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The Jutes, warriors fighting in battle.  Source: Sarah/Adobe Stock

The Jutes, a Key Part of English National History

The Jutes, one of the early Germanic tribes, played a significant yet often overshadowed role in the migration period that reshaped Europe and laid the foundations for medieval England. They, along...
The ring found inn Jutland, Denmark whispers of unknown royalty from the Source: The National Museum Denmark

Gold Ring Hints At Unknown Royalty and an Alliance with the Kingdom of France

A metal detecting enthusiast has found a rare gold ring, which may reveal a new, unknown princely family in Denmark, which had close connections to the European great power of the time. The ring was...
The cranial remains of Vittrup Man, who ended up in a bog after his skull had been crushed by at least eight heavy blows. Source: Stephen Freiheit / Fischer et al., 2024, PLOS ONE / CC-BY 4.0

Research Reveals Complex Life of the Vittrup Man’s Danish Bog Body

An international team of scientists recently completed a comprehensive analysis of the remains of a body extracted from a peat bog in Denmark. Using DNA testing, plus various types of chemical...
The 2,000-year-old iron knife, found near Odense on the island of Funen, Denmark, carries the oldest runic inscription known.  Source: Rogvi N Johansen/© Museum Odense

Denmark’s Oldest Runic Inscription Found on the Blade of a 2,000-Year-Old Knife

The discovery of a runic inscription on an almost 2,000-year-old knife sheds light on Denmark's early written language and cultural history – it’s the oldest runic inscription found so far in the...
The Parthenon Centaur displayed in the National Museum in Copenhagen. 	Source: Courtesy of The National Museum of Denmark/Heritage Science Journal

Despite Intensive Scientific Analyses, Parthenon Marble Stain Remains a Mystery

For almost 200 years, archaeologists have been puzzled by a mysterious brown stain on the ancient Greek Parthenon temple in Greece. Now, researchers have conducted new scientific analyses, and their...
The face of the bog body known as Grauballe man. Source: Public domain

Grauballe Man: Ritual Sacrifice? Justice Dealt? Or a 2,300-Year-Old Murder Mystery?

Of the many ancient remains found preserved in bogs and marshes, perhaps the most interesting is the Grauballe Man. Discovered in a peat bog in Jutland, Denmark in 1952, experts believe that the man...
Viking Lord. Source: van Koop / Adobe Stock.

Was This Buried Viking Lord Close to a Legendary Danish King? (Video)

The unearthing of a mid-10th century grave in Fregerslev, Denmark , fascinated archaeologists. A seemingly routine excavation led to an astonishing discovery. Amidst the loose soil, they unearthed...
Detail of one of the Jelling Stones. Source: National Museum Denmark

Carvers of the Jelling Stones Identified by Danish Archaeologists

A new study has solved an intriguing historical mystery involving treasured Danish artifacts that are now more than 1,000 years old, having been made during Scandinavia’s Viking Age in the 10th...
Illustration of one the graves with Viking and horse, by Mirosław Kuźma. Source: Leszek Gardeła/The Conversation

Shared Horse and Human Burials Show Vikings’ Bond With Their Animal Companions

Keith Ruiter & Harriet Evans Tang / The Conversation Is your pet part of the family? That’s nothing new. Archaeological evidence exists to suggest that the Vikings held their own animals in high...
Just 2 centimeters in length, the Patrice, a Pre-Viking stamp, is believed to be a representation of a former royal power in Falster. Source: Lolland Falster Museum

Ancient Stamp Found at Pre-Viking Site in Denmark May Point to a Powerful King and Power Center

In Falster, southeast Denmark, a metal detector enthusiast has stumbled upon a “very rare find”, which could potentially change Danish history! A faint beep on his machine revealed a special Pre-...
A gold piece from the Vindelev hoard. Source: Oleryhlolsson / CC by SA 4.0.

The Ancient Golden Treasure Rewriting Danish History (Video)

A remarkable chance discovery in the Danish village of Vindelev is revolutionizing our understanding of early Norse history. Two old school friends, armed only with a metal detector, stumbled across...
The runestone discovered in Randers, Denmark is likely older than the Jelling stones. Source: Lene Brandt/DR

Giant Runestone Discovered Under Kitchen Floor in Denmark

A routine home renovation just outside the city of Randers in Denmark, turned into something out of a fantasy-treasure novel. A young couple stumbled upon a sizable runestone just as they were...
Part of the Viking hoard in situ. Source: Nordjyske Museer

Biggest Viking Treasure Trove in 50 Years Found in Denmark!

Talk about beginner’s luck! An amateur detectorist has found a highly valuable Viking treasure hoard in a cornfield in north-west Denmark. It includes silver jewelry and nearly 300 incredibly rare...
Replicas of the Golden Horns of Gallehus at the National Museum of Denmark. Source: Public domain

The Golden Horns of Gallehus: Stolen and Recovered Danish Heritage

The Golden Horns of Gallehus are a pair of richly decorated, 5th-century BC Germanic drinking horns that were discovered in Gallehus, a town in southern Denmark in 1639. The horns were made from...
The medallion bearing the earliest known mention of the Norse god Odin.     Source: Arnold Mikkelsen/ Denmark National Museum

Oldest Inscription of ‘Odin’ Resets Beliefs About Norse Mythology

Archaeologists in Denmark are celebrating the discovery of the oldest inscription mentioning the god Odin. This story begins with the 2021 discovery of a 5th century collection of Norse treasures at...
Representational image of a sunken shipwreck. Source: bayazed / Adobe Stock. Inset: Saffron, peppercorns, and almonds found aboard the Gribshunden ship. Credit: Larsson, M. and Foley, B.

Tasty Treasures: 3,000 Plants, Spices, and Fruits Found on 15th Century Norse Shipwreck

A remarkable discovery has been made by archaeologists of preserved plants, spices, and fruit aboard a sunken Norse ship from the 15th century. The ship, named Gribshunden , had belonged to King Hans...
The reconstruction of Skuldelev 5 (1991) (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Skuldelev Ships At Viking Roskilde, Legendary City Of King Hrothgar Of Denmark

The Danish island of Zealand is home to the city of Roskilde, the capital of Denmark from the 11th century until 1443. Roskilde was at the heart of numerous Viking land and trading routes, exerting...
Bocksten Man; The Tollund Man as he appears today; Osterby Man with hair tied in a Suebian Knot. At Archäologisches Landesmuseum; The face of the bog body known as Grauballe man;  Porsmose Man	Source: CC BY 2.0  / / CC BY 3.0 / Public Domain / CC BY-SA 3.0

Bog-Body Study Reveals Prehistoric “Overkill”

A new study analyzing 1000 bodies recovered from wetlands across Europe has concluded that the burial practice emerged in the deep-prehistoric period and continued until early modern times...
Representative image shows the reconstruction of a Viking Hall at Lofotr Viking museum, Borg, Norway. Source: Jon Olav Eikenes/CC BY 2.0

Harald Bluetooth Era Viking Hall Discovered in Denmark

When archaeologists in Denmark identified the foundations of a huge Viking hall they knew they’d hit archaeological paydirt. But they didn’t expect that this building would be the largest Viking hall...
Archaeologist Lea Mohr Hansen cleans animal bones found together with the human skeleton.          Source: Christian Dedenroth-Schou/ ROMU

Exciting Find of a Neolithic Bog Body in Denmark

For the second time since 1947, a human skeleton has been found in the Egedal Municipality in Denmark – in fact, the remaining fragments of a ‘bog body’. Initially just a femur, a lower jaw with some...
Left; 1660 chart illustrating Tycho Brahe’s model of the universe Right; Portrait of Tycho Braha, Skokloster Castle, Source: Left; Public Domain, Right; Public Domain

Tycho the Psycho? Meet One of History’s Maddest Scientific Minds Ever!

Tycho Brahe, the 16th century Danish astronomer, alchemist, astrologist, and scientist (1546-1601) was a force to be reckoned with – the true epitome of the brilliant, mad scientist. In the backdrop...
Portrait of a male Viking wearing fur. Source: Digital Storm / Adobe Stock

Elite Danish Vikings Wore Beaver Fur as a Status Symbol

A new study has revealed that elite Vikings, specifically highly ranked Danish Vikings, used and wore beaver furs as a means of showing off their exalted social status. This practice is not...
Medieval Colonialism: The Danish Duchy Of Estonia

Medieval Colonialism: The Danish Duchy Of Estonia

Within the pantheon of great empires, the Kingdom of Denmark has received very little attention, yet this small European civilization was one the most enterprising of its day following its...
The gilded side of the Trundholm Sun Chariot. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

The Astronomy of the Trundholm Sun Chariot

The famous Trundholm Sun Chariot is a bronze and gold artifact pulled out of a bog in Denmark in 1902. Said to belong to the Nordic Bronze Age (c. 1700 to 500 BC), the so-called chariot consists of a...
