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Life in ancient Egypt

6 Surprising Facts About Life for Egyptian Slaves

The prominence of slavery in ancient Egypt is well-documented, but many aspects of enslaved people's lives remain less known. Here are six lesser-known facts about how Egyptian slaves lived. From...
Members of the multi-institutional team at the dig site of what is believed to be the home of King Pompey.	Source: Mathew Modoono/Northeastern University

Long-Lost Home of King Pompey Unearthed in New Hampshire Dig

Archaeologists from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and a historian from Northeastern University have collaborated to reveal what they believe is the long-lost homestead of King Pompey. Pompey...
Top image: Medusa by Caravaggio, 1597, shocked ancient Greece.	Source: Uffizi Gallery/CC BY-SA 2.0

10 Shocking Facts About the Ancient Greeks

The Ancient Greeks are often hailed as the founders of Western civilization. Celebrated for their advancements in philosophy, democracy, science, and the arts, we tend to view the ancient Greeks...
Reading of Voltaire's tragedy of the Orphan of China

How the Age of Enlightenment Shaped Modernity (Video)

The Renaissance heralded a transformative period in human history, marked not just by artistic brilliance but by a profound philosophical shift. This shift, embodied by humanism, steered European...
Painting Captives in Rome, by Charles Bartlett. Source: Public Domain

Understanding the Harsh Realities of Roman Slaves (Video)

​ The Roman slave's existence was a harrowing one, devoid of freedom or dignity. Despite the grandeur of the Roman Empire , its foundation rested upon the backs of these oppressed individuals, whose...
AI image of a bustling ancient Greek agora, filled with passionate philosophers engaged in intense debates, surrounded by exquisite marble statues. Source: stocker/Adobe Stock

Seven Fascinating Things about Greek History (Video)

In the annals of history, Greek civilization stands as a beacon of innovation and intrigue. Delving beyond the well-trodden paths of mythology and philosophy, we uncover seven captivating facets of...
Sculpture details of classic male form in Venice, Italy. Source: Andrew Deer/Adobe Stock

A Brief History of Homosexuality in Rome (Video)

Homosexuality in ancient Rome was a multifaceted aspect of society, often overshadowed in historical narratives. From prominent figures like Julius Caesar to Emperor Nero, instances of same-sex...
Woodcut depicting a vagrant being punished in the streets of Tudor England. Source: Public domain

Unemployment Under Edward VI Was Punished with Branding and Slavery

In the annals of history, peculiar laws are often found, shedding light on the societal norms and governance of bygone eras. One such oddity is the Vagrancy Act of 1547, a draconian decree that sent...
Happy New Year Crown at Times Square New York.	Source: lazyllama/Adobe Stock

Auld Lang Syne - The New Year's Eve Song Explained (Video)

The ubiquitous New Year's Eve anthem, "Auld Lang Syne," holds a rich tapestry of cultural interpretations. Originating as a Scottish celebration song penned by poet Robert Burns in the 1700s, its...
A screenshot from the video showing the reality of pirates and slavery. Pirates were ruthless profiteers in the grim world of the slave trade, challenging the romanticized narrative. Source: YouTube Screen shot/Gold and Gunpowder

Pirates and Slavery: The Unromantic Reality (Video)

The portrayal of pirates in popular media often romanticizes their exploits, overshadowing the grim truth of their involvement in the slave trade . A candid examination dispels the illusions created...
Marie de France from an illuminated manuscript (Public Domain)

Anglo Saxon Women’s Wills: Freeing The Enslaved As Testimony Of Piety

Women’s wills which so miraculously have survived from late Anglo-Saxon times deliver some surprising bequests such as the enslaved, which is shocking, but they mirror the societal values which...
Roman slave life meant a fate of brutality and the Roman Republic depended heavily on free work from human beings who had no rights nor possessions.  Source:  AS Photo Family/Adobe Stock

Bread, Chains and Rebellion, What It Was Like to Be a Roman Slave (Video)

Roman slavery was a grim reality, far removed from Hollywood glamour. Slaves, stripped of rights and possessions, endured lives of hardship and cruelty . Urban or rural, their roles spanned from...
The Beggars of Burgos by Gustave Dore (1875) (Public Domain)

How The Other 99 Percent Lived In The Ancient World

The Victorian essayist and historian Thomas Carlyle wrote, “ No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men .” Carlyle died half a century before women in...
Easter Island. Source: Nadge / Adobe Stock.

How the Civilization on Easter Island Collapsed (Video)

The civilization on Easter Island faced a complex and ultimately catastrophic decline. Initially, this tiny island boasted a lush palm forest and abundant bird species, allowing its inhabitants, the...
Facial reconstruction of Queen Nzinga. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

Queen Nzinga’s Life of Fighting Portuguese Colonization (Video)

Explore Queen Nzinga's remarkable life as a warrior ruler during the 17th century in Africa. Born around 1583 into the Mbundu ruling family of Ndongo (present-day Angola), Nzinga faced constant...
Pirates were enticed into a civilized life. Source: Dieter Holstein / Adobe Stock.

How Piracy and Privateers Were Finally Stamped Out (Video)

The history of piracy in the 17th and 18th centuries offers valuable insights into the aftermath of violent conflicts. During these turbulent times, privateers , known as "Private Men-of-War," were...
Medieval serf. Source: Demian / Adobe Stock.

How Much It Sucked to Be a Medieval Serf (Video)

Medieval serfs endured a harsh existence, occupying the lowest rung of society . Unlike peasants, they couldn't sell themselves, though they weren't technically slaves. Lords in some regions could...
From ancient to modern times the abominable violation of human rights has occurred. Referred today as human trafficking, it is nonetheless, a form of slavery, of human exploitation for personal or commercial gain. Source: Rick/Adobe Stock

From Sumerian Gods to Modern Day: The Long History of Slavery and Lost Children

The recent film Sound of Freedom is a fictionalized account of the true story of Tim Ballard, a former US Department of Homeland Security agent who founded the nonprofit organization Operation...
Praia Melão, a sugar mill and slavery plantation, situated on São Tomé, stands as the primary focus of archaeological exploration on the island.	Source: M.D. Cruz/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Tiny West African Island Shows Evidence of the Invention of Plantation Slavery

Situated on the West coast of Africa, with the equator running through it, the tiny island of Sao Tome was uninhabited before being colonized by the Portuguese in 1486. Now being investigated...
An African slave in chains. Source:  colnihko / Adobe Stock.

Tragedy at Sea: The Brutal Reality of Slave Ships (Video)

During the transatlantic slave trade , life aboard a slave ship was a nightmarish ordeal. European merchants built vessels to transport enslaved Africans , subjecting them to horrifying conditions...
Kingdom of Loango, a productive trade center. Source: Public Domain

Selling Their Souls: Kingdom of Loango, Africa’s Pre-Colonial Power

At the time when European explorers were first setting foot in Africa, the continent seemed to them a vast and enchanting realm with many unique cultures. They also encountered proper kingdoms that...
British woman drinking tea. Source: Masson/Adobe Stock

By Giving Up Sugar in Their Tea, British Women Helped End Slavery

Believe it or not, but by the 1700s, deciding whether or not to take sugar with your tea had become a political statement. While sugar-free diets are now all the rage, the motivations behind this...
Ancient Greek household manager with his slave. Source: migfoto / Adobe Stock.

The Not-So-Romantic Truth About Life in Ancient Greece (Video)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in ancient Greece? It's easy to romanticize the past, especially when it comes to a civilization that produced some of the most important...
Life in Ancient Greece. Source: Kristian / Adobe Stock.

Behind the Scenes of Ancient Greece: Exploring the Daily Life of its People (Video)

We’ve all read a lot about ancient Greece, but what was it really like to live there, to experience it firsthand? There’s a lot we can learn from the daily lives of its people, how they worked and...
