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  • Reply to: Remembering the Barbary Slaves: White Slaves and North African Pirates   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Tsurugi

    "Humans who are forced to do something they cannot walk away from, are slaves."

    By that definition, we are all slaves and always will be. There are things we are "forced" to do every day lest we die, such as eat, drink, sleep, and so on. The universe is mean, mother nature doesn't care, life sucks then you die, etc.

  • Reply to: Thrones of Gods and Kings: Symbols of Power through History   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Jamie Rose

    Too bad the article did not include the Peacock throne in Iran. A much stories seat in itself. Good pictures can be found online about it.

  • Reply to: Rock art may Memorialize Ancient Contact between Atlantic and Mediterranean   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: rock-art-revealed

    Ok … if the drawing and rock art is that of a boat … I guess the goods onboard were deer, sheep, goats and reindeer that were transported in it. You might as well conclude this was a Viking expedition taking their animals to market.

    Why else were these animals depicted with a boat?

    The Auga dos Cebros rock panel on the Atlantic north coast of Spain is in very poor condition.

    Dig V’s web site has a low resolution showing this badly weathered petroglyph.

    Interpretation of art is subjective and greatly influenced by one’s culture, opinions and desire to see things.

    If you’re looking for a particular “something” found in today’s abstract art or ancient rock panel, chances are, your eye and mind just might make that “something” appear.

     “Boat” images in rock art are found in many countries - Azerbaijan, Canada, Scandinavia, and recently, rediscoveries in the desert showing petroglyph boat panels are being studied around Upper Egypt’s ancient capital of Nekhen or Hierakonpolis.

    If you think an image is a boat, then you’ll be finding characteristics in the rock art that resemble what your boat should look like based upon your background experiences.

    To you, it becomes your boat. For me, I might see something else.

    Commonality with today’s designed boats is either similar or vastly different from one another.

    Size, shape, function and price will determine the outcome of a boat’s design.

    In Tom Carberry’s reply, he indicated research findings of many ancient seafaring connections with distant cultures.  

    So what’s the big deal here? Commerce from the seas has been ongoing since the first boat was dropped into a river, pond, lake, ocean …

    Good luck with their educational arboretum, because I don’t buy into this rock as Capturing the moment when Atlantic and Mediterranean Cultures met.

  • Reply to: Vast Eurasian Migration Back to Africa Revealed by Bones of 4,500-year-old Ethiopian Man   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: The Goat

    How do they know that the entire population had the same genes as this one person?

    What if the opposite happened? Eurasians migrated into africa and then left africa

  • Reply to: Chronicles from the future: Sleepless   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Heyyou

    It's not a contest! sheesh

  • Reply to: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Margaret Treis

    Rupert Sheldrake, famous British biologist, has written a wonderful book on the prejudices of science: Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery.
    When you read this book, you see the blinders of science and the limits it imposes on reality before it utters a word.

  • Reply to: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Margaret Treis

    Scientific orthodoxy is not objective at all. It's more like a box into which little new enters, and quite often serves as a defense against the new. It's interesting that it's not infrequent for the "amateurs" to have insight that the professionals can't or won't because of their preconditioning as well as the career rewards for not straying too far from the party line. One excellent example is the possibility of an advanced culture predating those we call "ancient Egyptians." The evidence is all there: advanced stone cutting not possible for the copper chisel and rock hammer wielding Egyptians of the third millennia BC, the water weathering of the Sphinx that caused geological erosion specialist Robert Schoch to say it was at least 7000 years old, the engineering wonders of the pyramids, etc., etc. Still Egyptologists cling to their house of cards time and story line. To my mind that kind of closed mindedness smacks of religion, not science.

  • Reply to: Bloody Mary: Tumultuous Beginnings for a Future Queen of England   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: ancient-origins

    Yes, thank you Harry, that’s right. There was an error in the translation from the original Spanish version of this article. We have now corrected the mistake. Apologies.

  • Reply to: Scientist dismissed after soft tissue found on dinosaur fossil   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: jay kriegler

    This whole argument of God versus science is absolutely stupid and ignorant . First of all, even if dinosaurs lived up until yesterday it doesn't mean anything other then the currant understanding of our past needs to be corrected and updated ,that's all it means . Yes there is a lot that we don't know . Science could someday prove that a great deal of religious text is based on real events and are there for fact, that still doesn't mean that all religious text is fact or that God is real. Or science could proof someday that God is real but that still doesn't mean that all the hard studied and tested work of science is wrong, it just means that we don't know it all. But to say something is fact just because its in some book with out some proven evidence is simply a guess and nothing more and guessing or believing a thing is fact only based on one faith is not science. Science is only the search for the truth or real facts based on repeatable experimentation, whatever the conclusions of those experiments may be. The improbability of a thing makes no difference if through repeatable experimentation the results prove it to be fact. True science is only the disciplined search for what the true factual reality is ,the provable reality,not the "because I said so reality" or the "just hoping or guessing reality". Here is the best example of the "guessing reality" based on religious faith. The quote end quote "END TIMES" here in the year of our Lord Oct 9th 2015 the earth is still here despite being guaranteed by the faithful countless times this century of its absolute destruction . As a matter of fact it has been claimed over thousand times by the Christian faithful over the last 200 years, that earth was to be destroyed on a specific date only to have that date come and go with out even the smallest amount of fire and brimstone. Talk about crying wolf, it sure doesn't lend credibility to anything that christian community wants to claim to be fact based on their faith. Considering how many times they have been wrong about the Apocalypse, I don't think I will put my faith in creationism or as I see it "just guessing". Yes the world will end someday and if you play the same lotto # long enough it will come up. I personally wish evangelical Christians would shut the "F "up about the end times because at this point it's nothing but a self fulling prophecy and someday some asshole will make it happen just to be right and the rest of us will be F "ed not because God has come back but because some jerk wanted the world to end. Think about it "EVERY SINGLE END TIME PREDICTION HAS BEEN WRONG EVERYONE ONE OF THEM" do you realize how much money is made by these assholes that claim to know when Jesus is coming. Jesus said its not even for him to know the hour or day, He also said to watch for false prophets , so if Jesus did not know when, then any one that says they "KNOW" when the end is , is a lying false prophet , DA ,DA , do you get it now , that also MEANS that if you think you know what day it all ends is, that you need to stop digging that bunker in your back yard and seek professional help, Because your not closer to god then Jesus your just nuts.

  • Reply to: Enigmatic Artifact: Possible Chinese Bi Disk Found in a Kentucky Garden   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: rock-art-revealed

    Maybe the owner should dig a little deeper … the original owner of the disc might just still be there in the garden.

    The reply from the Burke Museum that “it should not have been found in your part of the country” is unbelievable … It was found there so go figure out how it could have gotten there.

    If this artefact had been recovered in their state, they’d have been all over that guy’s garden looking for additional relics.

    A jade sword and a medallion are a few known articles that have been recovered around the Carolinas and now Kentucky, that have been attributed to a Chinese origin.

     There’s a growing belief that China had a presence in the Americas (South & North), well before Columbus arrived in 1492.

    I guess the Burke Museum personnel never read about the Chinese epic sea voyages and mapping the Globe including Antarctica which was not rediscovered until about 1820.

  • Reply to: More Than a Dozen Mysterious Carved Discs Found Near Volgograd, Russia   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Faeleyan

    These "discs" look like fossilized stromatolites. Saw one recently in a natural history museum and it looked just like this.

  • Reply to: Giant 7 – 8 Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador sent for Scientific Testing   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Geob

    I think this is a burn. If someone has a proper job, i.e. Anthropologist, one could expect to be able to google the name and the job and get something. Something that shows he is an anthropologist. But nothing. There is a rather heavyweight looking lawyer by that name (I hope, if this is a hoax, THAT was thought through). If Freie Universität is funding something, why can't we find it on their website? In fact, there is nothing at all to link that place to the story. Why put a link to the university if it doesn't refer to the thing your article refers to?... 
    And if a major find was being researched by a prominent German university, isn't it a bit disconcerting that it's only media outlet is essentially just an expat blog ... by a guy ... who now lives ... in that country?... 
    And if we take the story in the context of it coming from a one man news/blog site, on the t'internet, with no other searchable t'internet sources, and a man who may as well be Michael Knight as the protagonist, we can draw only one conclusion: It doesn't exist.
    I'm surprised that there wasn't the obligatory prattle about Watchers/Nephilim. Georgio wouldn't have missed that opportunity. After all, a bit more googling shows this is a region von Daniken and Bruce Fenton have had a go at. Giant fans know this is a region where sex pest giants attacked locals and had to driven off by angelic intervention. 
    Actual experts also know that this is a good area to find ice age megafauna fossils. Meh.

  • Reply to: Could ancient textbooks be the source of the next medical breakthrough?   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Beano

    They said one of the evilest emperors of China had a library destroyed that contained books, some say, went all the way back to nearly Adam!

  • Reply to: Giant 7 – 8 Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador sent for Scientific Testing   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Saiko

    Searches for information on the claimed anthropologist return only links to other versions of the above article.

  • Reply to: Assyrian stele containing ancient curse will not be reunited with its other half   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Edessa

    Dear Mathman, please take a moment to google Assyriology. You'll learn something new.

  • Reply to: Giant 7 – 8 Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador sent for Scientific Testing   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Kerem

    Are we talking about Chachapoya People?

  • Reply to: Did a Native American travel with the Vikings and arrive in Iceland centuries before Columbus set sail?   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: terry lay

    Has anyone ever figured out where the Vikings came from? I have seen circumstantial evidence that the Vikings originated in the western hemisphere. They could be the blonde, and red haired, and blue eyed white men living here, spoken of in Native American history. They would be, in my opinion, the ancient ones spoken of by the now ancient ones of the Indians, and the Egyptians. That would make them the ancient ones the Egyptians told about to Plato, The Atlantians, who were world travelers previous to the Egyptians. Awesome pre-ancient ruins have been found now all around the world, that no one can figure out. Blonde haired blue-eyed people were found in the earliest accounts of French, Spanish, and English pioneers, in the Indian tribes. They may have been the reminances of a previous evolution of man, decimated by natural catastrophes, then wiped out, incorporated into tribes, and or dispersed from the western hemisphere.

  • Reply to: Could ancient textbooks be the source of the next medical breakthrough?   8 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Rizzman

    “While there are many ancient medicines that are effective by modern standards, many are not or are frankly dangerous.”

    I think it would be just as valid to say, “While there are many modern medicines that are effective by ancient standards, many are not or are frankly dangerous.”

    ‘Modern medicine’ also has a habit of making making toxic pharmaceutical versions of natural remedies.  This is done because synthetic compounds can be patented; meanwhile the companies involved continue to wage a downright sinister PR war against natural medicine.

  • Reply to: Evidence for Pre-Clovis Inhabitants of Americas Emerges from Sea Floor   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: terry lay

    I live in the Bandera, Texas hill country. I have artifacts, that if they came from the eastern hemisphere, they are scrapers, hand axes, hammer stones and the like. However, if they came from here, they are preforms, cores, freaks of nature, anything but artifacts, or fossils. I have petrified wood, and bone that was worked before it was fossilized. Iron artifacts that are not like any iron I've ever seen, nor in the shape of any tool used by modern man. I have petrified body parts, that are passed off as chert formations. Chert seems to be an excellent excuse for anything un-explainable to the mainstream scientists. After 11 years of tracking this "theory", I'm convinced there was an entire evolution of man, previously to us, right here in the western hemisphere. I even know of lots of Indian lore, that tells of the white man that lived here when the Indian's ancestors came here. It's hard to find a pristine fossil in the hill country, that hasn't been used as a tool, or flattened out of shape, by what I'm convinced was a tsunami, probably from the "possible" comet they say landed in the caribbean some 65 million years ago. Does anyone know if these falsifications will ever be rectified, and true history unveiled?!

  • Reply to: Could ancient textbooks be the source of the next medical breakthrough?   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Moe Howard

    One would think this is where computers would be most effective if someone would develop programming to sort it all out [ancient information]. Unfortunately, games and amusements seem to be the priority. My visits to doctors the last few years have convinced me that a computer would be as effective if not more so; the doctors review the results of the last test results and revise or change medication based on that information, input from the patient is not encouraged, and physical examination is secondary at best. A computer could sort out what they do cheaper and more effectively. We are not chemistry experiments, however we are treated as such.
