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Pirates were enticed into a civilized life. Source: Dieter Holstein / Adobe Stock.

How Piracy and Privateers Were Finally Stamped Out (Video)

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The history of piracy in the 17th and 18th centuries offers valuable insights into the aftermath of violent conflicts. During these turbulent times, privateers, known as "Private Men-of-War," were granted commissions by European governments to capture enemy ships, providing a solution for the limited naval resources during wartime. These privateers often transitioned into piracy after the wars, seeking to continue their profitable practices. This transition was particularly pronounced in the American colonies, where privateers played a crucial role in defense and economic development. In the colonies, privateers also served as a form of defense, both as a maritime militia and as an economic stimulus. They brought in cheap plunder, often including slaves, which fueled construction and agricultural expansion.

However, as the European nations grew richer and expanded their navies, the dependence on privateers waned. In peacetime, piracy became detrimental to trade and diplomatic relations. To address this issue, offering pirates a general amnesty proved to be a cost-effective solution. Many pirates accepted the King's Pardon, as their primary motivation was greed. To ensure their successful transition to civilian life, providing them with jobs, land, and even wives became methods of civilizing the former pirates. This transition was more effective for the Dutch and French privateers, who found peacetime employment more readily compared to their English counterparts.

Top image: Pirates were enticed into a civilized life. Source: Dieter Holstein / Adobe Stock.

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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