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First Nations

Inside royal kurgan in Kerch, Ukraine		Source: Danil/Adobe Stock

The Kurgan Hypothesis – Right Idea, Wrong Continent

In 1956, a hypothesis was proposed by UCLA archaeology and anthropology professor Marija Gimbutas. Her proposal, which was in part based on prior work by Otto Schrader (1883) and V. Gordon Childe (...
Haida mask. Source: Fiona M. Donnelly / Adobe Stock.

Haida Resilience: The Untold Saga of Canada's Coastal Warriors (Video)

The Haida people of Canada have a rich history that dates back over 10,000 years. They were known for their naval power and their strategic use of the ocean, which sustained them through trade and...
First Nation K’ómoks Advanced Fishing Traps Revealed in British Columbia

First Nation K’ómoks Advanced Fishing Traps Revealed in British Columbia

In the shallow coastal waters along the eastern shore of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, low tide brings a remarkable sight. When the tides are out and the tidelands of Comox Bay are revealed,...
The malevolent Mishipizheu monster-god of Lake Superior. Source: SJB1995 / CC-BY-SA

Godlike Power and Monster Malevolence: Mishipizheu of Lake Superior

In Gordon Lightfoot’s 1976 song The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald , he figuratively blames the sinking of that ship on the “witch” of November. Folks more familiar with Ojibway mythology might,...
6,000-Year-Old Yukon Throwing Dart Was Made Using Beaver Secretion

6,000-Year-Old Yukon Throwing Dart Was Made Using Beaver Secretion

Scientists from the Canadian Conservation Institute have discovered the earliest evidence of the use of castoreum in the making of weapons. The castoreum, a product sourced from the anal castor sacs...
Hunting Buffalo by Alfred Jacob Miller (1858) Walters Art Museum (Public Domain)

Preserving The Beasts That Powered The Canadian First Nations

In Canada the term ‘First Nations’ represents the aboriginal communities who draw their origins from the pre-contact era (before the arrival of Europeans) up to the present day. Historians generally...
Members of the archeology team, from left to right, John Maxwell, Alisha Gauvreau, and Seonaid Duffield work on excavating the site.

14,000 Old Heiltsuk Village Site Found in British Columbia. Could it be the Oldest in North America?

An ancient archaeological discovery on Triquet Island on B.C.'s Central Coast affirms the Heiltsuk Nation’s oral tales. The newly found village site is estimated to be three times as old as the Great...
Archaeologists Discover 3,800-Year-Old Underwater Vegetable Garden

Archaeologists Discover 3,800-Year-Old Underwater Vegetable Garden

Piece by piece, archaeologists are discovering evidence of creative engineering techniques practiced by innovative ancient peoples. One such example is making archaeological news headlines – the...
Looking to Elders to Discover the Amazing Burial Mounds and Forgotten Woodland Traditions of Canada

Looking to Elders to Discover the Amazing Burial Mounds and Forgotten Woodland Traditions of Canada

While the burial mounds and earthworks of the Adena and Hopewell Cultures are usually associated with the Ohio River Valley, there are lesser-known—but equally as fantastic—manifestations of these...
Buffalo Jump

1,600-Year-Old Untouched Meal Still in Roasting Pit Unearthed in Alberta

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient feast, still intact, in a 1,600-year-old roasting pit at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. The exact contents of the meaty meal are...
Illustration of a Paleoindian campsite

12,000-Year-Old Campsite and Hundreds of Artifacts Unearthed in Canada

First Nations archaeologists in New Brunswick, Canada, are unearthing hundreds of artifacts and exposing a campsite where their distant ancestors lived about 12,000 years ago. It is one of the...
Stone tool unearthed in Oregon

Stone tool unearthed in Oregon may date back 15,800 years or more

A stone tool believed to be 15,800 years old or older and with bison blood on it, has been excavated from deep under the earth’s surface in Oregon, archaeologists announced. If the scraper, made from...