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  • Reply to: The Legacy of Zecharia Sitchin: The Shifting Paradigm   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Ab Asaff

    Sitchin and Nibiru: The truth is:

    Those of us who research and write about fringe topics like UFOs, the paranormal, and lost civilizations like to think that the so-called "skeptics" who accept conventional views on everything without question are actually true believers in the status quo, and those of us on the fringe, who question conventional ideas, are the true skeptics. But if we are truly skeptical, we must also question and feel free to criticize fringe beliefs that do not seem to be based on facts or logic. An example would be the books of Zechariah Sitchin. Sitchin (7/11/1920-10/9/2010) was an economist, not an archaeologist, and most certainly not an astronomer. He taught himself to read ancient Sumerian, studied Sumerian myths, and constructed an elaborate theory devoid of logic or any real factual foundation.

    Sitchin believed that, long ago, a large planet called "Nibiru" entered our Solar System from somewhere else and somehow went into a very erratic orbit around our Sun. It collided with a planet called "Tiamat" orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, creating the asteroid belt with roughly half of Tiamat and sending the other half closer to our Sun, where it magically went into a near circular orbit on the ecliptic, becoming our own world, Earth. Nibiru itself then settled into a highly eccentric orbit going out as far as just beyond the orbit of Neptune, and returning to the inner Solar System every 3,600 years.

    An intelligent race somehow appeared on Nibiru, and visited Earth to mine gold, which they needed to somehow protect their atmosphere. Tiring of the work, they combined their DNA with that of Earth’s Homo erectus to produce Homo Sapiens, our own species, to be slaves for them. They created the Sumerian culture, and Sitchin believed that all human languages descended from Sumerian. He wrote in great detail about the history of the people of Nibiru, which he called the "twelfth planet," counting Pluto, the Sun, and our Moon as "planets," as did ancient astrologers. In his history he named their kings and princes and described their politics.

    There are so many problems with this that it is hard to know where to begin. First of all, a planet entering our system from interstellar space would be unlikely to settle into a highly eccentric elliptical orbit; it would either be ejected from the Solar System or settle into a more nearly circular orbit. If, at its greatest distance from the Sun, it was closer than Pluto (as well as larger) it would long ago have been spotted by our astronomers, and also would noticeably perturb the orbit of Neptune. For an orbit to have a period of 3,600 years it would have to extend far, far beyond Pluto. If Earth was the result of the collision described by Sitchin it would have a much more eccentric orbit than it does.

    Advanced life forms on planetary surfaces tend to exist only if the planet is in the "Goldilocks zone," not too hot or too cold. Even as far out as Jupiter, the moons of the outer planets are frozen solid on the surface; farther out, even hydrogen freezes solid. During most of its orbit, Nibiru would be so bitterly cold and dark that nothing could live, save perhaps extremophile bacteria far below the surface. Sitchin "explained" life on Nibiru by claiming that the planet is volcanically active, and, somehow, warmth seeps up from its interior. First of all, that would still not provide the sunlight needed for photosynthesis, which produces the oxygen needed for what we call advanced life forms. And volcanic heat does not seep up evenly, but in the form of deadly eruptions that devastate some areas and leave others cold and frozen. I have stood near the Yellowstone geysers, shaking with cold (don’t go there in winter). A very few years out of every 3,600 would not allow advanced surface life forms to develop.

    Professional archaeologists and experts in ancient languages have criticized Sitchin’s translation as being inaccurate, and have been skeptical of his interpretation of Sumerian mythology. They have pointed out (and I agree with them) that it is dangerous to interpret myths and legends in too literal a fashion. For example, some Christians believe that Noah literally had two of every land animal species on Earth plus food for all on his tiny ark. I have the utmost respect for Christians, but this is simply impossible. Some also believe that the Biblical flood literally covered the entire Earth, including even today’s mountains... if so, where did the water come from, and where did it go, and why is there no geological evidence for such a flood? In fact, the Bible is essentially correct; there was a global flood giving rise to the Biblical legend and the legend of Atlantis. Sea levels were lower during the last major glaciation because so much water was locked up in the vast continental ice sheets; when the Earth warmed and they melted, sea levels rose some 400 feet, flooding the continental shelves which had been dry land but are now submerged. In like manner, many of the Sumerian legends (including the original flood legend) were probably inspired by real people and real events, but much has been lost in the telling and retelling and the copying and recopying, and even the original stories may have referred, not to beings from another planet, but to paranormal entities. Also, many of the stories may have been intended from the start to be parables or to have a symbolic meaning.

    Sitchin considered Sumer to be Man’s oldest civilization, but the evidence shows Sumer to be less than six thousand years old. On the submerged continental shelves off the coast of India and elsewhere, small cities over nine thousand years old have been found; elsewhere, the walled city of Jericho is about ten thousand years old; and the massive, extensive, and elaborate stone structures of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey are nearly twelve thousand years old.

    Sitchin believes that the people of Nibiru created our own species less than half a million years ago, by genetically altering Homo Erectus. In fact, there is no hard evidence that Homo erectus was a different species ancestral to modern Man; it is more likely that they were fully human and were merely a different race rather than a different species. I have discussed this at some length in an article in Atlantis Rising magazine. Homo erectus is well over a million years old, and researchers Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson have uncovered massive evidence that people like us were alive on this Earth at least one or two million years ago, and probably five or ten million years before the present. There is even some evidence for still earlier dates.

    And then there is the matter of the gold the people of Nibiru allegedly wanted to somehow protect their atmosphere... from what? And how? None of this makes any sense. If these people wanted to mine gold it is almost certainly found in asteroids, particularly nickel-iron asteroids, rich in heavy metals. And, assuming that they could only get gold on Earth, why go to the trouble of creating a new species as slaves? If the people of Nibiru could travel about the Solar System, surely they could create machines to do the work. And what menaced Nibiru’s atmosphere, frozen solid out there in the cold darkness beyond Neptune? Did they want the gold to be suspended as dust for a reflective shield? Even if the atmosphere existed in gaseous form (it couldn’t), gold, being heavy and dense, would not stay suspended as easily and as long as many lighter (and more abundant) materials. From beyond Neptune our Sun would appear as little more than a very bright star; the last thing anyone on a dark and frozen world could possibly want would be to reflect the pathetically little sunlight and warmth available.

    And Sitchin imagines that this advanced race could fly all over the Solar System with rockets, and even use them to transport massive amounts of gold from Earth to Nibiru. Rocket technology, especially the chemical rockets we are presently using, has very limited capabilities, which is why we have to use multiple stages to get large payloads even into orbit around Earth, let alone beyond. We can imagine some combination of nuclear powered scramjets and rockets and ion drive, but even this would be limited in its capabilities. Something on the order of gravity control would be needed to do the planetary mining and transport Sitchin describes.

    People like Sitchin, along with people who believe in a hollow Earth, give all alternative thinkers a bad name. And, ironically, Sitchin is not guilty of being overly imaginative as much as not being imaginative enough. His too-literal interpretation of myths and his failure to conceive of anything better than primitive rocket technology all indicate a mind that in many ways was unable to break free from conventional ideas. And his belief that the gods described in myths could not have been paranormal entities but had to have been flesh and blood aliens in nuts and bolts spacecraft shows him to have been limited by the materialist mindset so prevalent in the modern world.

  • Reply to: The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Marion Lathem

    I can never find the adobe for my linux 15.10 the latest Ubuntu so I basically quit trying and do without seeing what it is

  • Reply to: Why do Ice Ages occur? A New Paradigm Shift on a Prehistoric Problem   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: ralph elli

    >>Now if they could just find powdered Gobi desert yak dung ...

    Perhaps they will. ;-). But this does indeed seem to be Gobi dust, as it has been isotopically identified as comming from that region. See the full paper, in the references section.


  • Reply to: The Sumerian King List Reveals the Origin of Mesopotamian Kingship   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Mahalingam Santhri N

    In my opinion the sumerian texts were mis interpreted. They meant only days. so by dividing the figures by 360 you will get the real age of the kings and the duration of their rein.

  • Reply to: City of the Dead: The Mysterious Village of Dargavs, Russia   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: WillowRaven

    Thankyou for a fascinating article. Ocko, thankyou for a wonderful and informative discussion after-most informative, thorough and helpful.

  • Reply to: The Shigir Idol - A wodden statue twice as old as the Pyramids of Egypt   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Derek Cunningham

    Hi Ivan, do you know where I could find images of the linear geometrics drawn on this idol?

  • Reply to: As the Bulldozers Continue, Will the Recently Discovered Ruins of a Byzantine Church Be Lost Forever?   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Lung Chuan CHEN

    The symbol in the first picture (a circle with a cross therein) - "吉" (Chinese)

    a circle + a cross over the top
    a circle + a cross therein
    a circle + a cross connected on top
    (different variants)

    "吉" (Fortunate, lucky, good fate, ... )

  • Reply to: Work Begins to Retrieve Nazi Gold Train Believed to Contain Lost Amber Room of Charlottenburg Palace   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: T. Hammer

    It doesn't sound like they have received or get to keep anything yet. According to the article, nothing has been revealed so far. Beyond the munitions talked about, all else is just speculation at this point. If it is a train load of munitions, that will likely be rusted junk today. Assuming it all doesn't explode in their faces tomorrow. Articles like this are a dime a million on the net today, rumor, myth, legend, and speculation mixed in to titillate the reader. When we see what actually comes out, then the celebration may begin.

  • Reply to: Work Begins to Retrieve Nazi Gold Train Believed to Contain Lost Amber Room of Charlottenburg Palace   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: T. Hammer

    History and treasure, the history of treasure, treasure history, two great topics. Years ago both were combined in one great website, which is now gone. Many topics here touch on those two topics often, and the challenge to to separate the wheat from the chaff.
    Norman, Please contact me via email, I may have a few things that will help you in your alien quest.
    mowk @

  • Reply to: Why do Ice Ages occur? A New Paradigm Shift on a Prehistoric Problem   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Colin Berry

    Wiki gives a nett lifetime for methane – atmosphere mainly, a little in the soil – of 8.4 years, which is pretty quick if thinking in terms of planetary glaciation cycles.

    Mechanism of removal?  Again, according to wiki (let the user beware) it gets attacked by OH free radicals, the latter deriving from singlet oxygen, being turned first into formaldehyde,  HCHO, and then, after reaction with more OH, into CO2 and water.

    The dust theory is quite a promising one, given that it's testable in principle by looking at ancient ice cores. Now if they could just find powdered Gobi desert yak dung ...


  • Reply to: Why do Ice Ages occur? A New Paradigm Shift on a Prehistoric Problem   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe Stitzel

    Perhaps animal methane can be added catalyst, once methane is formed or released, what counteracts methane ? or is there just simple dissipation ? amonia and other elements too.

  • Reply to: Why do Ice Ages occur? A New Paradigm Shift on a Prehistoric Problem   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe Stitzel

    I suspect also that methane and ammonia concentrations can rise and fall as well, thus attributing aid in the off balances. Additionally, similarly other Whole Planets, such as Pluto show the same signs and results, just with different gases emissions being the culprit. Mars probably use to have them both, but now just dust storms are left.. Are there enough animals along geological timeline to add affect to legal climate enigma ? I think there may seriously be, a lack of scientists willing to work on all those drilled glacial cores we have. Yet also, it may be beyond suspect that there is nothing man can do to counteract the earths way of balancing. global warming is a hoax; climate change is only the earth, at work :)

  • Reply to: Ancient Humans Bred with Completely Unknown Species   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Glen

    Neanderthals were thought to originate in Europe, so when the ancestors of present day Europeans arrived, interbreeding occurred.
    Neanderthals are considered to be Homo sapiens, as are Cro Magnons.

  • Reply to: Ancient Humans Bred with Completely Unknown Species   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Glen

    Neanderthals were thought to originate in Europe, so when the ancestors of present day Europeans arrived, interbreeding occurred.
    Neanderthals are considered to be Homo sapiens, as are Cro Magnons.

  • Reply to: Why Did Early Human Societies Practice Violent Human Sacrifice?   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Andrew B Brown

    I agree with the Social Control Hypothesis, but will go further, that the purpose was to create obedient women for selection by the chief.

    The sacrifices might be the elimination of male contenders, or it could be the result of a take-over.

  • Reply to: Ancient Humans Bred with Completely Unknown Species   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Glen

    I believe the question arises from the fact that Ur of Sumeria was known in Ancient times, then forgotten about and was not rediscovered until the early 1900s.
    Ur of Chaldea was known in the more recent of Ancient times and was remembered into the present.
    Hammurabi was given credit for the first written legal code for hundreds of years. However, in the early 1900s Ur-Nammu's written law code was found and proven to predate Hammurabi's law code by a few centuries.

    Ancient scribes translated the earlier Sumerian cuneiform tablets into their languages and made a reference to where the original information originated. This reference raised a question into archeologists' minds but the question was not answered until evidence of the Sumerian civilization was discovered.
    The problem was compounded because the scientists do not know the origins of the Sumerian people and the Sumerian language has not been deciphered.

  • Reply to: Why do Ice Ages occur? A New Paradigm Shift on a Prehistoric Problem   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe Stitzel

    190 ppm is not the necessary trigger. but the gun when fired, the reverse gear engaged, yet not until climate glass (or delicacy) has gone just beyond overfill or underempty.

  • Reply to: What Happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island?   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Valerie


  • Reply to: Ancient Humans Bred with Completely Unknown Species   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Glen

    Johnny Cope,
    The Garden of Eden is thought to have been in the northern regions of Mesopotamia. Abram left Sumer to make his journey to Canaan/Promised Land, where he changed his name to Abraham.

    Noah lived in Mesopotamia between the life of Adam and Abram/Abraham. Noah and the Sumerian flood stories would come from the same event. There are dozens of flood stories from all over the world, from widely spaced different cultures. Something happened to generate those Flood stories.

  • Reply to: Ancient Inscriptions Decoded at the Spectacular Temple of the Mayan King Pakal   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe Stitzel

    There are several dangers with any expedition, greedy cartels, thieves to outsiders and they don't care who you are. Any expedition needs to be planned well, well funded, plan to stay a while meaning long term dedication which also means money. Besides money, food and water may need to be transported in, making it vulnerable to smugglers, thus archeological searches more difficult. Also articfacts found are vulnerable to smugglers, lying traders whop appear to be helpful. Also dangerous animals, insects and disease can make some fearful. I wonder however if there is a program where the curious and very interested can join some monthly Long expedition to go there. But one has to have time on their hands, have interest and willing to be in danger most of the time. Unpredictable.
