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Captain Keitt: illustration of a pirate captain on deck. 	Source: 	Public Domain

A Glimpse into the Life as a Pirate Captain (Video)

The transition to Pirate Captain often stemmed from a background in privateering or ownership of a ship. Wealthy backers would commission vessels, appointing experienced leaders like Henry Jennings...
Letter of marque given to Captain Antoine Bollo via the shipowner Dominique Malina from Genoa, owner of the Furet, a 15-tonne privateer, 27 February 1809. (Right) Drake viewing treasure taken from a Spanish ship, print courtesy New York Public Library. Source: Public Domain; New York Public Library/CC BY 3.0

The Enigmatic Letter of Marque: Legal Piracy Revealed (Video)

Privateering , often glamorized in tales of the high seas, was far more complex than popular narratives suggest. At its heart lay the elusive "Letter of Marque," a document laden with opportunity and...
A colorized engraving from 1724 of Bartholomew Roberts (aka Black Bart Roberts), the notorious Welsh pirate. Source: Benjamin Cole/CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The Difference between Pirates and Privateers (Video)

In the realm of maritime warfare , understanding the disparity between a Pirate and a Privateer was crucial. While both engaged in seizing ships at sea, their legal standing set them apart...
An Arab Slave ship in the Red Sea.	Source: Public Domain

Pirates of the Indian Ocean: The Red Sea Men (Video)

​ The saga of the Red Sea Men, pirates who ventured far beyond the Caribbean , unfolds as a tale of maritime adventure driven by the pursuit of riches and shifting geopolitics. Europe's thirst for...
A screenshot from the video showing the reality of pirates and slavery. Pirates were ruthless profiteers in the grim world of the slave trade, challenging the romanticized narrative. Source: YouTube Screen shot/Gold and Gunpowder

Pirates and Slavery: The Unromantic Reality (Video)

The portrayal of pirates in popular media often romanticizes their exploits, overshadowing the grim truth of their involvement in the slave trade . A candid examination dispels the illusions created...
Pirate sea battles. Source: Canvas Curator / Adobe Stock.

Pirate Sea Battle Tactics Revealed (Video)

On the turbulent seas of yesteryear, pirates mastered a strategic dance of cunning and boldness during their maritime escapades. Skillfully exploiting geographical nuances and weather patterns, these...
Pirates were enticed into a civilized life. Source: Dieter Holstein / Adobe Stock.

How Piracy and Privateers Were Finally Stamped Out (Video)

The history of piracy in the 17th and 18th centuries offers valuable insights into the aftermath of violent conflicts. During these turbulent times, privateers , known as "Private Men-of-War," were...
A Jolly Roger, the infamous pirate flag

The Origin of the Jolly Roger, The Ultimate Pirate Flag

There are many objects of piracy that are used as symbols of the practice today – walking the plank, a wooden leg, an eye patch , a hook for a hand, and a single gold hoop earring. However, the most...
Matelotage is the marriage / civil union of two male pirates. Source: rdrgraphe / Adobe Stock.

Be My Matelotage! The Civil Union of 17th Century Pirates

Love strikes hard like the broadsiding from a warship, leaving both splinters and buckshot in one’s heart. When it hits, there's nothing anyone can do but accept the bombardment with both arms open...
Castillo de San Pedro de la Roca. Source: Photo by ccgocke / Adobe Stock

San Pedro de la Roca Castle and the Military Might of Spain in Cuba

Top quality cigars and contagious rhythm have long been associated with the Caribbean’s largest island. Cuba, though, has also played a significant role in the Caribbean and, indeed, world history...
Pirate or privateer, buccaneer or corsair?

The Intricate World of Pirates, Privateers, Buccaneers, and Corsairs

Piracy can be defined as “the act of attacking ships in order to steal from them”, and one who participates in this act is known simply as a pirate . As simple as this may sound in theory, there were...
Battle of Grand Port by Pierre-Julien Gilbert

Mauritius: From Conquests to Naval Battles, Piracy and a Long-Awaited Independence

Volcanic activity in the Indian Ocean gave rise to the island we know today as Mauritius. Undetected for millennia, like a tiny green emerald dropped in the azure blue Indian Ocean, it lay virginally...
A collection of images of the ruins of Port Royal as it stands today.

Unexplored Sunken Pirate City in the Caribbean Will Finally Be Revealed

Seventeenth century life in Port Royal, Jamaica, commonly referred to as "the wickedest city on earth", conjures up images of marauding pirates, treasure hunters, naval conquests, looting, and the...
Main: Artistic representation of Piers Gerlofs Donia, ‘cca made by rudy faber.’ Inset: Picture of Grutte Pier’s Sword. (1953) Fries museum in Leeuwarden.

Pier Gerlofs Donia: The Giant Frisian Rebel, Warrior, and Pirate

Pier Gerlofs Donia was a Frisian warrior, pirate, and rebel who lived between the 15th and 16th centuries AD. He is more well-known perhaps by his nicknames – Grutte Pier in West Frisian, Grote Pier...
Pirates - Thames Shipwreck

Thames Shipwreck identified as Cherabin, English pirate ship that pillaged for the Queen

After a decade of research on a 16 th century shipwreck recovered from the Thames River in England, researchers have finally been able to identify it as the Cherabin, England’s only surviving state...
Port Royal - Pirates

Port Royal and the Real Pirates of the Caribbean

It is fair to say that Pirates of the Caribbean is to pirates what Indiana Jones is to archaeologists. In other words, the romanticization of history for the purpose of entertainment usually comes at...