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Aboriginal Rock Art - Astronomy

Australian Original Astronomical rock Engravings will Rewrite World History

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We are of the opinion the cluster of engraved astronomical markers found on a series of rock platforms is without parallel in Australia, and perhaps the world. Within a span of 3.5 kilometres there are at least 16 major rock platforms (at a location kept secret at this juncture) which contain no less than 3,500 star markers.

Conducted after extensive consultation with the relevant Original* Elders and Custodians, and set against a backdrop of an enormous amount of Dreaming stories focused “on top,” in particular the Seven Sisters (the Pleiades), the construction of so many markers is part of a trend, verging on obsession, the Original people had with distant celestial objects and constellations.

Our estimated tally of 3,500 star-markers is extremely conservative, many platforms are yet to be seen, and it is possible some will never be seen. We set ourselves two tasks: to determine the approximate number of star markers engraved and the possible reasons that inspired these people to devote so much time and effort chipping and pecking into rock.

To begin with, we are by no means the first to see these engravings, undeniably many have obviously seen the thousands of engraved circles over the years, but amongst non-Original circles nothing seems to have registered. It wasn’t until researcher Paul White was assessing the credentials of the extremely contentious set of 300 hieroglyphs found on three sandstone walls near Kariong, in work not related to any astronomical issues, he and his colleague came upon the set of star markers closest to the glyphs. Soon after the positioning and alignment of these Original engravings of the night sky was fed into computer software at Sydney University and according to White, “the star charts reveal an unbelievable match with the star pattern above Gosford around the year 2,500 BC. The whole thing is a giant star map".

Coupled with the advice Original Elder Gerry Bostock gave when reminding us this place resonated to the celestial theme of “as on top so below", and the fact that the original Creation Spirits are also called Sky-Heroes, all of these Original truths convinced us that the chances are high that many of these engravings/constructions serve astronomical purposes. If so, how far does this “giant star map extend", and just as significantly, is “the whole thing" limited to mapping the stars? How sophisticated and ancient is this astronomical complex, and in what way, if any, does this site fit into the present expectations and notions relating to pre-Cook Original history? 

In what only accentuates the inconvenient complexity and diversity of what was engraved, and the immediate need to protect and fully research all of these platforms, one deceptively small piece of rock which is claimed to bear hundreds upon hundreds of holes that represent the Milky Way, has either been stolen or is in safe-keeping. Local researcher and historian, Boris Branwhite, noted that “in 2002, a 1 meter by 800 cm (surface area) rock with hundreds of small circular holes was discovered at Wadalba (Central Coast, NSW). This sandstone rock appeared to be a Milky Way representation, with brighter stars having deeper holes. Aboriginal Elder Alan Moarywaala Barker identified this arrangement as a star map. This rock was removed by unknown persons in approximately 2009.

Then, in what only complicates procedures, all on site during the measuring and recording of these astronomical markers independently made note of cuts, curves and angles in the rock that required technology assumed to be absent in this country until very recent times. We are all of the opinion there are some engravings that could not be the end result of any application of rock on rock. Even the idea of a metal blade being responsible seems to fall well short of the mark, some of the curves are so exact and uniform and couldn’t be cut with more precision today, and there are incisions in the rock where the gap is barely a millimetre wide. Irrespective of who was responsible, the fact remains that the refined tools needed to fashion such delicate markings are not in the Original tool-kits as claimed by academics and books.

Repeating the same Celestial Theme, Precedence and Apathy

The oldest astronomical construction is found at Wurdi Youang (Victoria) and contains a sizeable set of rocks that mark “the setting sun at the solstices and equinoxes when viewed from the three prominent stones at the western apex" and is considered to be between 10,000 to 20,000 years old. As impressive as this construction undeniably is we believe it pales by comparison. Star patterns, alignments, solstices, plasma events, eclipses, perhaps even binary star systems, this and so much more has been constructed or engraved into the rocks and positioned along one ridge near Kariong, and is far more sophisticated. Not only is this site more numerous and complex than Wurdi Youang, with a base date of 4,500 years already factored in, it would not surprise in the least if one of these engraved star charts is found to be older than Wurdi Youang.

Moreover, within this cluster of rock platforms there is a central point, one shelf measuring 135 metres, which carries at least one fifth of the entire tally. We have recorded the position of 191 star markers, and there are no less than 500 engraved shapes still to be charted.

To the best of our knowledge this series of platforms is not only the most intensive ancient star chart in Australia, but we believe it has no parallel in the world. In what only adds to the intrigue, not far away many other pieces of archaeology, both engraved and constructed, have been found and they are no less unique and some are even more controversial.

More has to be done, the area surveyed, along with all that still has to recorded, demands protection rather than the apathy and strident denials. But it doesn’t stop there, there is the immediate obligation to correct some of the sins of the past and rewrite humanities’ ancient history paying special attention to the Australian Original people’s role and impact. This area has only just begun to give up some of its secrets, but will only continue to do so if every step taken and word written comes about through direct consultation with the relevant Original Elders and Custodians of Lore and Land.

*In our earlier paper of 22 pages (which can be found on Wake up World) we were much more conservative in our estimate. Since that paper was written, one platform was found containing at least 500 star markers and many others with hundreds of engravings, hence the revised estimate of 3,500.  

By Steven and Evan Strong

* The term ‘Original’ is used instead of ‘Aboriginal’, which means ‘away from origin’, since this term is not believed to be accurate in describing the indigenous inhabitants of Australia.


Bostock, Gerry. 2013.

Bragg, Gavin. "Star Marker Map ", 2013.

Branwhite, Boris. 2013.

Noris, Ray P., Cilla Norris , Duane W. Hamacher, and Reg Abrahams. "Wurdi Youang: An Australia Aboriginal Stone Arrangement with Possible Solar Indications"." Rock Art Reseach,no. 28th Sept. 2012 (2012).

White, Paul. "Letter to Cathie." 1999.


Photos by Ryan Mullins & Gavin Bragg.

Paul White, "Letter to Cathie," (1999). Unpublished Work – Letter.

Gerry Bostock, 2013. Personal Communication.

White, "Letter to Cathie."

Boris Branwhite, 2013. Persopnal Communication.

Ray P. Noris et al., "Wurdi Youang: An Australia Aboriginal Stone Arrangement with Possible Solar Indications"," Rock Art Reseach, no. 28th Sept. 2012 (2012).

Gavin Bragg, "Star Marker Map " (2013). Diagram.


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Steven and Evan Strong

Steven and Evan Strong are trying to share our understanding of Ancient Australia as having a rich past that started long ago. Australia has been visited in the past by the Ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chinese, Spanish,... Read More

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