec Creation

Many ancient civilizations believed that only water was present in the beginning, and that the earth came about through the direct actions of a large creature. Ancient Native Americans, Chinese, and...
ETs Myriad Worlds in Buddhist Cosmology

ETs & the Myriad Worlds in Buddhist Cosmology

Buddhist cosmology speaks of the existence of the Myriad Worlds. A fascinating translation of the work of a nineteenth-century Tibetan scholar reveals an enlightening perspective on the vast number...
Sodom & Gomorrah - Bad dh-Dhra

Sodom & Gomorrah - Scientific Evidence

The Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of greatest mass destructions caused by God. The question remains, is it a true story or not? Biblical Archaeologists believe that it is a true story,...
Rig Veda - Earth Colony

Colony Earth and The Rig Veda - Part II

I have taken the off-world position of reading the Sanskrit texts through the eyes of an ancient astronaut, and interpret them through the filter of the more current science and astrophysics. While...
Colony Earth - Rig Veda

Colony Earth and The Rig Veda - Part I

Earth is only one of hundreds of colonies in our galaxy, which is home to 100 billion alien planets. Now is the time for this self-evident truth to be accepted! Planet Earth is a Sacred Cosmic Life...
Chinese Terracotta Warriors

The Mysteries of the Chinese Terracotta Warriors

In 1974 the most important archaeological discovery in the world took place when more than 8000 life-size clay warriors were uncovered in Xi’an, China. The clay army lies in the greatest mausoleum in...
Sodom and Gomorrah

The Wrath of the Gods: Sodom and Gomorrah

It is one of the largest catastrophes mentioned in the Bible, and one that—though still in dispute between archaeologists—has possibly been verified as true. It is the destruction of Sodom and...
Exodus Scientific Evidence

The Exodus – Scientific Evidence

The story of the Hebrews departing from Egypt after ‘God’ cursed the Egyptians with ten plagues sounds like a fairy tale in which a vengeful God with superpowers punishes the Egyptians for not...
William Bramley Interview - The Gods of Eden

A very interesting Interview with William Bramley

William Bramley , author of one of the most popular books on ancient astronaut theory, Gods of Eden , has given an exclusive interview for the readers of Ancient-Origins. In this interview he...
Dating Methods in Archaeology

Dating methods in Archaeology. Are they accurate?

Dating refers to the archaeological tool to date artefacts and sites, and to properly construct history. All methods can be classified into two basic categories: a) Relative dating methods : Based on...

Olmecs, Ancient American Civilization with African Characteristics

When we speak about ancient Mexico, the first civilizations that come to mind are the Maya and the Aztecs. It wasn’t until the 1930s when a mysterious civilization was discovered that preceded any...
