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Archaeologists work on the ancient Upper-Level Second Temple Period Aqueduct, which provided the city with fresh water.      Source: Emil Aladjem/IAA

Second Temple Period Aqueduct Unearthed in Jerusalem

A 300-meter (984.25 ft) section of a late Second Temple Period aqueduct has been found in Jerusalem, illuminating ancient Roman engineering. The aqueduct's design reveals the innovation of that era,...
Mada'in Saleh (Al-Ḥijr & Hegra) archaeological site near Al Ula, Saudi Arabia. Source: hyserb/Adobe Stock

The Marvel of Mada’in Saleh and the Enigmatic Nabataean People

The archaeological site of Mada’in Saleh, previously known as Hegra, is the most famous ancient site in Saudi Arabia. It is also the first archaeological site of Saudi Arabia to be included in the...
The site where the Roman necropolis and aqueduct have been discovered in Belgrade, Serbia.	Source: Belgrade City Museum/sveoarheologiji

Roman Necropolis Both Found and Doomed Due To A Car Park in Belgrade

Archaeologists in Serbia, excavating in the center of the city of Belgrade, have discovered a Roman necropolis filled with elaborate stone tombs, and a section of a Roman aqueduct system. However,...
Sun over Moray, Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru. Source: alexpermyakov/Adobe Stock

10 Jaw-dropping Engineering Marvels of the Inca Empire

The Inca were an illustrious ancient civilization, whose sprawling empire stretched from Ecuador to the north, to central Chile in the south. Many of the remnants of their incredible civilization are...
Ancient underground city. Source: Nicole / Adobe Stock

15 Incredible Ancient Buildings and Structures (Video)

The sheer scale of human construction throughout history is awe-inspiring. From buildings to bridges, roads to houses, temples to theaters, humans have been creating structures for millennia. However...
Top Image: Speleologists explore the Aqua Augusta, a Roman aqueduct that was previously the least-documented aqueduct in the Roman world. Source: Associazione Cocceius

Uncharted Section of Augustan Aqueduct Discovered Beneath Naples

Built in the early first century BC during the Augustan era in Naples, Italy, the “Aqua Augusta” is one of the largest and most sophisticated aqueducts in the Roman Empire. Now, a previously unknown...

Naples’ Hidden Ancient Aqueducts Could Save the City from Unbearable Heat

The modern city of Naples lies on some extremely historical waterways, some over 2,000 years old. Scientists heading a novel project in contemporary urban spaces suggest that these historical water...
Alatri acropolis cyclopean wall by the Porta Maggiorre. Source: Laura Tabone

The Cyclopean Problem: Who Built Italy’s Astounding Ancient Walls?

Megalithic cyclopean masonry is found in many parts of Italy, including Lazio , Abruzzo, Campania, Umbria, Tuscany and Molise. This type of masonry involves fitting together huge differently shaped...
Aquincum: Exploring the Ancient Roman City Under Modern-Day Budapest

Aquincum: Exploring the Ancient Roman City Under Modern-day Budapest

The ancient Roman city of Aquincum, now located under Budapest in Hungary, was once the capital of Pannonia on the northeastern border of the Roman Empire. From its strategic location on the banks of...
The excavation in central Nimes where the two opulent Roman domus townhouses were recently discovered. Inset, close up of the mosaic.

Archaeologists Unearth Two Luxury Roman Townhouses In Nimes, France

Archaeologists conducting an extensive survey in the historic city of Nimes in southern France have unearthed two opulent and expansive Roman domus townhouses. These upper-class, multipurpose...
Segóbriga: Vestiges of Roman Grandeur in Spain

Segóbriga: Vestiges of Roman Grandeur in Spain

Segóbriga was a Celtic, and later Roman, city located in Castilla-La Mancha, in the central part of Spain . Today, the ancient city is an important archaeological park and one of the best-preserved...
Engineering Secrets of Barbegal Mills, The World’s First Industrial Complex, Uncovered

Engineering Secrets of Barbegal Mills, The World’s First Industrial Complex, Uncovered

The Romans were among the finest engineers in the ancient world. Among the most impressive of their engineering feats was the Barbegal mills and aqueduct. This is a complex of watermills located in...
Roman Bridge Pont du Gard in France. Credit: JackF / Adobe Stock

6 Ways Roman Engineers Were Way Ahead of Their Time

Ancient Roman engineers were able to construct many different kinds of remarkable structures which have stood the test to time. In many places around the world we can still see and admire their...
Archaeologists at work at one of the 8 digs at the Piraeus Port aqueduct discovery area.

Ancient Greek Piraeus Port Aqueduct, Wells, and 4000 Artifacts Found

Archaeologists excavating in Greece have uncovered a historic Piraeus port aqueduct and wells that date back over 2000 years, and about 4000 objects, many of them wooden, have been unearthed as part...
Pont Du Gard, Nimes, France 	Source: Emperorosar / Adobe Stock

Pont Du Gard - Is This Mighty Engineering Feat in Danger of Collapse?

Some of the most remarkable Roman remains are its roads, amphitheaters, and bridges. Perhaps the most awe-inspiring of all their aqueducts is the astounding Pont du Gard found in Nimes, France. This...
The Aqueduct of Segovia, Castilla y Leon, Spain. Source: herraez / Adobe Stock.

The Lifegiving Aqueduct of Segovia, a Glorious Roman Heritage

When it comes to the great achievements of architecture , the Romans are among the greatest builders of the world’s history. The legacy that they left behind them is an unprecedented glimpse into the...
Subterranean water supply (cistern), Istanbul. Ancient rainwater harvesting sometimes included highly decorative cisterns, further demonstrating the importance of the element to human life.

Ancient Rainwater Harvesting: It Fell From The Sky and Became Worshiped by Every Civilization

Collecting and dispersing water has always been a matter of life and death for humans. In our informative years we must have cupped water from rivers, springs, and waterfalls while traversing wild...
An aerial view of the aqueduct.

An Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery: The Living, Growing Aqueduct of Alicún de las Torres, Granada

Not far from the Moorish splendors of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, and close to the troglodyte cave-dwellings of the residents of Guadix, is the spectacular, living, El Toril Aqueduct. It is...
From this map of the site, all the main structures and rock carvings are visible.

The Megalithic Temple of Malinalco: Could these Magnificent and Complex Rock-Cut Structures Actually Pre-Date the Aztecs?

The little town of Malinalco lies at the margins of the Valley of Tepoztlan, some 115 kilometers (71 miles) to the southwest of Mexico City. Since Prehispanic times, its name has been associated with...
Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Advanced Hydraulic Engineering made Desertified Peruvian Valleys Livable 1,500 Years Ago

Aqueducts and manmade wells built about 1,500 years ago in Peru by the Nazca people are still in use today and supplying water for daily living and irrigation to people in desert areas near the...
Enormous 2,300-year-old Roman water basin unearthed in the heart of Rome

Enormous 2,300-year-old Roman water basin unearthed in the heart of Rome

A very large Roman water basin that once held more than four million liters of water has been discovered 20 meters (65 ft) below street level in the heart of Rome. Archaeologists are saying it is the...
The Incredible Subterranean City of Kish

The Incredible Subterranean City of Kish

The island of Kish is a resort island located off the coast of Iran. Although it is well known as a tourist destination, it is also steeped in history. One of the most magnificent features of this...
Ancient Water System in Iran

Archaeologists uncover 5,000-year-old water system in Iran

Archaeologists in Iran made an unexpected discovery during excavations at the Farash ancient historical site at the Seimareh Dam reservoir – a 5,000-year-old water system . The research team is...
Qanat Firaun - Underground aqueduct

Qanat Firaun, the most spectacular underground aqueduct of the ancient world

The Qanat Firaun, otherwise known as the Gadara Aqueduct, is an ancient aqueduct that was built to supply water to the Roman-Hellenistic Decapolis, which now lie in present-day Syria and Jordan...
