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There are undoubtedly millions of ancient artifacts from the past that have served to shed light on the lives of our ancestors from many millennia ago. But some ancient mystical artifacts stand out for their uniqueness, their intrigue, or their ability to expand our knowledge about previously unknown aspects of our history. Here we feature many such ancient history artifacts, from amazing examples of ancient technology, to artistic masterpieces, unexplained objects, ancient texts, and mysterious artifacts that shed light on the daily lives of our ancestors.

Undated photo of a mosaic jade mask discovered inside an ancient Maya tomb dating back 1,700 years in Chochkitam, Guatemala, near the borders of what are now Mexico and Belize, on July 1, 2022. Source: Francisco Estrada-Belli/Tulane University

Haunting Jade Mask and Inscribed Bones Unearthed In Guatemala

An ancient Maya tomb, dating back 1,700 years, has been uncovered at the site of Chochkitam in Guatemala, near the border of modern-day Mexico and Belize. This looted, pyramid tomb revealed an...
Between 34,000 and 24,000 years ago, diverse European cultures from the Gravettian period utilized marine shells, teeth, beads, and other ornaments for personal adornment, shown here. Source: J. Baker, et al/Nature

Prehistoric Jewelry Unveils 9 Distinct Paleolithic European Cultures

A fascinating new study has explored the cultural behavior of prehistoric humans in Europe from tens of thousands of years ago, and learnt that our ancestors adorned themselves with a diverse array...
Left; Bronze metalwork deposited at Papowo Biskupie. Right; Hypothetical reconstruction of the necklace recovered from Papowo Biskupie worn by a model in traditional clothing. Source: A. Piasecka/ Antiquity Publications Ltd

Dried Lakebed Site Reveals Game Changing Bronze Age Jewelry of Chełmno Culture

Archaeologists in Poland have unearthed a trove of over 550 pieces of Bronze Age jewelry believed to have been part of an ancient burial ceremony. Discovered at the Papowo Biskupie site, which was...
Landscape of Rancho Quemado, where the Treasure Cave is located with, inset, the atlatl and two wooden darts, found in Treasure Cave, Querétaro, Mexico        Source: Jesús E. Medina V./ INAH

Hunting Instruments Dating Back 1,900 Years Discovered in Mexican Cave

In a small gallery of the Cueva del Tesoro, in Cadereyta de Montes, Querétaro, authorities have recovered one of the few sets of hunting tools from pre-Hispanic times discovered so far in Mexico. It...
Detail of the Wallace sword on display inside William Wallace monument. Source: Public Domain

Was the Wallace Sword Truly Wielded by the Famous Scottish ‘Braveheart’?

Many times, evidence of fantastic finds vanishes, leaving behind only legends (think the Tulli Papyrus or Robin Hood’s Hideout). However, sometimes, fabulous artifacts from history manage to survive...
Representation of Nuestra Señora de Atocha galleon generated by AI.	Source: FrankBoston/Adobe Stock

Treasures of Nuestra Señora de Atocha $1Billion Cargo Displayed In New York

In September 1622, the Nuestra Señora de Atocha treasure ship sunk near the Florida Keys. Now, its $1.1billion cargo of plundered indigenous treasures, including a stunning Colombian emerald crucifix...
A close up of the woman buried with neck rings at the 1000-year-old burial site found near Kyiv, Ukraine.	Source: Courtesy of Vyacheslav Baranov/National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Bizarrely Adorned Ancient Burials Found In Ukraine

A recently unearthed cemetery in Ukraine, dating back 1,000 years, has yielded an array of fascinating finds, including weapons, jewelry, and, unusually, buckets positioned around the feet of some of...
Conservator Bethan Bryan with the Roman arm guard. Source: Duncan McGlynn / National Museums Scotland

“Absolutely Amazing” Roman Arm Guard Pieced Together After 1,800 Years

Over 100 years ago, a Scot unearthed over 100 fragments of metal which he thought comprised a Roman chest guard. Now, National Museums Scotland have reconstructed the artifact and discovered that it...
The Parthenon Centaur displayed in the National Museum in Copenhagen. 	Source: Courtesy of The National Museum of Denmark/Heritage Science Journal

Despite Intensive Scientific Analyses, Parthenon Marble Stain Remains a Mystery

For almost 200 years, archaeologists have been puzzled by a mysterious brown stain on the ancient Greek Parthenon temple in Greece. Now, researchers have conducted new scientific analyses, and their...
Images of Mysterious Rock Art. Source: JSirlin/Adobe Stock; ©John Wombell; ©Salima Ikram; ©Amit Bhardwaj/Times of India; Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland

Ten Mysterious Rock Art Examples from the Ancient World

Rock paintings and engravings are among the world’s oldest continuously practiced art form and are as diverse as the wide-ranging cultures and civilizations that have produced them. Depictions of...
Various shots of the mosaic now confirmed dated to the 5th century at Chedworth Roman Villa. Source: Stephen Haywood/Ian Shaw/ © National Trust Images

Roman Mosaic Date Brightens Up Britain’s Dark Ages in More Ways Than One

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it’s popularly believed that its fall to ‘barbaric’ forces by the beginning of the 5th century, plunged all of Europe into a ‘Dark Age’, where towns and villas...
The medieval sword after it was dredged out of the Vistula River at Włocławekport, Poland.	Source: Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments In Torun

1,000-Year-Old Sword with Potential Viking Link Recovered From Polish River

A highly contested find has been recovered from the bottom of a river in Poland. The sword is believed to be around 1,000 years in age, with some touting a potential connection to the Vikings that...
Reconstruction of Shiyu "horse-hunters", earliest known modern humans in China. Source: GUO Xiaocong/Nature

New Evidence Shows Modern Humans First Arrived in China 45,000 Years Ago

A new study presents evidence showing that Homo sapiens (modern humans) arrived in China approximately 45,000 years ago, or several thousand years earlier than previously suspected. The original...
The full, well-preserved gauntlet on the right, and part gauntlet on the left.	Source: Construction Department/ Zurich Canton

Sensational 14th Century Gauntlet Unearthed In Switzerland

In a remarkable find of ancient military technology, a team of cantonal archaeologists in Kyburg, Switzerland, has unearthed a completely preserved armored gauntlet dating back to the 14th century...
Left: 2nd century AD sculpture, small replica of the Athena Parthenos of Phidias. Right: Artist’s impression of Zeus sculpture by Phidias. 	Source: Left; George E. Koronaios/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Public Domain

The Greatest Colossal Statues of Ancient Greece (Video)

Ancient Greece boasts some of the most remarkable colossal statues, with the works of the renowned sculptor Phidias taking center stage. Born between 480 and 430 BC, Phidias left an indelible mark on...
Prof Alice Roberts with Jacqueline Mckinley and Ceri Boston from Wessex Archaeology with human remains from the Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Lincolnshire.	Source: © Wessex Archaeology

Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Secrets Unlocked on BBC's 'Digging for Britain'

In an exciting development in the world of archaeology, a new episode of BBC's "Digging for Britain" is set to showcase the recent discovery of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery in rural Lincolnshire, in the...
Tribe of four ancient humans wearing animal skin.  Source: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

When Did Humans Stop Being Naked? (Video)

The origins of clothing are shrouded in the challenges of preservation, yet traces of ancient textiles provide glimpses into our sartorial past. In 1913, during an Egyptian excavation, William...
The Bible tells an overall story about the history of the world.  Source: Pixabay/Pexels/The Conversation

Who wrote the Bible?

Philip C. Almond /The Conversation The Bible tells an overall story about the history of the world: creation, fall, redemption and God’s Last Judgement of the living and the dead. The Old Testament (...
A Byzantine ship using Greek fire against an enemy ship. Source: Public Domain

Greek Fire Is Every Sailor's Deadly Nightmare (Video)

Investigating the historical narrative of Greek Fire , the ancient Byzantine weapon emerges as a pivotal element during the Arab siege of Constantinople in 678 AD. In a daring counterattack, the...
The intricate Anglo- Saxon artifact has a diameter of only 19.4mm (0.7 in) and features a depiction of an animal at the top, most probably a horse. Source: ANDREW WILLIAMS/NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL

Exquisite Silver Gilded Anglo-Saxon Artifact Unearthed, Baffles Experts

A stunningly crafted and gilded silver Anglo-Saxon artifact, skillfully made by someone with a keen sense of beauty, has left experts puzzled as to its purpose and utility. This exquisite artifact,...
Composite of excavations, burials and artifacts from the Roman necropolis recently uncovered near Rome. Source: Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti Paesaggio Etruria Meridionale

Opulent Tombs & Untold Wealth Revealed at Newly Found Roman Necropolis

Archaeologists involved in a two-year-long excavation project at the site of a planned solar energy plant near Rome unearthed something astonishing and totally unexpected. While exploring under a...
One of the medieval skeletons found at the Fonmon Castle site cemetery, Cardiff.  Source: ©Andy Seaman

Bizarrely Positioned Burials Uncovered In Early Medieval Cemetery, Wales

Archaeologists in Wales have uncovered an early medieval cemetery, dating back to the 6th or 7th century. So far, 18 out of an estimated 70 graves have been excavated, revealing remarkably well-...
The Mesopotamian military represented here used weapons of war to achieve great success. Source: WILD HARE/Adobe Stock

Mesopotamian Military Mastery - The Ancient Reinvention of Warfare

Creating a great empire in ancient times was no simple task, and it usually involved a lot of warfare. Ancient Mesopotamia, called by many the cradle of civilization, was also the cradle of organized...
Thailand, Pattaya December 2019 Fragment of the Temple of truth in Pattaya. A huge wooden temple with carved decorations. Buddhist temple. Source: Margarita Timofeeva/Adobe Stock

Exploring the World's Most Spectacular Temples (Video)

Discover the world's most spectacular temples as we journey through diverse landscapes and cultures. In northern Lithuania, the Hill of Crosses stands as a reminder of the nation's identity and...
