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Winemaking in Georgia. Source: lobodaphoto / Adobe Stock.

Behind Georgia’s 8,000-Year-Old Winemaking Tradition (Video)

Georgia boasts an unparalleled winemaking legacy, stretching back an astonishing eight millennia . Research reveals that this land birthed the art of winemaking, nurturing over 40 vineyards today...
Hair rings (top left), a pin (bottom left), necklaces (middle) and a choker (bottom right) were among a total of 26 gold objects from Poliochni on Lemnos examined by the international research team. Source: Christoph Schwall / ÖAI Wien

Treasure Melting Laser Reveals Legacy of Ancient Alchemists

After a handheld laser “melted” into a collection of ancient gold jewelry a team of scientists discovered microbic evidence of an early Bronze Age trade route extending from Anatolia as far as the...
This lower jaw tooth of an early human species, from roughly 1.8 million years ago, discovered at the Orozmani site in southern Georgia, provides more evidence that the first humans left Africa and wandered northeast. Source: Municipality Of Dmanisi

Early Humans Out of Africa: 1.8 Myo Tooth Found in Orozmani, Georgia!

It was only a year ago, when the oldest hominin site outside Africa was discovered near the village of Kvemo Orozmani in southern Georgia. The 2021 Georgia discovery included stone tools and animal...

Early Hominins Competed with Saber-Toothed Cats 2 Million Years Ago

Homo erectus , literally upright man, is an extinct species of archaic human from the Pleistocene, first occurring 2 million years ago, and is widely identified as the first recognizable members of...
A Mongol melee in the 13th century. (Public Domain)

The Great Mongolian Raid Of Georgia And The Siege Tower Of Corpses

By late 1220, after being relentlessly pursued for months by Genghis Khan’s generals Shah Ala ad-Din Muhammad II of Khwarazm , wearing a torn shirt, died exhausted, poor, and from pleurisy. With the...
A pack of Eurasian hunting dogs, like the one discovered at Dmanisi, chasing prey, while a disabled member of the pack is running far behind; incapable of contributing to the hunt, its survival depends on the pack-mates. Source: Mauricio Antón / Nature

Earliest European Hunting Dogs Supported Their Weak

The “earliest evidence of the arrival of hunting dogs in Europe” discovered to date has been announced in a new article published in Nature . The Eurasian hunting dog remains were unearthed at the...
It Really Was a Planet of the Apes Two Million Years Ago

It Really Was a Planet of the Apes Two Million Years Ago

New genetic research shows early humans’ brains were “much more ape-like” than what is measured in modern humans. What this means is that the first waves of human ancestors to migrate out of Africa...
Native American History Destroyed In Georgia’s Track Rock Gap

Native American History Destroyed In Georgia’s Track Rock Gap

The U.S. Forest Service has announced that vandals have systematically destroyed important pre-Colombian petroglyphs at historic sites in the southeastern Chattahoochee–Oconee National Forests,...
Nacoochee Indian Mound in Georgia

Formal Rewriting of America’s “Racist” Indigenous History Has Begun

A team of US researchers claims indigenous groups maintained their ancient traditions in the southeastern US nearly 150 years after the first waves of European arrivals, going against the traditional...
Chinese Votive Sword Found in Georgia

Chinese Votive Sword Found in Georgia suggests Pre-Columbian Chinese travel to North America

In July 2014, an avocational surface collector chanced across a partially exposed Chinese votive sword behind roots in an eroded bank of a small stream in Georgia. The 30 cm artifact is possibly a...
The Cathedral of the Dormition is an 11th century cathedral in Kutaisi, Georgia of the Bagrationi dynasty. Photo source: viii / Adobe Stock.

The Bagrationi Dynasty – A Millennium of Christian Power

The Bagrationi (sometimes Hellenized as Bagratid) dynasty was the ruling dynasty of Georgia for over a millennium. This dynasty was founded during the Middle Ages and ruled the country until the...
The residents of San Miguel De Gualdape were overcome with sickness in the swampy environment. (NPS / Public Domain)

To the Shores of Distant Death: The Failed Colony of San Miguel De Gualdape

The year is 1526. Onto the wild and wooded lands of what is today Georgia in the United States, European feet had never permanently walked. These forests and river valleys, the wild rolling hills of...
Ice Cave Lake, Krubera Cave

Krubera Cave - Journeying to the Depths of Georgia in One of the World’s Deepest Caves

Krubera Cave was once thought to be the deepest cave on earth, although now it is generally regarded as the second deepest. This natural wonder, found in the Republic of Georgia , is renowned among...
This is base of Neolithic jar being prepared for sampling for residue analysis.

Discovery of 8,000-year-old Residue in the Middle East is the Earliest Evidence Yet of Winemaking

Gadachrili Gora Regional Archaeological Project Expedition (GRAPE), a joint undertaking between the University of Toronto (U of T) and the Georgian National Museum, have uncovered evidence of the...
Georgia, Savannah River, near Savannah, circa 1862. (Public Domain) with couple (Public Domain);Deriv.

Prehistoric Romeo and Juliet Lived Apart: But Why? The People of the Shoals and The People of the Hills

Just north of Augusta, Georgia, USA, near what is called the Fall Line of the Savannah River, lies Stallings Island. It has given its name to the culture that sparked the second great American...
The epitaph of King Kvirike III’s tomb features text in Asomtavruli script. (Credit: Cultural Heritage Agency)

11th Century King’s Tomb Unearthed at Dilapidated Monastery in Georgia

Historians in Georgia made a surprise discovery during restoration work, when they happened upon the location of the tomb of a renowned king from the 11 th century. Workers uncovered the gravestone...
The Katskhi Pillar in Georgia.

Monk Lives Life of Solitude on This 131-Foot-Tall Rock with a 2,000 Year History

The Katskhi Pillar is the name given to a natural limestone column located in Georgia. On the top of this monolith is a monastery, which was built during the 1990s. Today, a solitary monk by the name...
Georgian (Colchis) fortress of Surami, built in the 2nd-3rd centuries, heavily fortified in the 12th century

The Ancient Kingdom of Colchis: A Legendary Land of Plenty, Conflict, and the Golden Fleece

Anyone familiar with Greek legends has heard of the Colchis Kingdom. It was to here that the band of heroes known as the Argonauts ventured in order to obtain the Golden Fleece, a symbol of authority...
Bizarre Burials Uncovered in Ancient Georgia Cemetery Include Headless Skeletons and Decapitated Skull on a Plate

Bizarre Burials Uncovered in Ancient Georgia Cemetery Include Headless Skeletons and Decapitated Skull on a Plate

A team of Georgian and Polish archaeologists working at the Beshtasheni burial site of south-eastern Georgia have uncovered 16 graves dating from the Late Bronze to Early Iron Age. Most of the...
: Discovery of the vessel.

Wine used in Ritual Ceremonies 5000 Years Ago in Georgia, the Cradle of Viticulture

A Georgian-Italian archaeological expedition has discovered vine pollen in a zoomorphic vessel used in ritual ceremonies by the Kura-Araxes population. In the archeological site of Aradetis Orgora,...
Queen Tamar: The Confident Female Ruler of the Georgian Golden Age

Queen Tamar: The Confident Female Ruler of the Georgian Golden Age

Queen Tamar was a ruler of Georgia who lived between the 12th and 13th centuries AD. This monarch presided over what is today known as the Georgian Golden Age . This was a period that began in the...
Multi-facet basalt artifact, Georgia, USA.

Jackson County Artifact Adds Mystery to History of the Region: What are the Symbols and Who Made Them?

History is sometimes slow to share its secrets, but it did recently for a rural Jackson County man while he was clearing an area of his property. As a longtime resident and avid artifact collector,...
Little is known about the natives with whom the Luna expedition made contact, but they left behind these beads, which were unearthed in Pensacola, Florida.

Lone Archaeologist Discovers First Multi-Year European Settlement in the U.S.

An archaeologist and historian working on his own found the first multi-year settlement by Europeans on U.S. soil, in Pensacola, Florida. The mid-16th century expedition of about 1,500 people led by...
7th century BC inscription in Georgia

7th century BC inscription in Georgia may rewrite history of written language

Archaeologists working at the ancient site of Grakliani Hill in Georgia have found inscriptions that may date back 2,700 years—well before the alphabet was known to have been in use in the Caucasus...
