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Generic image of flatlands. Source: Dmitry/Adobe Stock

Doggerland: Did a Tsunami Swallow Part of Europe? (Video)

In 1931, Pilgrim Lockwood's discovery of an antler harpoon in the North Sea unveiled the existence of a submerged land, Doggerland , connecting Britain to Europe. This region, traversed by...
An illustration depicting a Neanderthal man, providing a glimpse into the fascinating world of Stone Age Scandinavia.  Source: Dr_Microbe/Adobe Stock

Stone Age Scandinavia: First People in the North (Video)

In the unforgiving realm of Stone Age Scandinavia (10,000-5,000 BC), resilient pioneers, descendants of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, emerged as the first inhabitants. Venturing northward, crossing...
Loch of Stenness (edwin/Adobe Stock)

Revisiting The 6,000-Year-Old Submerged North Doggerland Culture Of Tu-lay

A recent find off the northernmost coast of the British Isles, provides evidence that the extreme flooding that occurred in ancient times on a worldwide scale, also affected this region...
Representational image of an underwater city. Source: Henry Letham / Adobe Stock.

The Search for England’s Underwater City (Video)

In the depths of the English Channel lies a lost city that has been submerged for over 8,000 years. It is known as Doggerland. One maritime archaeologist , Garry Momber, has spent two decades...
The reconstructed face of Krijn thr Neanderthal from Doggerland.

Is this the Face of Krijn, the First Neanderthal of The Netherlands?

The first-ever Neanderthal found in The Netherlands, who scientists call Krijn, has now been brought more fully to life . A pair of “paleo-artists” who specialize in making life-like reconstructions...
Sunset silhouette of Orford castle in Suffolk (Steve Mann / Adobe Stock)

Shuckland: Where Legends Haunt The Landscape

Shuckland encompasses haunted landscapes where legends, folklore, history and even tales of villains and heroes (but mainly villains) seemed to permeate the very fabric of the place and imprint their...
Stone Age Peoples Made Bone Arrowheads - From Human Bones!

Stone Age Peoples Made Bone Arrowheads - From Human Bones!

A recent analysis of artifacts obtained from North Sea beaches has revealed a surprising fact about life in ancient Europe. It seems that some Ice Age peoples carved weapons from human bones. This...
The Prehistoric Survivors of the Doggerland Tsunami Event

The Prehistoric Survivors of the Doggerland Tsunami Event

Thousands of years ago, mainland Europe and the UK were attached by a landmass called Doggerland. A tsunami hit that land and it was believed for a time that almost all of the hunter-gatherers who...
Representation of the Mesolithic people of Doggerland dealing with rising sea levels.

Scientists Find Evidence for the Tsunami that Washed Out Doggerland

The UK used to be attached to mainland Europe thousands of years ago. The landmass that made the connection is called Doggerland. That land is now underwater and scientists have been working for...
The Ring of Brodgar (or Brogar, or Ring o' Brodgar) is a Neolithic henge and megalithic circle on the Mainland, the largest island in Orkney, Scotland.

Orcadian Genesis: The Origins of the Orkney Isles’ Unique Megalithic Culture and its Roots in Britain’s Own Lost Atlantis - Part Two

[Read Part One Here] This is a continuation on discoveries showing how the Ness Of Brodgar Excavations on the Orkney Mainland are revealing a Mesolithic past with links not only to Britain’s own Lost...
Scilly’s Northern Islands

The Ancient Trackways of Britain’s Ley-Lines Steered Bronze Age Tin Miners

The Great St Michael and St Mary Alignment (or ‘corridor of incidence’) is probably the most famous ley-line in Britain, if not the world. Running for 350-miles across the country in a north-east to...
North Sea once formed a land-bridge between Europe and Britain.

St Michael’s Ley-line Leading to Legendary Doggerland

Does the St Michael ley-line reach far beyond the boundaries of our imagination to a destination lost in time and shrouded in myth? Doggerland was once a land-bridge connecting Britain to Europe...
7,000-Year-Old Forest and Footprints Uncovered in the Atlantis of Britain

7,000-Year-Old Forest and Footprints Uncovered in the Atlantis of Britain

Ancient footprints as well as prehistoric tree stumps and logs have become visible along a 200-meter stretch of a coastline at Low Hauxley near Amble, Northumberland, in what is believed to be...
The Mesolithic people of Doggerland

Atlantis of Britain: Prehistoric Territory of Doggerland Prepares to Unveil its Secrets

Doggerland, sometimes called the Stone Age Atlantis of Britain or a prehistoric Garden of Eden, is an area archaeologists have been waiting to rediscover. Finally, modern technology has reached a...
The Mesolithic people of Doggerland - North Sea Islands

North Sea islands with prehistoric inhabitants were wiped out by tsunami

New research presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna has revealed that an ancient civilisation located on a group of islands between Britain and Europe was wiped out by...