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  • Reply to: Columbus’s Identity Crisis and the Ongoing Spread of False Columbus News   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert105

    XPOLOLON/Mr Rosa: Thanks for your response and additional detail. I had not read much about ‘Columbus’ except reading Morison’s 1942 book when I was in my ‘teens, and various articles over the years which generally tend to support the original legends. I did come across your short interview on Polish TV, and I’m going to listen to your Ripple Effect Podcast of a few years ago. I enjoy what I call the ‘second level’ of history, i.e. traditional ‘history’ often consists of a few catchphrases, much condensation, and a lack of intensive research, but often much more is revealed by diligent research and document study such as yours which often arrive at surprisingly different conclusions – the ‘second level’. Also, it would be nice if your book was officially available in Kindle, ePub, or even PDF format, and which would help to find a wider audience.

  • Reply to: Who would you pick for the best military leaders of all time?   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: oudeis

    Surely the best military leader would be the one who has done the most to avoid war. 

  • Reply to: World’s Oldest Jewelry Excavated at a Moroccan Cave   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    I'm not surprised by this at all.

  • Reply to: Columbus’s Identity Crisis and the Ongoing Spread of False Columbus News   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    I had no trouble believing this as I've always found it exceedingly odd that Spain, a naval superpower, sent a foreigner from Genoa to discover a shortcut to trade riches.

  • Reply to: Are Afghanistan’s Archaeological Treasures Safe?   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hi All,

    This article was quite informative of course while reading about the thing's destroyed in Afghanistan; it felt familiar to me somehow, The Language describing the destruction to the priceless artifacts an it was through an Edict from the Taliban.
    The destruction had to do with Islam ☪.

    Favorite puzzles since I was little Connect the Dots, Mazes, an Word Searches; I'm starting to apply strategies, I utilize for these Puzzles, with other Subjects an Topics.

    I've never sat back an read the Koran the Sacred Text of Islam to Moslem's globally but, I did hold a red Pocket;sized Koran; I leafed through the pages, however, taking the time to read Koran No.

    As it is I only have minimum History of how it originated. Correct me if I'm wrong here but, I'd heard in passing that The Arch Angel Gabriel appeared on to The Prophet Mohammed who was reportedly A Devout Christian ✝.

    While encountering Gabriel the Angel informed Mohammed He was an Ancestor of Ishmael an preceded in teaching Mohammed the Principles of Islam and what we now know today is in The Koran.

    I can't be certain about this I thought The Prophet Mohammed was Egyptian which is significant to His Reported Ancestor Ishmael.

    In The Bible Ishmael was the eldest Son of Abraham He was born of the Egyptian Slave Hager brilliant plan thought of by Abraham's Wife Sarah. Nevertheless, in The Bible at least He wasn't "The Promise Son" it was Isaac that was The Promise Son.

    My point about The Prophet Mohammed an Gabriel His possible Family connection to Ishmael Eldest Son of Abraham where you clearly see within His name Islam; I've been Read to from The Bible, I've been preached to from The Bible, an of course Bible Study reading God's Word for myself.

    With what I've just learned from reading this article about The Treasure's of Afghanistan's an The Destruction of Those Buddha's that lasted 1,700 year's I'm beginning too Connect those Dots an a pattern is emerging.

    Does anyone know if The Koran has the Ten Commandment's in its Sacred Text? I know for Judaism ✡, Judeo-Christian, an Islam Moses is listed as The Greatest Prophet in Western Monotheism.
    The Church I attend celebrates Ten Commandment's Day it's a huge deal.

    Pastor's from various Churches an countries choose which of the Ten Commandment's to preach about, why do I ask?

    Exodus ch. 20 an Deuteronomy ch.5
    Thou Shalt Not Have Any other gods Before Me
    Thou Shalt Not Make unto thee Any Graven Image; neither what is in The Air, What is on The Land, What is in The Water.

    An basically as this article states the Taliban Order Graven Image's of animals to be destroyed as the Buddha's were as well.

    In The Book of Judge's teaches how The Israelites God's Chosen People continuously turned their backs on God of in favor of chasing after The things of the World, Idol's engaging in Idolatry an how each time this occurred God then turned his back on Them.

    So every now an then enemies would arise to takeover the very lives of the Israelites. So there is a passage in Judge's about
    A Man named Gideon who as a Child of Israel came from the Lineage of Manasseh.

    This was the days when The People were being tormented an violently over-ran by Sarcaens & Midianites. So Gideon is chosen by God to lead his people to Freedom by fighting these Desert Bandits off He's approached by one of God's Angel who Recommends that He Destroys the Graven Image's of Baal.

    Afraid of the people's reaction Gideon took two servants with Him an Destroyed the Graven Image's of Baal, an in Baal's place He built an Alter on to The God of His Father's.

    According to Judge's The people preparing to worship Baal finds his images destroy learns of Gideon's involvement. Naturally they want to kill him but, Gideon's own Father says if Baal is so great let Baal fight for Baal.

    That's what this article reminded me of Exodus ch.20, Deuteronomy ch.5, an The Book of Judge's Gideon's Testimony.

    That's not the last time a moment described in The Bible; occurs there's also 1 Kings ch.19 Elijah Mt. Carmel vs. 450 Priest of Baal with the challenge to the people Choose today whom you serve God or Baal.

    An then after the Fire test from God due too Baals priest not getting an answer. Elijah made sure not only the 450 Priest of Jezebel be executed but, that the Alter too Baal was destroyed too.

    Servance pay for The Murders Queen Jezebel had done to all the Prophet's of God.

    The System of Government described in The Bible is known I'm sure everybody knows This Theogny. The Taliban wants to put too practice Theogny in Afghanistan. This Method is keeping God or in the case of Islam Allah primary form of Government.

    The Taliban would run the country but, in theory at this point Allah is Head of The State.

    The Taliban wants The Birth Right, The Covenant God made with Abraham there's a strong possibility The Taliban could be Biological Ancestors of Abraham. They may not be, they may not be Abraham's Ancestors.

    Perhaps their Faith isn't genuine but, if it is anyone interested it's like their mimking certain parts from or rather The Torah.

    The Taliban went out an did the exact same thing Gideon did, an Elijah had done with Baals Altars.

    Let's hope the Taliban doesn't attempt something out of The Book of Maccabees. That battle got started when some Greek guy put a statue of zeus in The Temple or someone that was Syrian did it.

    Israel an Syria has been fighting since before The United States came into existence.

    These are my thoughts on what's happening in Afghanistan an those treasure's that the Taliban could consider Graven Image's.
    Until next discussion everyone, Goodbye!

  • Reply to: Are Afghanistan’s Archaeological Treasures Safe?   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hi All,

    This article was quite informative of course while reading about the thing's destroyed in Afghanistan; it felt familiar to me somehow, The Language describing the destruction to the priceless artifacts an it was through an Edict from the Taliban.
    The destruction had to do with Islam ☪.

    Favorite puzzles since I was little Connect the Dots, Mazes, an Word Searches; I'm starting to apply strategies, I utilize for these Puzzles, with other Subjects an Topics.

    I've never sat back an read the Koran the Sacred Text of Islam to Moslem's globally but, I did hold a red Pocket;sized Koran; I leafed through the pages, however, taking the time to read Koran No.

    As it is I only have minimum History of how it originated. Correct me if I'm wrong here but, I'd heard in passing that The Arch Angel Gabriel appeared on to The Prophet Mohammed who was reportedly A Devout Christian ✝.

    While encountering Gabriel the Angel informed Mohammed He was an Ancestor of Ishmael an preceded in teaching Mohammed the Principles of Islam and what we now know today is in The Koran.

    I can't be certain about this I thought The Prophet Mohammed was Egyptian which is significant to His Reported Ancestor Ishmael.

    In The Bible Ishmael was the eldest Son of Abraham He was born of the Egyptian Slave Hager brilliant plan thought of by Abraham's Wife Sarah. Nevertheless, in The Bible at least He wasn't "The Promise Son" it was Isaac that was The Promise Son.

    My point about The Prophet Mohammed an Gabriel His possible Family connection to Ishmael Eldest Son of Abraham where you clearly see within His name Islam; I've been Read to from The Bible, I've been preached to from The Bible, an of course Bible Study reading God's Word for myself.

    With what I've just learned from reading this article about The Treasure's of Afghanistan's an The Destruction of Those Buddha's that lasted 1,700 year's I'm beginning too Connect those Dots an a pattern is emerging.

    Does anyone know if The Koran has the Ten Commandment's in its Sacred Text? I know for Judaism ✡, Judeo-Christian, an Islam Moses is listed as The Greatest Prophet in Western Monotheism.
    The Church I attend celebrates Ten Commandment's Day it's a huge deal.

    Pastor's from various Churches an countries choose which of the Ten Commandment's to preach about, why do I ask?

    Exodus ch. 20 an Deuteronomy ch.5
    Thou Shalt Not Have Any other gods Before Me
    Thou Shalt Not Make unto thee Any Graven Image; neither what is in The Air, What is on The Land, What is in The Water.

    An basically as this article states the Taliban Order Graven Image's of animals to be destroyed as the Buddha's were as well.

    In The Book of Judge's teaches how The Israelites God's Chosen People continuously turned their backs on God of in favor of chasing after The things of the World, Idol's engaging in Idolatry an how each time this occurred God then turned his back on Them.

    So every now an then enemies would arise to takeover the very lives of the Israelites. So there is a passage in Judge's about
    A Man named Gideon who as a Child of Israel came from the Lineage of Manasseh.

    This was the days when The People were being tormented an violently over-ran by Sarcaens & Midianites. So Gideon is chosen by God to lead his people to Freedom by fighting these Desert Bandits off He's approached by one of God's Angel who Recommends that He Destroys the Graven Image's of Baal.

    Afraid of the people's reaction Gideon took two servants with Him an Destroyed the Graven Image's of Baal, an in Baal's place He built an Alter on to The God of His Father's.

    According to Judge's The people preparing to worship Baal finds his images destroy learns of Gideon's involvement. Naturally they want to kill him but, Gideon's own Father says if Baal is so great let Baal fight for Baal.

    That's what this article reminded me of Exodus ch.20, Deuteronomy ch.5, an The Book of Judge's Gideon's Testimony.

    That's not the last time a moment described in The Bible; occurs there's also 1 Kings ch.19 Elijah Mt. Carmel vs. 450 Priest of Baal with the challenge to the people Choose today whom you serve God or Baal.

    An then after the Fire test from God due too Baals priest not getting an answer. Elijah made sure not only the 450 Priest of Jezebel be executed but, that the Alter too Baal was destroyed too.

    Servance pay for The Murders Queen Jezebel had done to all the Prophet's of God.

    The System of Government described in The Bible is known I'm sure everybody knows This Theogny. The Taliban wants to put too practice Theogny in Afghanistan. This Method is keeping God or in the case of Islam Allah primary form of Government.

    The Taliban would run the country but, in theory at this point Allah is Head of The State.

    The Taliban wants The Birth Right, The Covenant God made with Abraham there's a strong possibility The Taliban could be Biological Ancestors of Abraham. They may not be, they may not be Abraham's Ancestors.

    Perhaps their Faith isn't genuine but, if it is anyone interested it's like their mimking certain parts from or rather The Torah.

    The Taliban went out an did the exact same thing Gideon did, an Elijah had done with Baals Altars.

    Let's hope the Taliban doesn't attempt something out of The Book of Maccabees. That battle got started when some Greek guy put a statue of zeus in The Temple or someone that was Syrian did it.

    Israel an Syria has been fighting since before The United States came into existence.

    These are my thoughts on what's happening in Afghanistan an those treasure's that the Taliban could consider Graven Image's.
    Until next discussion everyone, Goodbye!

  • Reply to: Scientists Conclude Cosmic Impact Destroyed Jordanian City   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: pink panther prince

    This disaster was not su[pernatural. It was caused by an asteroid more powerful than the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were many places in history that were just as sinful or more sinful than Sodom and Gomorrah. They were not destroyed.

  • Reply to: Columbus’s Identity Crisis and the Ongoing Spread of False Columbus News   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: XpoKolon

    ROBERT105 you are correct about the lawsuit agaisnt the crown over the Titles, Posts and Priviledges but that lawsuit was initiated around 1508 and lasted several decades- the outcome was that the crown lowered the benefits to the Colón family and made Colón’s grandson, Luis Colón, Duke of Verágua, Duke of La Vega and Marquis of Jamaica on top of being Admiral of the Indies.

    The inheratnace lawsuit was initiated in 1578 after Don Luis Colón died and his cousin Diego Colón died and ended in 1609. The outcome was that Don Nuno Álvares Pereira Colón y Portugal (1570?-1622) took over the leadership of this noble house as Fifth Admiral of the Indies.

  • Reply to: Columbus’s Identity Crisis and the Ongoing Spread of False Columbus News   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert105

    Spelling, translation, and transliteration especially of names can cause confusion and historically, spelling was very flexible in all languages, but there is no doubt about the person who carried out the deeds and explorations recorded in history. What’s in a name? Anyway, a lot of this seems to be about inheritance fraud some 70 years after his death in 1506, but the suit was against the Crown of Spain for the proceeds of trade from America after ‘Colon’ had been removed as Governor by the Crown, and his agreed 10% ‘cut’ denied because ‘Colon’ had been removed as Governor thus the agreement was no longer valid. 

    Equally interesting is this account of the travels of the remains of Columbus/Columbo/Colon/Colom etc as they went from Spain to Hispaniola, to Cuba, and back to Spain, except in 1795 the wrong remains may have been taken to Cuba in error!

    Additionally, linguistic analysis of his writings indicate his origin and upbringing to be Catalonia.


  • Reply to: 8 Jars Of Colombian Emeralds, Gold, and Silver Unearthed Near Bogotá   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert105

    Interesting that one stone appears to have the ‘emerald table cut’, while the rest are raw.

  • Reply to: Columbus’s Identity Crisis and the Ongoing Spread of False Columbus News   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: IronicLyricist

    Irregardless whether a mistaken identity the man killed a LOT of natives..

  • Reply to: Ireland’s Tuatha Dé Danann: Descendants Of The Fallen Angels From Canaan   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Ali Usman

    When you talk about the three Abrahamic faiths, obviously you’re counting Islam as well. Please note that there’s no concept of “Fallen Angels” in Islam as such. Per Islamic teachings, Lucifer was made of fire and was a Jinn (Giant). But due to his continuous committment and obedience to God, he had received a very high rank amongst the angels. In Islam, an angel can’t err as God hasn’t given any freewill to angels. Only humans and jinns (giants) can err. That’s why, Lucifer went against God’s command when God ordered the angels to bow before Adam. There upon, God cursed Lucifer and gave him time till the day of Judgement. Because angele can’t err, as per Islam, this directly negates the possibility of any angels fighting alongside Lucifer against God and then any angels falling to earth as a punishment from the God. Not sure how much Judaism agrees with the concept of fallen angels but your article is mostly in the light of Christianity only.

  • Reply to: 8 Ancient Chinese Inventions the West Had Not Imagined   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Robertus

    The Chinese invented alcohol (wine and beer) and forks? I think not. This is a wild claim.

    An Empress gave her husband wine 2000 years ago? Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean nations were big wine drinkers (Minoan, Greeks, Romans) and some of the Mediterranean countries are still among the biggest wine drinkers on the world today. As for net Ordinary Egyptian workers were drinking beer 4000 years ago and before.

    As for forks, one we found? That's like saying Da Vinci invented Aeroplanes, Submarines and Tanks. The fork is still not widely used in China (and some other Asian countries); in our own time. So... No!

    Paper, earth quake detector and gun powder, yes, this is widely known and accepted. Some of the above however, seems like an attempt to rewrite history.

  • Reply to: Which Culture Sparks Your Curiosity?   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: valthomas2001

    I love everything about excavation procedures and techniques, and anything that is “detail-oriented”!    I love to study about my ancestry which is Middle Eastern/North African (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Zanzibar)!   And even more…. on Native Americans of the Southwest and also, Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas and their intricate skills.  I never imagined that my 3rd cousin Maroon who told me that his grandfather IS the brother to my great great grandmother Nijme Moussa Abouzaid.  Turned out to reveal that both sides of my father’s family Abouzaid intermarried into the Tannous [became “Thomas”]. Both sides traced back to royalty that I didn’t expect!!!!!

    Abouzaid traces back to al-Busaidi Dynasty of Oman, and then, to the House of al-Said of Zanzibar.  They are all Sultans!   And they have additional titles (Sir, Knight, or Grand Master) which refers to their involvement in the Knights Templar of the 4th Century in The Holy Land.  The Tannous family, according to results from refer to common ancestor Nail of the Nine Hostages.  I traced Nail all the way back past Noah, Jesus, and further back Smenkhare (the brother of Tutankhamun) in line with all the Pharaohs of Egypt to the 4th Dynasty of Egypt !  Unbelievable!   Over 3,000 years of generations in the Tannous Family.  Research is my forte!





  • Reply to: 3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: IronicLyricist

    7.. 1,2 -1,3 -1,2,3 . And 1 2 and 3.. which might be a reason y
    both 3 AND 7 are held to be sacred.. just a thought

  • Reply to: Melancholia: How Ancient Societies Grappled to Understand and Treat Depression   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert105

    “…  it must be remembered that depression is a state of mind that can be overpowered and dealt with.”

    No, you just let it happen, don’t ‘fight’ it, you endure it, and you emerge ‘cured’. The 16th Century scientist/philosopher Francis Bacon noted: ‘Do not try to suppress Nature, for Nature is more forceful in the return”.

  • Reply to: The Powerful Curse of Jacques de Molay, the Last Grand Master of Templars   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Paratge72

    This article reads like it was cobbled together from Wikipedia postings. 

    Jaques de Molay was first crucified upside down, nailed to a wooden door and ‘confessed’ to whatever they wanted to here. After a couple of years, he recanted his ‘confession’ and that was why he was killed. He and his second-in-command were both roased on a spit until dead. 

    And Peter Wagner can take his fake pronouncements and go fuck himself.

  • Reply to: Philadelphia Museum Returns Stolen Shield to Czech Republic   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Sue Woolmans

    I have just read your article "Philadelphia Museum REturns Stolen Shield
        Czech Republic" with some horror - which tells the story of Nazi plundered
        treasure being returned to its rightful owner.  What actually happened is
        that the Czech government  stole the treasure from its rightful owners - the
        children of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  Perhaps you don't realise that the
        Archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914.  So was his wife.
        They left 3 young orphaned children.  These children found some comfort from
        inheriting their parents possessions and spending the rest of their childhood
        growing up in the family home that their parents had created - Konopiste.
        Until, that was, 1919 - when the Czech government heartlessly confiscated
        Konoopiste and evicted the 3 orphans - allowing them only to take a small
        suitcase of possessions.  I doubt this shield would have fitted into the
        suitcases - their photo albums didn't, their toys didn't, their mothers
        jewellery didn't; the medals their father was wearing on the day he died
        didn't either.  These children lost everything to the Czech government.  And
        now a museum in Philaelphia, in America, supposedly the "land of the free",
        returns this Nazi stolen property to the a Czech institution that is itself
        stolen property.  This is a tale of total injustice.  The shield should be
        restored to the descendants of those 3 orphans.

        Sue Woolmans


  • Reply to: Crusaders Grave Shows Many Were Killed From Behind   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Meshkiangkasher

    How very strange! Almost like the “noble Saracen” narrative that’s picked up so much steam in recent years is false propaganda.

  • Reply to: Ancient DNA Rewrites Story of Japanese Ancestry   2 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Deonte N. Ferino

    This site and its contributors are covering all the bases. The subject matter is revolutionary. Which makes the commentary always worth a read. Northern Invader found your comment interesting...mainly because these people you mentioned Ainu stood out as Anu. Just out of curiosity wanted to do a Google search and sure enough someone out there appears to think the same. Would understand if it's nothing u care for but thank you for the nugget. Never heard of these people. But will study them now.
