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Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Out-of-Africa Yesterday, Australia Today and the Pleiades Tomorrow - Part 2

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Everything fitted perfectly, three times fifty or sixty thousand checked off nicely against the desired number of 150-200,000 years, or so it seemed, until Rebecca Cann decided to delve deeper and sample the Australian Original mtDNA genes herself (which is passed on from generation to generation by women). What she found literally turned the whole Homo sapien sapiens tree upside down. Based on a mitochondrial DNA sampling “of 112 humans, including twelve Australian Aborigines” she had no choice but to contradict their earlier paper conceding that “mitochondrial DNA puts the origin of Homo sapiens much further back and indicates that the Australian Aborigines arose 400,000 years ago from two distinct lineages, far earlier than any other racial type”. Instead of exhibiting one third the genetic diversity of other races, which was a crucial element of their earlier paper’s self-regulation, it would seem their initial comparison to the African race was wrong by a factor of 30.

FIGURE 1: Oldest homo sapien sapien in the world- Mungo Man W.L.H. 3

What she found was that the “Australian racial group has a much higher number of mutations”, and that this trend runs contrary to a predicted rate of one third to that of any other race. Moreover, “by the same theory, the Mongoloids originated about 100,000 years ago, and the Negroid and Caucasian groups about 40,000 years ago”. Employing Cann’s calculations we now find that the Original people came into existence 400,000 years ago, eight times earlier than what they proposed in their paper, and instead of exhibiting one third the genetic diversity of the Africans they actually have a mutation rate ten times greater than the Africans. This amounts to a genetic miscalculation by a factor of 30, and the timing mechanism of their molecular clock, if Cann’s research was valid, is now in tatters.

In 1987 and 1989 Wilson came down to Australia seeking out a resolution and the blood of full-descent Original men and women. Spread throughout the continent he managed to gather 31 samples, from which they identified 22 different mutations. That analysis yielded one truth and two sets of figures that stand above any African ancestry. A 71% mutation rate is a huge variation, much larger than any other race on this planet. Equally, the prevailing belief is that from the establishment of a new race one mutation takes place every 3,500 years. Therefore, the greater the rate the older the date. The problem is we already have 22x3,500 years=77,000 years, as an absolute minimum date, but in their earlier paper the maximum date of entry allowed into Australia was 60,000 years. In what only increases the potential for more Original noughts, Wilson was quite candid when reflecting upon what would happen if the sampling group was larger and continued at the same rate of 71%, leading one to question what date is to be chosen? As “far out” as 400,000 years may seem, all that is needed is the vials of blood of 164 full-descent Original men and women consistent in the mutation rate Wilson already discovered, and the date of 400,000 years is exceeded.

Men’s Business

For the sake of balance, and in remaining faithful to the crucial principle of gender equality that underpins post-Cook Original culture, after examining the women’s heritage through mtDNA it seems fitting to complete this comparison by briefly presenting the men’s side of this scientific equation. Granted the study of Y Chromosomes is less reliable than the more extensive and consistent research associated with mtDNA, but it is not without its strengths and does repeat the same mantra of antiquity, dual lineages and one unanswered participant. An extensive analysis of the breakdown of Original Y Chromosomes (Vanderburg et al, 1999) was “compared with other worldwide populations” which “produced 41 unique haplotypes” exhibiting a fairly even spread throughout the male population outside Australia. Inside Australia nothing really matched, particularly the distinctive concentration of the much more ancient Original lineage as “most (78%) of Aboriginal haplotypes fell into two clusters, possibly indicating two original, separate lineages of Aboriginal Australians”. In what only accentuates the absence of connection outside Australia they discovered “two haplotypes unique to Australian Aboriginals”.

“Unique” is not a genetic trait that should be expected if the First Australians were of African descent. This description is just as applicable when discussing the mtDNA recently extracted for WLH 3 (Mungo Man), who is agreed to be the oldest example of Homo sapien sapiens in the world. What is also uncontested is the fact that the mtDNA of this Original male does not match to any other sample found past or present and has been referred to as an ‘extinct gene.’ Whether accepting the older date ascribed, as we do, of 62,000 years or the more conservative and convenient 45,000 years, all are agreed this individual is the closest in timing to the hypothetical African migration, but cannot find any genetic link to African genes or any other race.

But what is of even more relevance is yet another scientific acknowledgement of “two…lineages”. Wilson was prepared to throw Homo erectus into the mix and leave the other candidate un-specied, the rest, and there are other Australian genetic studies identifying two lineages, offer nothing. Of course, whenever such an historical impasse appears we invariably adopt the same approach, ask the Original Elders and Custodians of Lore as they can rightfully speak on behalf on the people who witnessed such events. And we did so yet again, but there was another being present during this seminal moment in the ascension of one species of hominids who is also deserving of mention.

Part 3: Pleiadians and the Elders

Part 1

By Steven and Evan Strong


Lawlor, Voices of  the First Day. 26.

Tressa Jamison, "The Australian Aboriginal People:  Dating the Colonization of Australia,"(2004),

Josephine Flood and Alan Thorne (Photographer), "Mungo Man 3 - W.L.H. 3 (From: Archaeology of the Dreamtime: The  Story of Prehistoric Australia and Its People)," (Marleston, Australia: J.B. Publishing, 2004). 45.

Jamison, "The Australian Aboriginal People:  Dating the Colonization of Australia."




Wonderful. enlightening page from a retired professor of mythology and an avid student of the late Joseph Campbell.
I read you often with great satisfaction. Keep it coming - please!!

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Steven and Evan Strong

Steven and Evan Strong are trying to share our understanding of Ancient Australia as having a rich past that started long ago. Australia has been visited in the past by the Ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chinese, Spanish,... Read More

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