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The celestial phenomenon over the German city of Nuremberg on April 14, 1561, as printed in an illustrated news notice in the same month. Source: Public Domain

The Mysterious 1561 Nuremberg Event ‘UFO Battle’

It was in April 1561 when all residents of Nuremberg, Germany, came out of their houses to investigate mysterious lights and loud sounds. They watched the sky, in awe and fear as they witnessed what...
A Han-era bì , 16 centimetres (6.3 in) in diameter (CC by SA 3.0).

The Mysterious Dropa Stones – Fact or Fiction?

The Dropa stones are said to be a set of 716 circular stone discs dating back 12,000 years on which tiny hieroglyphic-like markings can be found. Each disc is said to measure up to 1 foot in diameter...
Pharaoh Akhenaten in the center and his family worshiping Aten personified as the rays of a solar disk; later such imagery was prohibited.		Source: Egyptian Museum / Public domain

Explaining the Weirdly Alien Looking Statues of Pharaoh Akhenaten

In the history of Ancient Egypt, Akhenaten occupies a very special place. Of all the pharaohs over the many centuries, he was by far the most controversial one. His radical policies, major religious...
Panspermia theory argues that life came to Earth from elsewhere in our galaxy or even further away.(Dmitry / Adobe Stock)

Gods Galactica, The Kardashev Scale: Mankind’s Future Destiny Prophesized

“ But where is Everybody ?” asks the Fermi Paradox in the 1950’s regarding intelligent civilizations in the universe. In 1964, a 32-year-old Soviet/Russian astrophysicist named Nikolai Semyonovich...
Mount Shasta: Sacred Mountain and a Strange Destination for Many

Mount Shasta: Mystery Mountain and Sacred Destination

Mount Shasta is not the tallest or most beautiful mountain in the Cascade Range; but it is the most legendary. In terms of weirdness and strangeness, the unusual stories surrounding the mountain will...
Sanxingdui bronze heads wearing gold foil masks

Gold Mask of Mysterious Sanxingdui Culture Inspires Memes

Amid the once-tranquil village of Sanxingdui, in a quiet part of Sichuan province in China, a remarkable discovery took place which immediately attracted international attention and has since...
The stele dubbed by some as the “astronaut of Casar” is exhibited in the Caceres Museum, Caceres, Spain.      Source: Left; Alberto del Barrio Herrero / CC BY-SA 2.0, Right; verpueblos

The Astronaut of Casar Is An Unsolved Mystery, But Can We Explain It?

Some artifacts seem to be easy to misunderstand or are not well understood at all and this leads to wild theories. One of the biggest curiosities on display at the Caceres Museum in Caceres, Spain is...
Europa, Jupiter's Moon

Are Scientists Set to Discover Life Beneath Europa’s Underground Ocean?

Europa is one of Jupiter’s 79 moons. It is one of four large moons that revolve around the planet, and is slightly smaller in size than our moon. Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei, and...
A mummified three-fingered hand with eight inch fingers has been found in a Peruvian tunnel in the desert. While first inspection may lead one to conclude that it is nothing more than an imaginative man-made creation, examination by a physician in Cusco, Peru, revealed that it is composed of skin and bone, with six bones in each finger.

Bizarre 3-Fingered Mummified Hand Found in A Tunnel in the Peruvian Desert

A mummified three-fingered hand with eight inch fingers has been found in a Peruvian tunnel in the desert. While first inspection may lead one to conclude that it is nothing more than an imaginative...
The enigmatic Nazca Lines – Condor at center.

The Enigma of the Nazca Lines: Strange Theories and Unanswered Questions

The Nazca Lines of Peru remain one of history's most fascinating mysteries. They still mystify despite numerous attempts to unfold their secrets. Who designed and constructed the Nazca Lines, and why...
The rock art of Sego Canyon

The haunting rock art of Sego Canyon – extra-terrestrials or spiritual visions?

The sandstone cliffs of Sego Canyon are a spectacular outdoor art gallery of petroglyphs painted and carved by Native Americans peoples over a period of around 8,000 years. They are characterised by...
Artistic representations of the Paracas people. Credit: Marcia K. Moore

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results

Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Inca Region, on the south coast of Peru. It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928...

The Gods who “came to Earth”

In an earlier article, findings have validated the notion that the Australian Original Language, as chronicled at the Standing Stones, was the first tongue spoken and recorded for posterity, we...
Extraterrestrial Life Found in Earth’s Atmosphere

Scientists Reveal Extraterrestrial Life Found in Earth’s Atmosphere

British scientists have found evidence for a microscopic organism living 27 kilometres above Earth in the stratosphere and argue that it could not have been carried up into the atmosphere by storms...
Extraterrestrial virus

New Giant Virus Found on Earth may have Ancient Extraterrestrial orign

A virus found underwater off the coast of Chile and in a pond in Australia is the biggest virus ever discovered – up to ten times the size of other viruses – and only six per cent of its genes...
Lone Signal Project - METI and SETI for Extraterrestrials

METI joins SETI in the hunt for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

For 60 years, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been scanning our universal horizons for signs of intelligent life, listening and waiting for a signal to come bouncing back to...
Life in Venus Clouds

Could Alien Life Exist in Venus' Mysterious Clouds?

Most people, when they think of the planet Venus, conjure up images of a hot and steaming planet surrounded by highly acidic clouds that would extinguish or prevent any life from ever existing there...
Eyeball planets Extraterrestrial Life

'Eyeball Earth' Planets Could Hold Extraterrestrial Life

According to scientists, planets that resemble giant eyeballs due to the unusual distribution of ice, water and land, may exist around red dwarf stars and may be capable of supporting life. When a...
Dwarf stars

White Dwarf Stars May Be Best Chance for Discovering Extra-terrestrial Life

A new study titled, "Detecting Bio-Markers In Habitable-Zone Earths Transiting White Dwarfs", published by the Royal Astronomical Society, has concluded that dying White Dwarf systems could host...