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Rebecca Batley

Rebecca Batley has a Bachelor’s degree in archaeology (University of Wales) and a Master’s degree in Classics. She has several qualifications in Historical Documents Studies and has completed courses in basic Latin and Ancient Greek. She worked as an archaeologist both in the field and in post excavation carrying out research and report writing. She has worked for numerous archaeological companies including MOLA and Wessex Archaeology. In the field she has worked on sites dating to the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romano-British, Roman, Medieval, Tudor, Georgian and modern periods. Rebecca has qualifications in Osteology and recording. Employed by the Louvre Museum, she researched and excavated at sites in Egypt, Syria, and Israel.  She works at the Military Intelligence Archive to help to prepare World War One records for cataloguing and digitalisation and she is a part time History tutor. She currently resides in Essex.


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Roman legionaries building a defense wall (Travel Drawn/ Abode Stock)

Richborough Fort, Ruins Of The Gateway To Roman Britain

Two thousand years ago the Richborough Roman Fort stood on the Isle of Thanet, off the coast of Kent, separated from the mainland by the strategically important Wantsum Channel. This area of land,...
Leiston Abbey cloister garth at dawn (Eebahgum /CC BY-SA 4.0)

Leiston Abbey 13th-Century Pirating Monks Of Rural Suffolk

The original Leiston Abbey was once the home of pirating monks, but today the ruins of the second Leiston Abbey, showcasing some of the finest and most complete monastic remains in the south of...
The ruins of Thetford Priory (Tanya Dedyukhina/CC BY-SA 3.0)

Thetford Priory, Lost Resting Place of Henry VIII’s Illegitimate Son

The towering ruins of the Priory of Our Lady at Thetford recalls in the words of English Heritage, “ one of the largest and richest foundations in medieval East Anglia ,” yet the ravaged stones of...

Clare Castle, Seat Of Elizabeth De Clare Who Defied Her King

Not all castles are occupied by fairy princesses. In the 14th century, Elizabeth de Clare was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women of her time, who defied her king to defend her lands. Today...
Lord Darnley and Mary Queen of Scots by unknown painter (Public Domain)

In Search Of The Murder Scene Of Lord Darnley, Spouse Of Mary Queen Of Scots

Letters previously thought to have been Italian texts from the 16th century, turned out to be written by Mary Queen of Scotts, when she was held prisoner by her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I. This...
Fountain Abbey grounds enveloped in morning mist, from the Infirmary (DrMoschi /CC BY-SA 4.0)

Fountains Abbey: Ruins And Reminiscences Of Monastic Life In England

The imposing ruins of Fountains Abbey dominate the rural landscape around the village of Aldfield, three miles (4.8 kilometers) west of the town of Ripon in North Yorkshire, England. The largest...
Newport Castle with ships by J. M. W. Turner (1796) (Public Domain)

The Newport Medieval Trading Ship Revival

One of the most remarkable maritime archaeological discoveries of the 21st century was the discovery of the ghostly timbers of a medieval ship, embedded in the mud, when renovations of an arts centre...
The Great Heathen Army. The scene depicts brothers Hinguar and Hubba slaying Christians in the north of England. Manuscript from British Library (Public Domain)

Repton, The British Valhalla To The Great Viking Heathen Army And Ivar The Boneless?

Was Ivar the Boneless, son of Ragnar Lothbrock, buried at Repton in Derbyshire county, England? At first glance the small village of Repton, with its gentle village green does not seem at all...
The reconstruction of Skuldelev 5 (1991) (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Skuldelev Ships At Viking Roskilde, Legendary City Of King Hrothgar Of Denmark

The Danish island of Zealand is home to the city of Roskilde, the capital of Denmark from the 11th century until 1443. Roskilde was at the heart of numerous Viking land and trading routes, exerting...
Statue of Boudicca commissioned by Queen Victoria (Rixie / Adobe Stock)

Venta Icenorum: Excavating Romans In Boudicca’s Lands

Today the sleepy village of Caistor St Edmund in the country of Norfolk with its typical church spire and green, seems unremarkable but 2,000 years ago the terrain helped shaped the future of the...
Viking landing at Dublin, 841, by James Ward (1851-1924) (Public Domain)

Traces Of Viking Ivar the Boneless’ Dynasty At Waterford, Ireland

The first Viking raids recorded in Ireland date to 795 AD, and then they rapidly appear in the historic record. Traditionally the early Viking activity in Ireland falls into three phases, the first...
Vindolanda Roman fort on Hadrians Wall, Northumberland, England. Walls of the commanders residence (David Matthew Lyons / Adobe Stock)

Revisiting Vindolanda, The Roman Outpost Of Hadrian’s Wall

Sitting proudly on the line of Hadrian's Wall in northern England, just south of the Scottish border, the Roman fort of Vindolanda has dominated the landscape for nearly 2,000 years. Originally built...
The ruins of Reading Abbey and Forbury Park in 2020. (Marie / Adobe Stock)

Restoring The Ruins Of Reading Abbey, Resting Place Of Kings

Reading Abbey was once one of the largest monastic complexes in the British Isles. It was one of the pinnacles of religious life in England and the burial place of King Henry I . Located on a pilgrim...
Alchemist British Monks: Digging Up The Old Gunpowder Mills

Alchemist British Monks: Digging Up The Old Gunpowder Mills

16th-Century monks in Britain had a blast! They were the first to experiment with the recipe of saltpeter, Sulphur and charcoal to produce gunpowder in Britain. In the Battle of Crecy in 1346 the...
Tomb of Richard de Vere the 11th Earl of Oxford - died 1417 - and his second wife Alice. He commanded the English centre under Henry V at Agincourt, and was involved in the king’s French campaigning. (Image: © Rebecca Batley)

Colne Priory – Revisiting the Excavation Of The Earls Of Oxford’s Tomb Sites

No trace of the medieval Colne Priory in Essex remains above ground, as the site is now occupied by a later building of the same name, and in private ownership. However, for decades archaeologists...
Caratacus, King of the Silures, delivered up by Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes to Roman General  Ostorius by Francesco Bartolozzi (Public Domain)

Britain’s Stanwick Oppidum: Capital Of Queen Cartimandua And The Brigantes?

Britain's Iron Age landscape conceals many secrets and has many tales to tell and few stories are more dramatic than that of the Brigantes and their queen Cartimandua, when the Romans arrived in...
