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black sea

The body of Leo V is dragged to the Hippodrome through the Skyla Gate. Varangian Guardsmen, an illumination from the Skylitzes Chronicle; many if not most members of the Varangian guard were English after the 11th century (Public Domain)

Nova Anglia, The Forgotten Anglo-Saxon Enclave In Ukraine

Tucked away in the outer regions of the Byzantine empire was a pocket of towns with a series of unusual names that have puzzled academic and armchair historians alike, for among the most unexpected...
Scroll of Asclepius with an inscription. Source: Background; Alexey Pavluts / Adobe Stock, Insets; Left;CC BY-SA 3.0; Right; CC BY-SA 4.0

Second Century Asclepius Inscription Found at Anatolian Site

Archaeologists performing excavations in the ancient city of Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia, in the Black Sea region of northern Turkey unearthed a piece of rock that contained a most revealing...
Istanbul’s Bosporus Strait, Fragile Hinge Between East And West

Istanbul’s Bosporus Strait, Fragile Hinge Between East And West

The continents of Europe and Asia shake hands across Istanbul’s Bosporus Strait, connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara which in turn connects to the Mediterranean Sea through the Dardanelles...
Earth’s Largest-Ever Lake Engulfed Europe and Asia 12 Million Years Ago

Earth’s Largest-Ever Lake Engulfed Europe and Asia 12 Million Years Ago

In-depth research has shed new light on the astonishing and awe-inspiring history of the Paratethys Sea. This 12-milion-year-old megalake was formed in Eurasia by the same tectonic shifts that...
The Empire of Trebizond: Byzantine Offshoot of Great Power and Wealth

The Empire of Trebizond: Byzantine Offshoot of Great Power and Wealth

The fascinating and exotic history of the Empire of Trebizond, which existed between the 13th and 15th centuries AD, is a great story. This empire occupied the southern coast of the Black Sea, and...
Earring Unearthed In Bulgaria Matches Those In Multiple Mummy Portraits

Earring Unearthed In Bulgaria Matches Those In Multiple Mummy Portraits

Fashion in the period of classical antiquity seems to have followed trends that extended much further than we ever imagined. In this case, extending from the ladies of Roman Egypt all the way to the...
The Sphinx Gate in Hattusa, Turkey.

Hattusa: The Cursed City of the Hatti and the Hittite Empire

Hattusa, also known as Hattusha, is an ancient city located near modern Boğazkale in the Çorum Province of Turkey’s Black Sea Region . This ancient city once served as the capital of the Hittite...
Researchers study a ship graveyard discovered in the Black Sea. Source: Paul Vinten / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Ship Graveyard Embroiled In Biblical Flood Mystery

Can a subaquatic ship graveyard really help solve the biblical mystery of Noah’s Ark? The mysterious ancient site was discovered thousands of feet below the Black Sea off the old town of Nessebar on...
The Abora IV, based on the ancient Egyptian reed boat

Golden Varna Plate Linked To Daring Sea Voyage Between Black Sea and Egypt 7,000 Years Ago

There’s an odd-looking design on an ancient ceramic vessel that was found in Varna, Bulgaria that one expert believes is linked to another kind of vessel – a woven, seafaring kind. Many years ago,...
The Abora IV, based on the ancient Egyptian reed boat. Source: Mission ABORA

Oceanic Indiana Jones Attempts to Sail the Black Sea in an Ancient Egyptian Reed Boat

Described by the New York Times as “part P. T. Barnum and part Indiana Jones” an eccentric former German school teacher, Dominique Goerlitz, has told reporters at AFP that he has assembled a team of...
Oldest intact shipwreck in the world found in the Black Sea.

In the Depths for 2400 Years: Oldest Intact Shipwreck in the World Found Amongst Black Sea Wrecks

The Black Sea has been a busy place for underwater archaeology. Of the over 60 shipwrecks that have been identified in the region, there are three ancient shipwrecks which have caught the most...
Clay pot full of coins and precious metal objects found at Kaliakra fortress

Clay Pot Filled With 1000 Precious Metal Treasures Found at Kaliakra Fortress

The National Museum of Bulgaria has announced that they have discovered a small clay pot at Kaliakra Fortress that contains a hoard of priceless objects from the 14 th century. There are believed to...
Sculpture portraying Greek god Apollo

Tiny Black Sea Island may be Hiding Lost Temple of Apollo

A lost temple dedicated to the Greek and Roman god Apollo may be hiding in Sozopol, Bulgaria, known in ancient times as Apollonia Pontica - ‘Apollonia on the Black Sea’. Archaeologists with the...
The 2,100-year-old marble mother goddess sculpture of Kybele is still under threat at the ancient Turkish castle near the Black Sea.

Ancient Castle in Turkey Remains Threatened by Dynamite Blasts

Commodities versus conservation – yet again the debate is playing out. This time the site of interest is the ruins of an ancient castle in Turkey; where dynamite may shake a unique mother goddess...
The Medieval ring found in Kavarna, Bulgaria (Image: Kavarna Municipality)

Jewelry to Die For: 14th-Century Bulgarian Ring with a Killer Dose

When a medieval ring was uncovered by Bulgarian archaeologists excavating the remains of the medieval fortress on Cape Kaliakra, near the town of Kavarna on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, they were...
Georgian (Colchis) fortress of Surami, built in the 2nd-3rd centuries, heavily fortified in the 12th century

The Ancient Kingdom of Colchis: A Legendary Land of Plenty, Conflict, and the Golden Fleece

Anyone familiar with Greek legends has heard of the Colchis Kingdom. It was to here that the band of heroes known as the Argonauts ventured in order to obtain the Golden Fleece, a symbol of authority...
Rare Collection of Over 40 Shipwrecks Revealed in Mapping of Black Sea Landscape

Rare Collection of Over 40 Shipwrecks Revealed in Mapping of Black Sea Landscape

A maritime archaeology expedition launched to map the submerged ancient landscape of the Black Sea has found a rare collection of over 40 shipwrecks, including those from the Ottoman and Byzantine...
A necropolis was found under land upon which a new culture center is being built in Sinop

Remnants of ancient necropolis excavated in Black Sea city in Turkey

A necropolis is being excavated at a veritable crossroads of ancient civilizations, in Sinop, Turkey. Workers found remnants of the 4 th century BC city of the dead while building a culture center in...
Jason and the Argonauts and the golden Fleece

Did ancient gold mining methods create REAL Golden Fleece and inspire legend of Jason and the Argonauts?

The mythical Golden Fleece is best known for featuring in the ancient legend of Greek hero Jason and his band of sailors, the Argonauts. Geologists have theorized from investigations that the Golden...
Ring of Death - Bulgaria

The 14th-Century Bulgarian Ring of Death

Bulgarian archaeologists excavating the remains of the medieval fortress on Cape Kaliakra, near the town of Kavarna on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, last year found a well-preserved man’s ring which...
Stone Age Inns

Stone Age Inns to be Examined by French Archaeologists

French archaeologists have applied to the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Arts to excavate an area in the Black Sea province of Samsun’s Tekkeköy district where a number of Stone Age inns were...