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Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist by Luca Signorelli  (1499) (Public Domain)

Prophets For Profit: Telling The Future - Fiction, Fact Or Funny

Technically speaking, a prophet is one who is believed to speak for God, but generally speaking, when people hear the word ‘prophet’, they tend to think of one who sees the future. In popular...
The Secret Prophetic Alphabet of Armageddon

The Secret Prophetic Alphabet of Armageddon

In the beginning was the word, and by the time that word was made flesh some 85 million people would be dead. It would be incumbent upon us to discover just what that word might be. The word was ‘...
Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Unpublished 17th-century AD alchemical documents reveal Sir Isaac Newton’s private Egyptian pyramid studies, in his quest to calculate a date for the End of Days. In July 1936 AD, a metal chest...
Detail of ‘The Number of the Beast is 666’  by William Blake (1805). Rosenbach Museum & Library ( Public Domain)

666 Sanctified: The Beast Was Fake News

The number 666 has been sanctified and this should bring sighs of relief to all those who were wary at the number of the beast fearing it symbolised satanic forces. It has transpired that the number...
Daniel in the Lions’ Den by Thomas Agnew and Sons, (1892) (Public Domain)

Anticipating Armageddon: The Interpretation of Daniel’s Dream

“But Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal it up so that it will not be understood until the end times, when travel and education shall be vastly increased! ( Daniel 12:4). The traditional date...
The Ancient Roots of Doomsday Prophecies

How it Ends: The Ancient Roots of Doomsday Prophecies and End of the World Beliefs

Hollywood’s obsession with the End of Times is not over yet – Armageddon, Deep Impact, Doomsday, Legion, Thor: Ragnarok and 28 Days Later, are just a few of the blockbusters, out of hundreds, that...
Archaeologists were stunned to discover the tomb—replete with burial offerings and human remains—undisturbed for some 3,600 years.

Nine Skeletons Discovered in a 3,600-year-old Tomb Could Be the Canaanite Elite of Megiddo

The discovery of a Middle Bronze Age tomb in the ancient Canaanite city of Megiddo provides a fascinating glimpse at what life was like for the rich and powerful before Thutmose's army overthrew its...
The ring found by gardener Dekel Ben-Shitrit thought to depict St. Nicholas with a bishop's crook.

Medieval Ring Unearthed in the Shadow of Armageddon

A rare 700-year-old bronze ring bearing a tiny image of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of pilgrims and travelers, was dug up in a routine weeding exercise in northern Israel. Gardener Dekel Ben-Shitrit...
‘The Last Judgment’ triptych (open) (1467-1471) by Hans Memling.

Prophecy of the Popes: Are We Reaching the End of Days?

For thousands of years, people all over the ancient world claimed to have the powers of foresight. In 1143, The Prophecy of the Popes was created - listing the future attributes of the 112 pontiffs...
‘End of the World’ artistic representation.

Ancient Fears to Keep You Up at Night - The End Really, Really is Nigh

Historians often declare that at least 3500 end of world prophecies have appeared over the same number of years. And those are only the written ones! Eschatology is theology concerned with the final...
Roman cooking pot with most likely the remains of a cremated Roman Legionary, found at the Roman military camp discovered at Legio, by Tel Megiddo

Remains of Ancient Roman Soldier Discovered in a 1,700-Year-Old Cooking Pot in Israel

The remains of an ancient Roman soldier have been found in a 1,700-year-old cooking pot at a huge Roman camp in Israel. Archaeologists suggest that the camp is the only full-scale Roman legionary...
More than Battles of Armageddon: The Forgotten Story of Megiddo, An Archaeological Paradise

More than Battles of Armageddon: The Forgotten Story of Megiddo, An Archaeological Paradise

The city of Megiddo is well-known from ancient texts, but it was overlooked for many years. Over the centuries, people had forgotten whether Megiddo was a real city, or just a legend from the past...
The Fall of the Rebel Angels

Epic Cosmic Battles and the Forces of Creation and Destruction in Belief Systems around the World

Stories of epic cosmic battles can be found in many world cultures. In these battles, the lines are often drawn clearly, with the forces of good on one side and the forces of evil on the other. For...