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  • Reply to: Naqsh-e Rustam: Ancient Tombs of Powerful Persian Kings   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Abhilasha Singh

    I disagree with the English translation of Persian word 'naqsh'. In Hindi language 'naksha' means map, feature etc. It surely doesn't have anything to do with throne.

  • Reply to: Atlantis of Britain: Prehistoric Territory of Doggerland Prepares to Unveil its Secrets   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: jack work

    This one looks like money well spent. Anxious to hear of further discoveries.

  • Reply to: Naqsh-e Rustam: Ancient Tombs of Powerful Persian Kings   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Albert

    Bulgarian? Are you advertising your nationality on every single post that consists Persia unrelated to the main post? Your facts are your words, Persia has never been related to Bulgaria.

  • Reply to: Radical new documentary claims Copernicus and four centuries of science is wrong   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Emily Windsor-Cragg

    Each of us believes what we wish were true.

  • Reply to: The Sumerian King List Reveals the Origin of Mesopotamian Kingship   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Hermix

    Modern man has a problem with reconciling past 'larger than life' history/legend/myth with current conventional wisdom/scientific fact/dogma.

    What if the earth was smaller, to the degree that rotational speed would be faster, meaning the day/night cycle shorter. Gravitational pull would also be weaker, (astronauts hop/bound on the moon), allowing for larger than life beings, let's call them giants and dinosaurs, I wonder if there are any ancient calendars correlating lunar cycles as longer than our current 28 days.

    Let's assume a biosphere similar to what is currently on venus, a canopy of vapor, only not as hostile to life, shielding all life forms from cosmic/solar radiation. A true green-house with tropical flora and fauna where our polar caps now reside. With shorter days, greater health you have amazingly long life spans.

    One only needs a cataclysmic event (a planet killer), such as a moon size (smaller is ok too) comet (lot's of dirty ice on them so I read) to hit the earth, say in the pacific...punching a bulge on the other side, leaving the Himalayas and expanding the previously smaller earth by whatever magnitude the object/s (shoemaker levy) may have been. The earth is popped like a popcorn kernel, all the continents fit exactly with each other..NO CONTINENTAL drift needed.

    The resulting massive Tsunami that would bury any peak in it's path. Oh and once particulates hit the atmosphere, already saturated with moisture (high humidity) and the extra cosmic water, you could have a TORRENTIAL rain that would last say...40 days and 40 nights??

    After a year or so, the water would eventually settle to the lowest depression on earth (Pacific?), fill in the spaces between the continents, creating tremendous pressure on the mantle which would of course raise the exposed landmasses more (exposing underwater land formations above water, like southpacific islands) and a NEW coastline all around the globe, burying ancient civilizations, etc. etc.

    The new 'clear skies' would expose all life to 'radiation', the first obvious sign of this light would be a rainbow' and because of it...increase sugar content in grape juice, which would have given our Noah such a hangover (not used to the extra kick/alchohol) and made him a little hot/sweaty and a little crazy. (this would btw also render carbon dating prior to the flood invalid, since radiation would not have been constant).

    With shorter life spans and longer days and greater gravitational force dragging us down. The former giants shrink/dissapear/go underground? , we get a redo and life goes on......until.......the BIG ONE

    Just an assumption

  • Reply to: The Mysterious Holes of Peru: A Pre-Columbian Domestic Water Source for Trans-Oceanic Travelers? Part II   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: angieblackmon

    The illustrations are quite interesting, but i also think you could take a pen and find all sorts of pictures and designs...but someone made the effort to dive in and see what they could do with that, and i think it's awesome!

  • Reply to: The Mysterious Holes of Peru: A Pre-Columbian Domestic Water Source for Trans-Oceanic Travelers? Part I   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: angieblackmon

    I’ve been fascinated with the band of holes since I saw it on Ancient Aliens. A water system does make pretty good sense to me, but it still doesn’t seem to have a clear cut answer...maybe we’re not meant to know yet.

  • Reply to: The Mysterious Holes of Peru: A Pre-Columbian Domestic Water Source for Trans-Oceanic Travelers? Part II   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Wim Devos

    I don't see it.

  • Reply to: Huge Ancient Greek City found underwater in the Aegean Sea   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Tom Carberry

    Archaeologists know that the oceans have engulfed thousands of cities and human habitations around the world.  Only lack of money prevents more investigations.

    Almost for sure, some massive catastrophe such as the flood described by the Sumericans, the Bible, and ancient records around the world happened.  

    Unfortunately, most modern science lies buried in authoritarian mysticism and turns a blind eye to the facts.  Humans have not reached the pinnacle of our existence today, but rather humans lived much better in the distant past and a terrible catastrophe, or series of catastrophes, wiped out almost 100% of humans and many other life forms.

    We know about the wipe out almost for a for sure fact from genetics.  Studies have shown that in the not very distant past, 70,000 years ago maximum, almost all humans died out.

    We have survived as the stabilized mutant ancestors of the prior humans. To put it another way, modern humans have survived as the less intelligent and smaller and weaker versions of prior humans.

  • Reply to: Dating of manuscripts controversially suggests Quran may be older than Prophet Mohammed   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Abracadabra

    ISIS is doing exactly what is dictated in the quran. There's no freedom in islam if you take the quran litterally, just opression. And 'terror' is its means.

  • Reply to: Dating of manuscripts controversially suggests Quran may be older than Prophet Mohammed   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Angelina Ballentyne

    Abdulrazig Angabo, I dare say no muslim will leave islam because it's been proved the book is older than what it was supposed to have been. People who believe and have faith will continue to believe and have faith. To claim this is an attempt to divert islam or anti islam is just plain stupid. Or are you saying that scientific fact is inferior to historical dogma?

  • Reply to: Dating of manuscripts controversially suggests Quran may be older than Prophet Mohammed   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Abdulrazig Angabo

    These are just attempts to discredit Islam. The Quran was safely saved as hard copy and with high fidelity persevered by heart transferring from the Prophet Muhammad to his friends Sahaba. Then, it was precisely inherited from ancestors to fathers to the sons, the present Muslim of today. The Quran in one and was only received through Prophet Mohammed to the World with no other single Quran verse and/or page known before Prophet Mohammed advent. The Arab tribes of Quraish, the most insidious enemy of Islam during its first ten years, have NEVER EVER said anything about any predated Quran version, including the Jewish or the Christians of the area or any other non-believers. And now, why is it only this time to hear such allegation popping up coincidentally with ISIS non-Islamic doings! What you say does not affect a Muslim and cannot be a cause to divert from Islam! We know that anti-Islam are doing their best to defame Islam, it’s just an attempt like the other previous ones! It will not succeed because, what Quraish have said in the era of the Prophet was the most horrible, and Muslims were firmly kept holding Islam as their salvation religion. Believe me no single Muslim will leave the Islam because of this ridiculous intentionally fashioned confusion!!!

  • Reply to: Dating of manuscripts controversially suggests Quran may be older than Prophet Mohammed   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: PS

    Man created god.
    The thora is stolen and rewritten information of other cultures.
    The bible is a fraud (thora + more false info).
    The quran is bullshit (thora + more false info).
    There is no jahweh, no allah or any other imaginairy friend.
    Religion is the root of all evil and it will bring forth illusion, lies and oppression in any way, shape or form. Only the simpleton will eat it as holy fruit.

  • Reply to: Huge Ancient Greek City found underwater in the Aegean Sea   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Daruman

    Well LOL your horses Defiant.
    That there are no pictures of all of it does not mean the city isn't there, as there is not only an image but also information from the statement from the Ministry of Culture of Greece. The parts of the city from 2500 BC, that where found are 6 hectares large, and by the structures and roads that were found, and based on the ancient cities and towns that where found from the Bronze age in Greece (such as Pavlopetri, Knossos, Phaestos, Akrotiri and loads more from 3000-2000 BC), they can make up what the size of the city is and by it's structures also how many people it would hold.

    The interesting thing is that there is not only a new city to investigate into from 3000-2500 BC, but also till now already 6000 artifacts have been found from that time, and by it's urban planning, structures, etc the ministry of culture can get new insights and information from the bronze age of Greece. The bronze age map gets expanded to the already many Archaeological sites from this era

  • Reply to: Use of unique pyramid-shaped podium in Jerusalem baffles archaeologists   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: PS

    It's called Palestine !!!

  • Reply to: Huge Ancient Greek City found underwater in the Aegean Sea   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Mahlon Marr

    Something we change isn't going to affect the Sun. If we're doomed, we're doomed. Quit listening to the socialists promoting whatever crisis they can exploit that'll have the masses cringing in their sandals like has been happening for the last 20,000 years.

  • Reply to: Tracing the Unknown Origins of the Enigmatic Nomoli Figures   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Terri Goodridge

    To Roberto Peron: I may be mistaken about the source,but I believe that it was Kepler who said that ( regarding meteorites) " Rocks don't fall out of the sky because there are no rocks in the sky." Same kind of reasoning that you are using about the manufacture and use of steel in 17,000B.C.!

  • Reply to: 1,200-Year-Old Telephone, Amazing Invention of the Ancient Chimu Civilization   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Bob Deloyd

    I tested it out when I was 5 years old with my younger sister. We used two tin cans and kite string and we found it could be used over short distances and with good clarity at both ends. Didn't work very well in strong winds we found; it left kind of a humming sound in the cans. Rain was a dampener too.

  • Reply to: Huge Ancient Greek City found underwater in the Aegean Sea   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Jason Llewellyn

    Well if we don't do something to protect our current crop of coastal cities world over, then they to, will belong to ocean one day. We can't ignore facts. Like this one, for the first time in recorded history there were 3, yes three, Category 4 Hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean at one time in the month of August 2015.. Our weather is picking up at a rapid pace. This planet has far exceed its carrying capacity and each new soul only adds to the misery. We can't feed the 7 Billion now, by 2050, how can we handle the 10 Billion folks? Something HAS to change or we are doomed. I can see the changes and so can everyone else. The summers are hotter in areas already hot. The North Poles and Glaciers are melting rapidly. What's changed in the last 20000 years since the last Ice Age? Humans burning trillions upon trillions of carbon fuels which is killing plant growth, killing human growth, causing destabilization of lands once rich in oil and gas reserves. Man made Earthquakes caused by drilling and other means. We must act, or live in misery

  • Reply to: Dating of manuscripts controversially suggests Quran may be older than Prophet Mohammed   8 years 9 months ago
    Comment Author: Mahlon Marr

    First we've probably found Jesus' bones, now this. Of course none of this matters to the respective faithful.
