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Haji piyada nine domes mosque, Afghanistan. (Masoud Akbari / CC by SA 3.0)

The Mysterious, Ancient Nine Domes Mosque of Afghanistan (Video)

The ancient Nine Domes Mosque in Afghanistan in Balkh, Afghanistan is a fascinating enigma that has intrigued archaeologists for centuries. Built in the 8th century, it stands as one of the oldest...
Buddhist stupa at Mes Aynak, Afghanistan (Jerome Starkey / CC by SA 2.0)

Mes Aynak: Afghanistan's Buddhist City Threatened by Chinese Mining (Video)

Mes Aynak , located about 40 kilometers southeast of Kabul, Afghanistan, is an extraordinary archaeological site with a history dating back over 2,000 years. This ancient Buddhist city, nestled...
Bamiyan caves in Afghanistan. Source: trentinness / Adobe Stock.

Bamiyan's Ancient Cave Dwellings Shelter Homeless Afghans (Video)

The caves of Bamiyan, originally carved by Buddhist monks nearly 2,000 years ago, now offer refuge to a significant number of homeless Afghans. These historic caves , nestled within the cliffs of...
Smaller Buddha of Bamiyan, before and after destruction. (Minahatithan / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Twisted Tourism: Taliban Sells Tickets to See the Buddhas They Blew Up

The Taliban are not known as being guardians of history, and for the last 20 years they have embarked on a quest to “honor” the artifacts of antiquity with sledge hammers and bombs. After turning...
Unpolished lapis lazuli from Badakhshan province, Afghanistan. Source: Björn Wylezich / Adobe Stock

The Brilliantly Blue Lapis Lazuli: Precious Gem Prized by Elites

In the recent past, a gem that is thought to be more precious than even gold, the elusive lapis lazuli , has received a bad reputation for being a source of illegal mining by the Taliban in...
The Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom forged its own Greek identity, far from Greece. Source: Ksenia Tassel / Adobe Stock.

The Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom: Alexander The Great’s Easternmost Legacy

Alexander the Great was one of the finest and most successful military leaders the world has ever seen. In the 4th century BC he carved out one of the largest empires in history, stretching from...
The ruins of Yamchun Fortress near Pamir, on the border of Afghanistan, where one can still see remains of the ancient classical culture of Bactria. 	Source: Jonny / Adobe Stock

Bactria - The Bountiful, Sought-after Region of Ancient History

Bactria was one of the more important historic regions of the ancient and classical world. A central point of more than one defining political event, Bactria experienced thousands of years of...
Bactrian gold crown, an archaeological treasure of Afghanistan

Are Afghanistan’s Archaeological Treasures Safe?

Experts are concerned for the future of Afghanistan’s archaeological sites and treasures following the Taliban takeover. Even if the ancient sites are not looted and destroyed, there is still the...
Buddhist Monastery Swat Pakistan.

Ancient Gandhara Kingdom Was A Melting Pot That Left Its Legacy in Art

Gandhara was an ancient kingdom located in what is the region that is today northwestern Pakistan and northeastern Afghanistan. The history Gandhara can be traced all the way back to the Vedic period...
Abaqa On Horse, Arghun Standing, Ghazan As A Child. Mongol rulers Arghun and Abaqa were Buddhists. From the 14th century Universal History by Rashid-al-Din Hamadani.

Adapting Buddhism: Ancient Disciples of Siddhartha Gautama in Afghanistan and Iran

Buddhism, in the first few centuries following the death of the Buddha, spread from India mainly to China, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia. One place where its presence is less studied, in some ways...
‘Temple on Ganges in state of collapse, India, ca. 1906’ in the city of Varanasi, India. (Public Domain) Lijing Gate in Luoyang, Henan, China. (CC BY SA 2.0) Quarantal Monastery, Jericho, Palestine. (Tamar Hayardeni/CC BY 3.0) The alleged ‘Abraham house’ in Ur city, Dhi Qar, southern Iraq. (Aziz1005/CC BY 4.0) ‘The Acropolis at Athens’ (1846) by Leo von Klenze. (Public Domain) A traditional (at least for the 19th century) lebanese house on the seafront near Byblos Castle, Byblos, Lebanon. (CC BY SA 3.0)

11 of the Most Ancient and Continually Occupied Cities in the World

Time travel is one of the most intriguing scenarios humans have ever fantasized about, but unfortunately for those curious minds and wild dreamers out there, many modern physicists claim that outside...
A satellite image shows a 17th century caravanserai (outpost) which served people traveling the Silk Road.

Going Where Archaeologists Cannot, Spy Satellites Reveal Thousands of Forgotten Ancient Sites in Afghanistan

Ancient sites may come into in the line of fire when war breaks or a building project begins. Destruction and looting could be prevalent at such times, but archaeologists often believe there is...
A miniature from the Rashid al-Din’s Jami‘ al-Tawarikh showing Mahmud of Ghazni receiving a richly decorated robe of honour form the Abbasid caliph in 1000 AD.

Mahmud of Ghazni: Merciless Tyrant Obliterated Hindu Temples and Conquered Territories Through Plunder and Slaughter

God be merciful to both father and son! Mahmud utterly ruined the prosperity of the country [India], and performed wonderful exploits, by which the Hindus became like atoms of dust scattered in all...
Art Relics Shed Light on Mysterious Ancient Civilization

Art Relics Shed Light on Mysterious Ancient Civilization

A society still silent and secreted beneath the earth of the Himalayas, the earliest civilization associated with Hindu/Indian art history is the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC). This society is...
Nearly One Hundred 1,000-Year-Old Mysterious Manuscripts Discovered in Afghanistan

Nearly One Hundred 1,000-Year-Old Mysterious Manuscripts Discovered in Afghanistan

A mysterious collection of nearly 100 manuscripts have been discovered in an Afghan Cave. An analysis of the texts revealed that they were owned by a Jewish family that lived along the ancient Silk...
Sunrise shows the loss of the larger Bamiyan Buddha statue in the Bamiyan Valley, Afghanistan.

Could There be a Third Bamiyan Buddha, Hidden for Centuries?

One of the most tragic examples of religious iconoclasm in recent history is the destruction of the two giant standing statues of Buddha by the Taliban in March 2001. These were the famed Buddhas of...
Mes Aynak Ruins

Afghan Archaeologists Battle Chinese Mining Interests in Fight to Save Ancient Buddhist Paradise

Mes Aynak, a 2,000-year-old Buddhist city atop a 5,000-year-old Bronze Age settlement in Afghanistan, is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. Only ten percent of...
The Minaret of Jam – Last Monument of the Lost City of Turquoise Mountain

The Minaret of Jam – Last Monument of the Lost City of Turquoise Mountain

The Minaret of Jam is a 12 th century tower located where the Hari River meets the River Jam in the Sharhrak district of Afghanistan. Standing 65 meters above the valley, it is the only surviving...
Bamiyan Buddhas

World Heritage Committee halts reconstruction of ancient Bamiyan Buddhas

The World Heritage Committee (WHC) has halted the reconstruction of the magnificent Bamiyan Buddhas , which were obliterated by the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001 despite wide-spread campaigns to...
Mes Aynak

Remarkable Ancient Site in Afghanistan at Risk

In the rocky foothills of South East Kabul lies Mes Aynak, a site of immense historical importance which is now under threat after the sites massive copper reserves were solve off to the China...