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Reconstruction of how the Bronze Age temple might have looked.	 Source: University of Sienna

4,000-Year-Old Temple With Monolith Resurfaces in Cyprus

A mysterious monolith adorned with a circular motif of cups in the center has surfaced in Cyprus, shedding light on an ancient artisan community from 4,000 years ago. The space contains the remains...
Poseidon, god of the Mediterranean Sea. Source: Luke / Adobe Stock

Poseidon’s Wrath: The Scourge of the Sea Peoples

Perhaps 3,000 years from now archaeologists will be debating the reasons for the diaspora that occurred in the lands around the Mediterranean Sea during the early 21st century. What would have...
Representation of a forbidden medieval romance, like the affair of Pierre I de Lusignan and Joanna l’Aleman. Source: grape_vein / Adobe Stock

Love and Intrigue: Ruins of King Pierre I and Joanna l’Aleman's Forbidden Romance

In the twilight of the medieval period, amidst the clash of crusades and kingdoms, unfolds the poignant saga of King Pierre I de Lusignan and his courtier, Joanna l’Aleman—a forbidden love story that...
Uluburun, ancient wealthiest shipwreck

Uluburun, One of the Oldest and Wealthiest Shipwrecks Ever Discovered

The Uluburun is a 3,300-year-old shipwreck discovered off the coast of Uluburun (Grand Cape), near Kaş in south-western Turkey. It is among the oldest ships ever discovered and contained one of the...
Detail of a bull diadem unearthed in elite tomb in Cyprus. Source: P. M. Fischer / Public domain

Swedish Expedition Strikes Gold Within Royal Tombs in Cyprus

An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg has announced the finding of underground tombs in Cyprus. Initially, the Swedish archaeologists identified a set of mysterious chambers...
Copper slag excavated at Hala Sultan Tekke. Source: University of Gothenburg / CC BY 4.0

Copious Copper Supplies Made Cyprus a Trading Center 3,500 Years Ago

In the earliest period of international trade in the Mediterranean region, the island of Cyprus was a surprisingly busy trading hub. Its exalted status during the Late Bronze Age (1,500 to 1,150 BC)...
Archaeologists at the Saqqara site where the blocks of halloumi cheese were discovered. Source: Ministry of Antiquities

2,600-Year-Old Halloumi Cheese Uncovered in Saqqara, Egypt

Imagine cheese left out of the fridge for longer than a few hours in a hot, arid climate. You might imagine smelling wet socks and dirty feet. Now, imagine cheese left unattended in some obscure...
A drawing of a flayed corpse, the fate of Marco Antonio Bragadin at Famagusta in 1571. Source: Wellcome Images / CC BY 4.0

Marco Antonio Bragadin Was Flayed and his Skin Kept as a Trophy

Tales of massacres, sieges and sadistic executions are common throughout history. Nevertheless, the brutal flaying of Marco Antonio Bragadin, the Venetian commander of Famagusta, and the fall of...
 The four lead ingots discovered in a shipwreck off the coast of Israel. Source: Ehud Galili / University of Haifa’s Institute for Maritime Studies

Four Ancient Lead Ingots Rewrite Cyprus’ Role in Bronze Age Trade

It’s all changed in the ancient history of Cyprus, thanks to the discovery by archaeologists that the copper-rich island was a significant trader during the fall of empires in 1200 BC. The keys to...
A limestone plaque with Phoenician writing was uncovered in archaeological digs at Kition, Cyprus, Greece this past year that took place, in part, under a former tennis court. 	Source: Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus

Phoenician Plaque One of Many Finds Unearthed at Kition Harbor, Cyprus

A four-week project under the supervision of the French Archaeological Mission at the ancient dockyard of Kition (Larnaka-Pampoula) in Cyprus has unearthed a wealth of artifacts and architectural...

Hala Sultan Tekke: Muslim Holy Site and a Historic Landmark of Cyprus

The history of Cyprus is very colorful and shaped by diverse ancient cultures and modern civilizations. As such, it proves time and time again that it is a true treasure trove of historical sites...
Left, Hala Sultan Tekke, Larnca, Cyprus. Right; Assorted artifacts found at the Hala Sultan Tekke site.	Source: Left; Dickelbers, CC BY-SA 3.0. Right; Peter Fischer, Teresa Bürge / University of Gothenburg

Multicultural Ancient Treasure Hoard Discovered In Cyprus Tombs

Archaeologists in Cyprus have excavated two Bronze Age Tombs at one of the most important holy sites in the Islamic world. The treasures they discovered reveal the presence of a far-reaching trade...
The ruins of the Forty Columns Fortress in the Paphos Archaeological Park, Cyprus, not far from where the carved bedrock banquet area and ancient was recently unearthed on Fabrica Hill.

Ancient Feast Seating Carved in Bedrock Found At Paphos, Cyprus

A team of French and Polish archaeologists exploring ancient ruins in Paphos, Cyprus have discovered a ceremonial seating area carved into the bedrock next to the foundation of a now-destroyed...
Skeleton of a 30–40 year-old woman with a decorated  ivory button on her chest, from the first tomb

Unique Cyprus Death Cult Treasures Uncovered at Mass Burial Site

Excavators in Cyprus have discovered a series of “sensational finds” of death cult artifacts dating to 3,500 years ago, during the Bronze Age. A vessel used as a cult funerary object, a seal with...
The Ancient Ruins of Salamis

The Ancient Ruins of Salamis, the Once Thriving Port City of Cyprus

Ancient cities can be a window into the past of human society. It is difficult to imagine a thriving city during different times, without the advantages and conveniences of modern technology, but...
A Roman shipwreck with amphorae as cargo has been found off the coast of Cyprus.

Into the Drink! Roman Shipwreck Stocked with Amphorae Found Near Cyprus

A ship that has lain at the bottom of the Eastern Mediterranean for about 2000 years has been found by marine archaeologists according to the Department of Antiquities of the Republic of Cyprus. The...
The Ayia Napa Sea Monster has never been photographed but is said to live in the waters around Cape Greco.

The Elusive Ayia Napa Sea Monster - Is It Really Out There?

The Ayia Napa sea monster is a creature alleged to live in the waters around Cape Greco, in the southeastern part of Cyprus . There is little evidence to support the existence of this sea monster,...
Commandaria wine was served at King Richard’s wedding in Cyprus. He proclaimed that it was “the wine of kings and the king of wines”.

Commandaria: The Oldest Wine in Production, Praised By Homer, and Richard the Lionheart's "King of Wines"

The first evidence of wine making is from the Caucasus Mountains bordering Eastern Europe and Western Asia around 6000 BC. From there it spread throughout the ancient Near East to gradually become...
All images credit Ioannis Syrigos.

Which Invading Elite Are Buried in Cyprus’ Monumental Tombs of the Kings?

The Tombs of the Kings is an awe-inspiring archaeological site located in the Paphos District of Cyprus. The site is a 2,400-year-old necropolis that is carved into massive rocks. It is so immense...
Agia Kryiaki Church. Inset: Saint Paul’s Column.

Saint Paul’s Column: Ancient Pillar Where Paul the Apostle Was Scourged with Hundreds of Lashes

Saint Paul’s Column is a historically significant landmark situated in the Cypriot city of Paphos . According to local accounts, this was the place where Paul the Apostle was tortured when he first...
Aphrodite Rock.

Aphrodite Rock: The Birthplace of a Goddess

Aphrodite Rock is a landmark located off the shore along the main road from Paphos to Limassol, on the island of Cyprus. As its name suggests, the rock is associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess...
The keep of Kolossi Castle.

The Incredible History of Kolossi Castle - Won By Richard the Lionheart, Home to the Knights Templar, and Birthplace of the King of Wines

Kolossi Castle is a medieval castle located on the island of Cyprus. The original castle was built during the 13 th century, not long after the island was conquered by the Crusaders. Although Kolossi...
Left, opiate poppy and right Vessel in which traces of opiate have been found.

Bronze Age High: Traces of Opiates Found in Cypriot Vessel

Researchers at the University of York and the British Museum have discovered traces of opiates preserved inside a distinctive vessel dating back to the Late Bronze Age. Vessels of this type, known as...
A curse tablet wrapped around a chicken bone.

Ancient Sex Curse Revealed: May Your Penis Hurt When You Make Love!

Curse tablets in the ancient world are like Facebook posts today—they were everywhere, created by almost everyone, and can still be found in the strangest of places. They could be broadly vague or...
