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Prehistoric skeleton buried adorned with copper alloy goods.

Experimental Color Chart Reveals the Original Beauty of Prehistoric Copper Goods

An international team of Serbian and UK researchers claim to have developed a Cu-As-Sn (Copper-Arsenic-Tin) color ternary diagram, which will help scientists to uncover the original colors of ancient...
A Dendera Zodiac with added blue and gold color, Neues Museum, Berlin

A Circular Egyptian Mythology: Does the Dendera Zodiac Represent the Most Ancient Astronomy?

In 1799, Napoleon and his armies were beginning to expand their presence throughout Egypt. Napoleon brought not only armies but artists to record sketches of his findings of a country that was...
Aboriginal Rock Art - Astronomy

Australian Original Astronomical rock Engravings will Rewrite World History

We are of the opinion the cluster of engraved astronomical markers found on a series of rock platforms is without parallel in Australia, and perhaps the world. Within a span of 3.5 kilometres there...