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Christopher Columbus

The landing of Columbus at the Island of Guanahaní, West Indies by John Vanderlyn, which was a success because the fake captain’s log kept the crew’s confidence up and prevented a mutiny. Source: John Vanderlyn / Public domain

The Deception of Christopher Columbus and his Secret Captain’s Log

Christopher Columbus may be among the most important (if controversial) historical figures to ever live. The legacy of his voyage had resounding impacts that reverberated all the way around the globe...
Christopher Columbus before the Catholic Monarchs at the court of Barcelona (V. Turgis, 19th century )  (Public Domain)

Christopher Columbus Finding The New Jerusalem And King Solomon’s Ophir

Cristobal Colón was born in mid-1460 as the illegitimate son of Prince Carlos (Charles IV) of Viana, Spain, and Margarita Colón, of a prominent Jewish family in the ghetto of the Island of Mallorca,...
Christopher Columbus, surrounded by a crowd of people, is about to embark on his ship, August 1492. (Wellcome Images / CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Secret Identity Of Christopher Columbus: A Celtic-Jewish Spanish Pirate?

The Christopher Columbus that everybody learns about in school may have been an entirely different person than is generally being taught. Columbus was a fascinating person, and the more one studies...
Christopher Columbus and His Son at La Rábida by Eugène Delacroix (1839) National Gallery of Art (Public Domain)

The Papal Public Relations Operation Behind Christopher Columbus’ Discovery Of The New World

Was there a Papal conspiracy around Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America? Is it possible that the history of the ‘discovery of America’ has been told omitting details that only now re-emerge...
Christopher Columbus, map of the New World and Dante Alighieri (Deriv)

Discovering The New World: The Papacy’s Backing Of Dante And Columbus

A concerning trend has broken out in the world: that of rewriting history to one's liking by acclaiming or tarnishing historical figures of whom very little is actually known. For more than 30 years...
Christopher Columbus statue in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Source: Nikolay N. Antonov / Adobe Stock

First Tomb of Christopher Columbus Finally Found

He can be hailed as the heroic explorer who “discovered” the “New World” or reviled as the man who set off the process of genocide of indigenous Americans, but he can’t be denied a momentous place in...
Guanabara Bay Evidence: Did the Romans Reach the New World Before Columbus?

Guanabara Bay Evidence: Did the Romans Reach the New World Before Columbus?

There are many pieces of historical evidence that have a special place in every person's memory. Christopher Columbus and his earliest exploits are some of the notable adventures which have been...
An illustration of Spanish war dogs in battle armor, which must have been similar to Becerrillo of Spanish conquistador fame. (Public domain).

Becerrillo: The Terrifying War Dog of the Spanish Conquistadors

Dogs have been used as powerful weapons of war for at least the last 3,000 years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Sarmatians, Assyrians, Britons and Romans are all known to have used dogs in...
Some archaeologists pointed to dramatic shifts in Caribbean pottery styles as evidence of new migrations. But the Caribbean DNA study shows all of the styles were created by one group of people over time. These effigy vessels belong to the Saladoid pottery type, ornate and difficult to shape.            Source: Corinne Hofman and Menno Hoogland / Florida Museum of Natural History

DNA Study Rewrites Caribbean Population History

In 1492 AD, Christopher Columbus famously sailed across the Atlantic and landed in the Americas. He and his men were the first Europeans to wash up in the Bahamas, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and...
Chinese Votive Sword Found in Georgia

Chinese Votive Sword Found in Georgia suggests Pre-Columbian Chinese travel to North America

In July 2014, an avocational surface collector chanced across a partially exposed Chinese votive sword behind roots in an eroded bank of a small stream in Georgia. The 30 cm artifact is possibly a...
Native Americans see the arrival of an explorer’s ship. Credit: ginettigino / Adobe Stock

Amerigo Vespucci: The Forgotten Explorer Who Named America

The age of discovery is certainly one of the most dramatic periods of European history - a period of revolutionary voyages and contacts with the fascinating and mysterious New World . Many prominent...
The Island of Cubagua, Venezuela

Nueva Cádiz and the Pearls of Venezuela

South America is famous for many reasons and amongst history lovers, for its many lost and abandoned cities . Since they have been rediscovered, they are among some of the most remarkable...
Fort Hamilton, Bequia

Fort Hamilton: Black Caribs vs The British on Strategically Important Island in the Caribbean

St Vincent and the Grenadines are a group of 32 small island with a long history. The main island of Saint Vincent is the sovereign state and was named by Christopher Columbus in 1498. One of its...
Fortaleza Ozama, Santo Domingo		Source:  photobeginner/ Adobe Stock

Fortaleza Ozama, Where Columbus Was Imprisoned for Being a Tyrant

The language and culture of many of the Caribbean islands reflects four centuries of Spain’s presence in the region. They also left a remarkable legacy of colonial-era buildings and one of the most...
Fort Shirley 		Source: Gail Johnson/ Adobe Stock

Fort Shirley, Where A Mutiny Led to Emancipation of the British Slave Soldiers

Dominica is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean . Its beauty, however, belies a somewhat violent past when it was often a center of violent conflict. One of the best-known historic...
The Inspiration of Christopher Columbus by José María Obregón, 1856.

Can the Catholicism of Christopher Columbus be Questioned?

One of the great adventurers and explorers of Spain’s Golden Age of discovery was Cristoforo Colon, Christopher Columbus. His exploits, centering on the discovery of new lands across the Atlantic,...
Portrait of Christopher Columbus

How Columbus, Of All People, Became a National Symbol

Christopher Columbus was a narcissist. He believed he was personally chosen by God for a mission that no one else could achieve. After 1493, he signed his name “xpo ferens” – “the Christbearer.” His...
Pedro Madruga: Galician VIP…and Another Name for Christopher Columbus?

Pedro Madruga: Galician VIP…and Another Name for Christopher Columbus?

Pedro Madruga is remembered as one of the most important Galicians. His life was full of adventure and also created one of the greatest mysteries of this region. According to many researchers and...
Posthumous portrait of Christopher Columbus by Sebastiano del Piombo, 1519.

Two New Theories on the Hotly Debated Origins of Christopher Columbus

During the last few years two new and very interesting theories (supported with scientific research) have appeared about Columbus. They suggest that the history of the man who “discovered” America,...
Syphilis was widespread in Central Europe even before Columbus’ voyage to America, say scientists, suggesting that Columbus himself cannot be blamed for introducing the illness to Europe.

Syphilis widespread in Central Europe even before Columbus voyage to America

In 1495, a new disease spread throughout Europe: syphilis. Christopher Columbus was said to have brought this sexually transmitted disease back from his voyage to America. At least, that has been the...
The Yale world map of "Henricus Martellus Germanus" (Heinrich Hammer). It is the most detailed "Dragon Tail" map by Martellus. It is the only one with a coordinate grid.

Hidden secrets revealed in 1491 world map that may have guided Columbus

A map of the world produced in 1491 by Henricus Martellus has been subjected to multispectral imaging, which has revealed hidden details on the map not previously visible, including numerous Latin...
Archaeologists working in the 1,000-year-old house at the Rising Whale site at Cape Espenberg, Alaska.

Ancient Bronze Artifacts in Alaska Reveals Trade with Asia Before Columbus Arrival

An incredible archaeological discovery in Alaska provided evidence that trade was occurring between Asia and the New World centuries before Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492...
Sea Peoples of the Levant

Sea-Farers from the Levant the first to set foot in the Americas: proto-Sinaitic inscriptions found along the coast of Uruguay

This article adds a new dimension to the age old conundrum, was Christopher Columbus, or was he not, actually the first to set foot in the Americas? A Movement currently actioning much debate in the...
Colombus - America

The Columbus Myth – Part 2

(Read Part 1 ) The First Voyage of Christopher Columbus After departure, Columbus first sailed to the Canary Islands which belonged to Castile (A western extension of Spain), where he took on...
