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Ancient Places

Ancient places can be found all over the world. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and visiting such ancient places in the world can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over the world, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Kallanai Dam. Source: Elamaran Elaaa / Adobe Stock.

How Ancient Kings Split a River & Fed Millions (Video)

In antiquity, the Chola Dynasty of southern India demonstrated remarkable ingenuity in managing water resources, particularly in the fertile plains of Tamil Nadu . The ancient Chola caves, dating...
Yakhchal cooling device in Kashan, Iran. Source: knovakov / Adobe Stock.

The Yakhchāl: Ancient Ice-Making Machines in the Desert (Video)

In the arid expanses of the Persian desert , an ingenious ancient technology known as the Yakhchāl has been discovered, revealing a sophisticated approach to ice-making dating back to 400 BC. These...
The Book of Deer contains notes in the margin which are the first written examples of Scottish Gaelic and hinted at the location of the monastery where they were written. Source: The Book of Deer Project

Lost Monastery Tied to Oldest Scottish Text “Book of Deer” Unearthed

A monastery, where the earliest surviving Scots Gaelic text was once noted within the margins of a significant Scottish manuscript called the Book of Deer , disappeared from the pages of history...
Ancient site of Tanis, Egypt. Source:  Joaquin / Adobe Stock.

Is This the Lost Egyptian City of Pi-Ramesses? (Video)

In 1941, the unveiling of a dozen royal Egyptian tombs at the ancient city of Tanis in the Nile Valley captured the imagination of archaeologists. French Egyptologist Pierre Montet’s discoveries...
Native American skull of Kennewick Man. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Ancient Geographic.

9000-Year-Old Native American Burial Stunned Experts (Video)

In Southeastern Washington, the discovery of the 9,000-year-old remains, known as Kennewick Man , has captivated paleoanthropologists. This ancient Native American , with a stocky build and standing...
The Yungang Grottoes are a UNESCO World heritage site in Datong, Shanxi province, China. Source: mijun/Adobe Stock

The Magnificent Yungang Grottoes Are a Testament of China’s Buddhist History

The history of Ancient China is full of different ethnicities, cultures, and religions. But Buddhism in China has deep and far-reaching roots. Throughout the centuries, it has left many famous and...
Viking Lord. Source: van Koop / Adobe Stock.

Was This Buried Viking Lord Close to a Legendary Danish King? (Video)

The unearthing of a mid-10th century grave in Fregerslev, Denmark , fascinated archaeologists. A seemingly routine excavation led to an astonishing discovery. Amidst the loose soil, they unearthed...
The building floor plans formerly belonged to rectangular cult buildings made of clay framework at the Haltern Roman camp in Germany. Source: LWL / C. Hentzelt

Sacred Surprises: Unearthing Twin Temples at the Haltern Roman Camp

During the Roman wars with the Celtic tribes of ancient Europe, when they acquired new lands, they built forts, defensive walls and temples. Now, a team of archaeologists in Germany have made the...
Recreation of an Egyptian war chariot from the Early New Kingdom by Angus McBride

An Ancient Egyptian Arms Race (Video)

Seqenenre Tao , a determined pharaoh of the Seventeenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt, played a pivotal role in the arms race against the Hyksos during the Second Intermediate Period. Faced with the...
The Grand Canyon landscape, Arizona.	Source: SeanPavonePhoto/Adobe Stock

The Surprising Link Between the Grand Canyon and Ancient Egypt (Video)

For centuries, travelers have explored renowned Grand Canyon landmarks like the Osiris Tower and the Temple of Ra, evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity. However, the origins of these names reveal...
Magnetometers helped find a gladiator school. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This Device Unearthed an Ancient Gladiator School (Video)

Electronic scanners at Vienna's Ludvig Boltzmann Institute are revolutionizing archaeological exploration . These advanced devices cover vast areas efficiently, eliminating the need for laborious and...
Tuareg man with his traditional tagelmust face and head covering in the mountains of Hoggar, Algeria.	 Source: Sahara Nature / Adobe Stock

The Ancient Tuareg: “Free Men” of the Sahara Desert

In the heart of the Sahara Desert, an ancient people known as the Tuareg have thrived for centuries. The enigmatic history, which can be traced back thousands of years, unfolds as a testament to...
Was this the world’s first zoo? Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Was This Ancient Egyptian Site The World's First Zoo? (Video)

In the world of ancient mysteries lies a peculiar Egyptian burial ground that challenges our understanding of the past. Archaeologist Dr Renée Friedman and her team have discovered a prehistoric...
Was the marshland of Flag Fen the location of King Arthur’s Excalibur legend. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This Marsh May Be Where King Arthur Found Excalibur (Video)

In the marshland of Flag Fen, situated in eastern England, a treasure trove of ancient artifacts has emerged from the murky depths. Among these finds, thousands of oak timbers, remnants of a pier or...
Cursus Publicus, ancient Roman courier and transportation logistics masterpiece, fuelled the Roman Empire's success. Source: Bill Perry/Adobe Stock

Cursus Publicus: The Ingenious Postal System of the Roman Empire

No great empire is truly functional without a proper system of communication and transport. Logistics are what keeps a vast realm ticking like a good mechanism, and what brings it together into one...
Security features in ancient tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

What Maximum Security Meant for Ancient Tomb Raiders (Video)

The kings of the Han Dynasty went to extraordinary lengths to protect their tombs , and within these fortified resting places, ancient tomb raiders faced an imposing challenge. The tomb in this video...
The Sirrush Dragons guarded the Gate of Ishtar.	Source: Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP (Glasg)/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Ishtar Gate and the Deities of Babylon

The Ishtar Gate was the main entrance into the great city of Babylon, commissioned by King Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BC) as part of his plan to create one of the most splendid and powerful cities of...
Atlit Yam. (Hanay / CC by SA 3.0)

Why the ‘Stonehenge of Atlit Yam’ was Held in Such High Regard (Video)

Located a quarter mile off the Israeli coast, the ' Stonehenge of Atlit Yam' has captivated archaeologists with its remarkably preserved 9,000-year-old settlement. This ancient site, nestled on the...
Brihadeeswarar Temple. Source: krishna / Adobe Stock.

India’s Mysterious Brihadeeswarar Temple Doesn’t Cast a Shadow

India's history boasts numerous architectural masterpieces. Among them is the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Tamil Nadu, known for a very unique feature : its shadow seems to completely vanish at noon! An...
Close up of Old Croghan Man’s nails (National Museum of Ireland)

Why Does This Ancient Corpse Have a Manicure? (Video)

In central Ireland, beneath the looming presence of Croghan Hill, lies a mystery shrouded in history. Known simply as the Old Croghan Man , his true name remains a riddle lost to time. Archaeologists...
Pyramids acted as beacons to tomb raiders. Source: sit0108 / Adobe Stock.

Why Pyramids Were Effective Advertisements for Tomb Raiders (Video)

The ancient pyramids of Egypt, exemplified by the Great Pyramid of Giza , stand as remarkable structures in human history. Renowned Egyptologist Dr. Mark Lehner explores their construction and the...
Easter Island. Source: Nadge / Adobe Stock.

How the Civilization on Easter Island Collapsed (Video)

The civilization on Easter Island faced a complex and ultimately catastrophic decline. Initially, this tiny island boasted a lush palm forest and abundant bird species, allowing its inhabitants, the...
China’s forbidden city. Source: wusuowei / Adobe Stock.

A Remarkable Tour Inside China's Forbidden City (Video)

The Forbidden City's architecture is a masterpiece, with its historical and cultural significance deeply rooted in its design. The number 9 holds great importance in Chinese culture , and this is...
The Pyramid texts discovered within the tomb of Unas at Saqqara in Egypt. Source: EvrenKalinbacak / Adobe Stock

The Pyramid Texts: Evidence for Hypnosis and Trance

There has been a long history of Egyptologists denying that the Egyptians had any mystical doctrines and practices connected with the world of the living, despite everything to the contrary said...
