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The House of the Vestal Virgins, Rome.	Source: Bradley Weber /CC BY 2.0

The Vestal Virgins Achieved Power Most Women Were Denied – But at Great Cost

Lily Moore/The Conversation You might have heard of a group of women in Ancient Rome known as the “Vestal Virgins”. These female virginal guardians of the sacred flame of Rome could be buried alive...
Top image: Medusa by Caravaggio, 1597, shocked ancient Greece.	Source: Uffizi Gallery/CC BY-SA 2.0

10 Shocking Facts About the Ancient Greeks

The Ancient Greeks are often hailed as the founders of Western civilization. Celebrated for their advancements in philosophy, democracy, science, and the arts, we tend to view the ancient Greeks...
Amazons, ancient roman warriors in a battle.	Source: neurobite/Adobe Stock

“Vaginas Have Received You, And You Know Of Nothing Else!” - Finding The Amazons

Feminist Amazons? In the conclusion to her essay in the Feminist Theology magazine Olga Papamichali writes: “The independent and radical nature of the Amazon spirit changed the way men used to see...
Sacred Aboriginal Women’s Site Contained 7,000 Years of Tool Making

Sacred Aboriginal Women's Site Contained 7,000 Years of Tool Making

Irina Ponomareva et al./The Conversation Investigation of a sacred area at Avon Downs in Jangga Country, Central Queensland, has uncovered evidence of stone tool production in a place that was...
Tattooed Sorceress Queen

Tomb of the Tattooed Sorceress Queen, The Lady of Cao

The day had been spent in ritual battles, and a group of individuals who were vanquished, naked, and tied-together were marched up the long stairs to the top platform of the great pyramid where there...
Women spinning and socializing. From Augustine’s La Cité de Dieu. Source: Museum Meermanno/The Conversation

The Hidden Healers: Women's Secret Medieval Health Networks

Pragya Agarwal /The Conversation In the medieval period, medical science was still dominated by the ancient writings of Hippocrates from the fifth century and Galen of Pergamon from the second...
Millions of postcards made a mockery of Leap Day traditions which gave women the opportunity to propose to men once every four years on the 29th February. Source: Public domain

Women Have Proposed Marriage to Men on Leap Day for Hundreds of Years

Welcome to February 29th, the Leap day that comes around but once every four years! In the age of viral marriage proposals, the persistence of outdated traditions whereby men inevitably go down on...
Susanna and the Elders, by Artemisia Gentileschi in 1610. Source: Public domain

Artemisia Gentileschi Used Art To Avenge Her Rape

Since the 1970s, the work of Italian Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi has seen a surge in popularity due to her unique perspective as a female artist of the 17th century. Artemisia Gentileschi...
A female prehistoric hunter stands before a mammoth. Source: nsit0108 / Adobe Stock.

Men Hunted, Women Gathered… Or Did They?

Prehistoric men hunted; prehistoric women gathered. At least this is the standard narrative written by and about men to the exclusion of women. The idea of “Man the Hunter” runs deep within...
Ancient Egyptian woman. Source: Denis / Adobe Stock.

What Hieroglyphics Say About the Women of Ancient Egypt (Video)

In the midst of Karnak's grandeur and prosperity, there's a revelation that challenges conventional wisdom. Images etched on tomb walls unveil a remarkable narrative of female influence in ancient...
Some of Japan’s fiercest Samurai were women. Source: Abdulcell / Adobe Stock.

Some of Japan’s Fiercest Samurai Were Women (Video)

In ancient Japan , where the art of battle was predominantly a male domain, a remarkable shift in tradition unfolded, highlighting the tenacity of women in the face of adversity. Takeko Nakano and...
Chinese female warriors in the Shang Dynasty. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

The All-Female Shang-Era Troops Led by Queen Fu Hao (Video)

In ancient times, during the Shang Dynasty , there existed an extraordinary force led by the remarkable Queen Fu Hao . This troop, composed primarily of skilled soldiers, occasionally reinforced by...
A Chinese physician with a pregnant woman. Wellcome collection / CC by SA 4.0.  By

Weirdest Ancient Chinese Pregnancy and Birth Traditions (Video)

In ancient China, pregnancy and childbirth were influenced by traditions and superstitions. The Chinese valued the balance of Yin and Yang , representing feminine darkness and masculine brightness...
Genghis Khan has many wives. Source: Hui / Adobe Stock.

The Sad Truth about Genghis Khan's Wives (Video)

Genghis Khan , the famed Mongol leader, is known not only for his vast empire but also for his unique approach to marriage. In an era where alliances and politics played a crucial role, Khan's...
Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of ancient wine jars in Queen Merneith’s tomb. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

5,000-Year-Old Wine Jars Unearthed at Queen Merneith's Tomb

An important discovery at Umm Al-Qaab in Abydos, promises to add to the story of Queen Merneith, an Egyptian consort and regent, who could have also been the first or second queen of Egypt. A joint...
Medieval Queen. Source: aicandy / Adobe Stock.

History's 10 Most Ruthless Queens and Brutal Rulers (Video)

Throughout history, powerful women have wielded authority with determination. Countess Elizabeth Bathory had a dark obsession, enjoying the torture of the lower classes. Empress Wu Zetian , China's...
Wife-carrying. Source: Алина Битта / Adobe Stock.

In Finland, Carrying One's Wife is More than Affection – It's a Sport!

In the tapestry of ancient sports and traditions, some activities are surprisingly unconventional. One such sport that has captured global fascination, emerging from the picturesque landscapes of...
Lady and duenna, wearing their tapada limeña, going to church, by Pancho Fierro. Source: Public domain

Peruvian Women Once Wore Burka-Like Attire as Cloaks of Rebellion

In an era where the term “ burka ” evokes images of oppressive regimes, notably Afghanistan's coercive imposition on women, it may come as a surprise that the tapada limeña (meaning “the covered one...
CGI of a prehistoric woman hunting big game. Source: nsit0108/Adobe Stock

Study Shows Prehistoric “Man Hunter, Woman Gatherer” View Is Grossly Inaccurate

For a long time, it has been believed that prehistoric men played the role of hunters while women took on the role of gatherers. However, a recent study uncovers that both men and women in hunter-...
British woman drinking tea. Source: Masson/Adobe Stock

By Giving Up Sugar in Their Tea, British Women Helped End Slavery

Believe it or not, but by the 1700s, deciding whether or not to take sugar with your tea had become a political statement. While sugar-free diets are now all the rage, the motivations behind this...
Detail of a painting of a mother and child, in this case Andromache and Astyanax by Pierre Paul Prud’hon. Source: Public domain

Mothers’ Lives in Ancient Greece Were Not Easy – But Celebrations of Their Love Have Survived Across the Centuries

By Joel Christensen / The Conversation As a father of three and the husband of an amazing woman, I know that one day a year is far too little to recognize everything mothers do. But my work as a...
Medieval noble woman getting dressed. Source: Andrey Kiselev / Adobe Stock.

Getting Dressed in the 14th Century (Video)

The process of getting dressed in 14th century England was a complex and time-consuming affair. Medieval women first put on their linen undergarments, followed by layers of wool clothing, which...
Women have been banned from the paradisiacal Mount Athos for over 1,000 years. Source: Alexey Achepovsky / Adobe Stock

For 1,000 Years, Monks of Mt Athos Have Banned Women and Female Animals!

Believe it or not, but beside men’s toilets, gentlemen’s clubs and certain temples, there is actually an entire peninsula in northern Greece, now a semiautonomous republic of Eastern Orthodox monks,...
The hiring of professional mourners seems to have been a worldwide tradition in the ancient world, from Rome to Egypt to China. The Mourners, painting by Evelyn De Morgan, circa 1915. Source: National Trust / Public Domain

The Cost of Grief: Professional Mourners of the Ancient World

Funerals can be difficult to get through. The pain of loss can simply be too much for many. So why would anyone ever need to pay people to cry at their funeral? This didn’t just happen occasionally...
