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A Hypothesis on the Pillars of Hercules and Their True Location

A Hypothesis on the Pillars of Hercules and Their True Location

In this article, aimed at identifying the real location of the mythical Pillars of Hercules, it is first verified that in the works of Plutarch and Plato there are correct references to a continent...
Rare Roman Artifacts Unearthed Beneath an Ancient Well

Rare Roman Artifacts Unearthed Beneath an Ancient Well

Located near the Temple of Hercules and in a sacred area of the site, archaeologists excavating a well in the ancient city of Ostia Antica, about 15 miles southwest of Rome, were surprised to find...
FBI has joined the investigation of the the British Museum theft.  Source: coward_lion/Adobe Stock

FBI Joins Hunt for Missing Ancient Treasures from British Museum!

The FBI has joined the Metropolitan Police of Britain in the investigation of the sale of hundreds of artifacts believed to have been stolen from the British Museum in an alleged “inside job.” The US...
The 1,800-year-old face of Apollo uncovered at Philippi. Source: Greek Reporter / Ministry of Culture.

1,800 Year Old Marble Head of Apollo Unearthed in Ancient Philippi

A new find amidst the ruins of the historic city of Philippi: a rare head of Apollo, carved in marble and crowned by a wreath of leaves, has been unearthed. dated to the 2nd or early 3rd century AD,...
Sumerian Cylinder Seal of King Ur-Nammu, about 2100 BC. Source: Steve Harris/CC BY-SA 2.0

Ascension to the Heavens in Ancient Mythology

The ascension of humans or beings into the heavens is a common theme among many mythologies and religions all over the world. Even though most people recognize the well-known ascension of Jesus, and...
  Cerne Abbas Chalk Figure Now Identified As the Greek Hero Hercules Researchers have been speculating for centuries about the meaning and origin of a gigantic 180-foot (55-meter) human figure carved into a chalky hillside near the village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset, England. While many explanations have been offered purporting to explain who this man really is, a new study published in the medieval history journal Speculum asserts that the mystery has been solved. The answer to this timeworn question appears

Cerne Abbas Chalk Figure Now Identified As the Greek Hero Hercules

Researchers have been speculating for centuries about the meaning and origin of a gigantic 180-foot (55-meter) human figure carved into a chalky hillside near the village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset,...
Hercules and Iolaus, Fountain mosaic from the Anzio Nymphaeum, Museo Nazionale Romano, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome. (Public Domain)

No Happy-Ever-After For The Doomed Lovers Of Hero Heracles

Heracles, born of the mortal woman Alcmene by Zeus, King of the Gods, is the greatest of the Greek heroes, yet he was not fated to an everlasting happy love life, until after his death. His...
The Capture of the Golden Fleece, an oil painting by Jean-François de Troy. Source: Public domain

Jason and his Mythological Quest for the Legendary Golden Fleece

One of the most fascinating stories of ancient Greek mythology is the story of the Argonauts and the Quest for the Golden Fleece. Set in the pre-Trojan War era, this epic narrative unfolds during a...
Archaeologists have discovered Alexander the Great’s Temple intertwining his legacy with Hercules and Sumerian god Ningirsu.

Alexander the Great Temple Proclaiming Him Divine Unearthed In Iraq

One of the last acts by Alexander the Great before dying at the tender age of 32 might have been dedicating a Greek temple to honor ancient gods and confirm his own divine status. This is according...
Samson and the Lion by Luca Giordano (1694) Museo del Prado (Public Domain)

Metallurgical Key Unlocking Samson’s Lion Riddle

Biblical Samson challenged his wedding guests with a riddle: “ Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet ”. The simple answer is Samson was referring to a...
Statue of Hercules found near the Appian Way. Credit: Archaeological Park of Appia Antica

Incredible Ancient Statue of Hercules Pulled from Rome Sewer

Archaeologists in Rome have made an exciting discovery while conducting excavation work to repair collapsed sewage pipes in Parco Scott, a part of the Appia Antica Archaeological Park. They stumbled...
Right; Dancers in a fresco in the Etruscan Tomb of the Triclinium, Left; Tarchon mosaic, Tarquinia, Lazio, Italy.  Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; Public Domain

Tarchon and Tyrrhenus: The Etruscan Romulus and Remus?

The Etruscans, although enigmatic compared to the familiar civilizations of Greece and Rome, had a significant impact on the development of Roman civilization. As a result, it is unsurprising that...

Gender Interpretation Of Achilles And Amazon Penthesilea’s Fatal Love In Greek Art

Amazon queen Penthesilea was breathtakingly beautiful. “ Aphrodite, the noble bride of the potent War-god, made her beautiful indeed in death, so that the son of Peleus (Achilles), could be pierced...
This impressive larger-than-life Hercules statue has been excavated in the ancient city of Philippi, in modern Greece.   Source: YPPOA Hellenic Ministry of Culture

2,000-Year-Old Statue of Hercules Found in Ancient City of Philippi

Eastern Macedonia’s most important archaeological site, Philippi (also written as Fillipi), has had a huge role to play in shaping the history of the Western world. The UNESCO World Heritage Site,...
Typhon and Echidna were parents to a pantheon of Greek monsters. Statue of Echidna in Parco dei Mostri, Bomarzo, Italy  Source: Public Domain

Typhon and Echidna: Monster Makers of Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is full of terrible monsters. Although it is difficult to choose the worst or most terrible of the Greek monsters, Typhon and Echidna are strong contenders. Both were giant behemoths...
The huge mosaic of the Twelve Labors of Heracles discovered at Syedra, Turkey. Source: Turkey Department of Culture

Massive Mosaic Depicting the 12 Labors of Heracles Unearthed in Turkey

Excavations being carried out in the ancient city of Syedra, traced back to 2,900 years ago, continue to shed light on the vibrant history of what is now Turkey. Located in the Alanya district of...
This marble head, believed to be the head of Hercules, was found next to the legendary Antikythera shipwreck. It may complete a headless statue found on the wreck in 1900 that is now on display in Athens’ largest museum. Source: Ministry of Culture and Sports

Divers Recovered a ‘Herculean’ Marble Head from the Antikythera Shipwreck

For a long time, most only associated the word “Antikythera” with an ancient computer. In 2020, that changed after Greek divers recovered a giant marble head from the world-renowned shipwreck...
Diomedes Devoured by his Horses, by Gustave Moreau (1865), Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen (Public Domain)

Hotdogs, Hamburgers And Humans On The Menu For Carnivorous Horses

An article in the magazine The Horse entitled Carnivorous Horses by Dr Sue McDonnell in which she described horses killing and devouring other animals, spurred some letters to the editors from...
Hindu Gods And Their Counterparts: Ubiquitous In A Global Sphere

Hindu Gods And Their Counterparts: Ubiquitous In A Global Sphere

Modern Hinduism is likely the most difficult modern religious schemata in the world to define, due to its countless number of sects and influences, and its philosophical additions and interpretations...
Representational image of an underwater temple. Source: Vitalis Arnoldus / Adobe Stock

Have Researchers Found Fabled Temple of Hercules Gaditanus in Cadiz?

A famous temple of the Phoenician-Punic deity Melqart, located near the ancient city of Gadir (now Cádiz), became a temple dedicated to Hercules Gaditanus under the Romans. Now experts believe they’...
Commodus the Roman Emperor

Commodus: The Outrageous Emperor Who Fought as a Gladiator

Roman Emperor Lucius Aurelius Commodus was a corrupt ruler who was not well-received by the Roman people during his reign. He also believed himself to be a reincarnation of Hercules and enjoyed...
Aerial shot of the Cerne Abbas Giant.            Source: Dorset Council / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Tests Reveal True Age of Naked Cerne Abbas Giant

After a year of work, archaeologists in the United Kingdom have completed their scientific tests to determine the age of a giant figure cut into the chalk of a hill. This figure, known as the Cerne...
Restoring The Roman Retreat Of Herculaneum Beach, Buried By Vesuvius

Restoring The Roman Retreat Of Herculaneum Beach, Buried By Vesuvius

Herculaneum beach in the ancient Roman town of Herculaneum, buried along with Pompeii by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on October 24th 79 AD, is to be excavated and restored. When the archaeologists...
Statue of Hercules

A Herculean Effort: Can You Name the 12 Labors of Hercules?

Classical mythology is full of heroes, but Hercules (known to the Greeks as Heracles ) is undoubtedly the most celebrated of them all. Although his heroic life was packed with daring escapades from...
