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New research has thrown into doubt long-held assumptions about the origin and the gender of horse sacrifices by the last European pagans. Source: Aljabakphoto / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Europe’s Pagans Imported Horses to Sacrifice… and They Got Them From Christians

Horse sacrifices were a mainstay of pagan rituals across the Baltic. The archaeology leaves no doubt: from the 1st to 13th centuries AD this pagan belief scarcely wavered in popularity: even the loss...
Archaeologists excavating at the site in Tainiaro forest, Finland.	Source: Aki Hakonen/Antiquity Publications Ltd

6,500-Year-Old Arctic Site Might Be World’s Northernmost Ancient Cemetery

Signs of human use and occupation have been found at a lonely Artic outpost known as Tainiaro, which is located in the far-northern Finnish region of Lapland, just 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of...
Nestled within Koli National Park, the Pirunkirkko cave, known as the Devil's Church in English, has become renowned for its purported connection to the spirit realm. Source: University of Eastern Finland

Researchers Unpack Science Behind Unique Presence of Devil in Finnish Cave

Thousands of curious visitors venture to the Pirunkirkko or ‘Devil’s Church’ cave in eastern Finland, in the fervent hope of the contact with the spirit world, specifically, to ‘talk to the Devil’...
12th century Crusader sword and a part of the scabbard found in a geothermal pipe trench, Salo, Finland.   Source: Riikka Saarinen / Turku Museum Center/University of Turku

12th Century Crusader Sword Sheds Light on Christianity in Finland

In the southwestern town of Salo in Finland, a fabulous discovery has emerged, with the potential to reshape experts' understanding of the history of Christianity in Finland. A landowner in Finland,...
Wife-carrying. Source: Алина Битта / Adobe Stock.

In Finland, Carrying One's Wife is More than Affection – It's a Sport!

In the tapestry of ancient sports and traditions, some activities are surprisingly unconventional. One such sport that has captured global fascination, emerging from the picturesque landscapes of...
An artist’s impression of the child buried in Majoonsuo during their life. Source: Tom Björklund / University of Helsinki

Child’s Stone Age Grave in Finland Reveals Nordic Funerary Customs

A Stone Age burial site in Majoonsuo in the municipality of Outokumpu in eastern Finland has provided an exceptional find during an archaeological dig. Buried underneath a gravel road in a forest in...
Volunteers helping the Temple Twelve in their quest to unearth the Lemminkäinen Hoard. Source: Carl Borgen

‘On the Verge’ of Finding $20 Billion Lemminkäinen Hoard. Or Are They?

If you search the internet for information about the Lemminkäinen Hoard the results are greatly skeptical in nature. This is mostly because back in 2018 a team of treasure hunters told The Science...
A photo of the Kummakivi Balancing Rock.

The Kummakivi Balancing Rock and its Unlikely Explanation in Finnish Folklore

The Kummakivi Balancing Rock is a natural feature found in a scenic forest region of Ruokolahti, a municipality in the region of South Karelia, in the southeastern part of Finland. This feature...
According to folklore and myths, certain Finnish trees hold spirits and deities and hugging them brings people in closer contact with these.  Source: leonovo / Adobe Stock

Greeting Old Friends: Sacred Trees in Finnish Folklore

Finland is known as a country with many forests. In fact, over 75% of Finland is covered in forests. Therefore, it is not surprising that Finnish folklore includes several myths and stories told...
The once-mysterious Baltic Sea ship as it was first discovered by a volunteer dive team in July 2020 off the coast of Finland. The ship has now been identified as a Dutch three-masted fluyt, based on expert research by a diverse time of archaeology experts.	Source: Badewanne team / Handle Productions

Finland’s Mysterious 18th-century Baltic Sea Ship Has Been Identified!

In June 2011, a Finnish treasure hunting company was scanning the Baltic Sea in the Gulf of Bothnia when “they claimed” their sonar captured what tabloid newspapers reported was “a sunken UFO.” While...
The research suggests that a re-evaluation of gender in Iron Age society is required. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe Stock.

Study Argues Medieval Finnish Warrior Was Non-Gender Specific

A new study claims to have solved the mystery of non-binary gender evidence at a medieval warrior grave. In 1968, in the village of Suontaka Vesitorninmäki in southern Finland, a warrior’s grave...
The wooden snake staff was discovered in south-west Finland. Source: Satu Koivisto/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Discovery of Snake Staff Leaves Archaeologist “Utterly Speechless”

While excavating a site in southwest Finland , archaeologists came across something extraordinary. Hidden in the muddy soil in the wetland site of Järvensuo-I they unearthed a delicately carved snake...
A Sámi family  in front of goahti and lavvu housing, early 1900s, Norway

The Sami People: Reindeer Herding and Cultural Survival in the Far North

The Sámi are the northernmost indigenous people of Europe. For thousands of years they have lived in an area called Sápmi - the northern sectors of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula...
Eveliina Salo taking samples of the hearth structure.

Submerged Stone Age Settlement ‘Opens Up New Path’ for Finnish Archaeology

Pia Purra / University of Helsinki The prehistoric settlement submerged under Lake Kuolimojärvi provides us with a clearer picture of the human occupation in South Karelia during the Mesolithic and...
Lemminkäinen and the black swan.

Lemminkäinen: Resurrection of the Handsome, Yet Frivolous Finnish Epic Hero

Thus became a mighty hero, In his veins the blood of ages, Read erect and form commanding, Growth of mind and body perfect But alas! he had his failings, Bad indeed his heart and morals, Roaming in...
Ior Bock.

The Ior Bock Saga: Is Everything We Know about History Wrong?

There are many disagreements among scholars regarding historical events and individuals, however there is a consensus that most historians follow - a mainstream view of world history. At the same...
The Departure of Väinämöinen.

The Fantastic Adventures of Vainamoinen: Finnish Hero, Wizard, Shaman, and God

Väinämöinen is an important figure in Finnish folklore, and has been variously referred to as a hero, a wizard, a shaman, and a god. More importantly, this benevolent character is the primary...
The Defense of the Sampo, by Akseli Gallen-Kallela, shows Louhi in the form of a flying, winged creature. Created in 1895 by unknown artist.

Loviatar: Finnish Goddess of Desolation, Death, and Decay

Known as the blind daughter in Finnish mythology, Loviatar is the goddess of death and disease. Born from the union of Tuoni, the god of death, and his underworld queen Tuonetar, Loviatar is...
Rauno Koivusaari investigating wreck site.

Finnish Archaeologists find Wreck of 15th Century Ship Laden with €50m Worth of Treasure

An archaeological diving team in Finland said they have found the wreck of the Hanneke Wrome , which sank with valuable cargo and some 200 passengers and crew on November 20, 1468. Historic documents...
170-Year-Old Champagne Found in Shipwreck

Sunken Treasure: Scientists Taste 170-Year-Old Champagne Found in Shipwreck

What does champagne left on the bottom of the ocean for 170 years taste like? Leather and wet dog, apparently. Those were the initial findings by a team of scientists and lucky tasters after...
The Defense of the Sampo, magical artifact of Finnish folklore.

The Magical Sampo: Object of Power and Riches in Finnish Folklore

The Kalevala, a poem based on Finnish folklore and mythology, is regarded as the national epic of Finland. As such, the 28 of February has been set aside in Finland as a day to commemorate this piece...