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Representational image of a diver discovering ancient clay vessels. Source: underocean / Adobe Stock.

Dokos, Once the Oldest Shipwreck in the World

The cultures and civilizations of the ancient world were not as lonely and isolated as we might think. They were connected by the world’s waterways - the oceans, rivers, and seas. Sailing and...
Replicas of the Golden Horns of Gallehus at the National Museum of Denmark. Source: Public domain

The Golden Horns of Gallehus: Stolen and Recovered Danish Heritage

The Golden Horns of Gallehus are a pair of richly decorated, 5th-century BC Germanic drinking horns that were discovered in Gallehus, a town in southern Denmark in 1639. The horns were made from...
Remains of shattered artifacts found in Jerusalem caused by earthquake mentioned in the Bible. Source: Eliyahu Yanai / City of David

Evidence of Earthquake Recorded in the Bible Found at City of David

While excavating at the controversial City of David National Park, archaeologists unearthed a layer of shattered vessels, damaged when an ancient building collapsed on top of them. For the first time...
Stone Vessel Leads Researcher To The Lost Tomb Of Emperor Liu Zhi

Stone Vessel Leads Researcher To The Lost Tomb Of Emperor Liu Zhi

An intrepid archaeologist in China has followed a series of clues from ancient texts leading to his discovery of an ornate stone vessel that he suspected indicated the lost burial mausoleum of the...
2300-year-old Anchor Devoted to Goddess of Love Hauled Up

2300-year-old Anchor Devoted to Goddess of Love Hauled Up

Marine archaeologists have made many important ancient discoveries in the Mediterranean and now an Italian team have uncovered an anchor at the bottom of the sea. It is 2,300 years old and it is...
The Roman shipwreck excavated in Porta de Mar, Poreč in Dalmatia, Croatia, together with one of the archaeologists inspecting the find.            Source: Grad Poreč

The Remarkable ‘Sewn’ Roman Shipwreck in Croatia

In 2020, a rare discovery was made in Croatia – a 2,000-year-old wreck of a Roman sewn ship, a type of ship that was literally stitched together using ropes! Croatia has an already rich...
Scene on the Gundestrup Cauldron. Source: British Museum

The Gundestrup Cauldron Decoded - With a Tantric Twist

All the hammered figures on the silver vessel known as the Gundestrup cauldron obviously mean something. Found dismantled in a peat bog in Denmark in 1891, this mysterious vessel continues to puzzle...
Underwater archaeologists discovered the sunken Swedish 17th century warship. Source: Gordon Milligan / CC BY 2.0

Swedish Warships Stir From Davy Jones’ Locker

Marine archaeologists have discovered two well-preserved 17 th century warships off the coast of Stockholm in Sweden. Last Tuesday Stockholm’s Vrak Museum of Wrecks announced in a press release that...
Left: The balsamarium was found beside the burial of a man who died between 35 and 40 years old. Right: Balsamarium from the brick grave in the Kral Mezar tumulus. Credit: Daniela Agre, Deyan Dichev and Gennady Agre /

Skeleton of Ancient Sports Fan Found Buried with Head-Shaped Jar

A grave has been found in Bulgaria with the skeleton of an ancient sportsman or sports fan. Alongside the human remains was a nearly 2000-year-old jar that represents the head of a boxer or a...
The Abora IV, based on the ancient Egyptian reed boat

Golden Varna Plate Linked To Daring Sea Voyage Between Black Sea and Egypt 7,000 Years Ago

There’s an odd-looking design on an ancient ceramic vessel that was found in Varna, Bulgaria that one expert believes is linked to another kind of vessel – a woven, seafaring kind. Many years ago,...
The 3000 year old Scythian gold ritual vessel is on action. Source: Timeline / Fair Use.

Golden Vessel Used In Scythian Drug-Fueled Rituals Is Expected to Sell for $57K At Auction

A remarkable tiny golden vessel is going on auction in London. The item comes from the nomadic Scythian culture, who once dominated the Eurasian Steppe in classical times. It is valued at 45,000 GBP...
The 3,600-year-old shipwreck found in the Aegean Sea.

Bronze Age Ship Found in the Mediterranean is World’s Oldest Shipwreck!

Archaeologists have announced the discovery of a shipwreck loaded with copper ingots in the Aegean Sea that dates back 3,600 years, making it the oldest shipwreck ever found. It is the most important...
The Holey Jar restored.

The Riddle of the Roman Holey Jar – Why Would A Vessel Be Full of Holes?

One of the most unusual pieces of Roman pottery around is a regular looking jar but for the feature of having many holes in its body. Since it’s restoration from a pile of broken pieces found in a...
Oldest intact shipwreck in the world found in the Black Sea.

In the Depths for 2400 Years: Oldest Intact Shipwreck in the World Found Amongst Black Sea Wrecks

The Black Sea has been a busy place for underwater archaeology. Of the over 60 shipwrecks that have been identified in the region, there are three ancient shipwrecks which have caught the most...
The four-handled tureen adorned with dragons, birds and spikes

Bronze Artifacts Found in 3,100-Year-Old Tomb Tell of Dynastic Take Over

Chinese archaeologists have discovered ritual tureen and “soup bowls” next to a badly decomposed body in a Zhou dynasty-era tomb. Among the remains there were also uncovered two wine vessels, which...
The hull of the ship was cracked, suggesting it was hit and took on water, leading to it being wrecked some 700 years ago

700-Year-Old Shipwreck Loaded with Artifacts Discovered in China

A team of archaeologists have discovered a shipwreck in China, which had been hiding under silt and mud for more than seven centuries. Experts suggest that the new find dates back to a chronological...
Haifa University Prof. Danny Rosenberg holds the 7,200-year-old model clay grain silo found at Tel Tsaf in the Jordan Valley.

7,200-year-old Vessel Tells of the Rise of the Elites

The oldest evidence of food storage rituals has been found by researchers from the University of Haifa and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in Berlin during excavations at the prehistoric...
Tel Burna, Structures of Libnah

Archaeologists Discover a 3,200-Year-Old Pagan Ritual Hall in Israel

Excavators from Israel have announced the discovery of three millennia-old pagan ritual evidence, which supports the hypothesis of pagan worship at Tel Burna back then. Experts suggest that the new...
Loutrophorai: Greek, Attica, c.440BC, (Penn Valley); Greek, Classical Period, 450–425 BC (MFA);Greek, South Italian, Early Hellenistic Period c.320–310 BC

From Cremated Ashes to Holy Water for a Bride’s Ritual Bath, The Loutrophoros Was No Ordinary Vase

A loutrophoros is a distinctive type of Greek pottery characterized by an elongated neck with two handles. It is a specific type of amphora , which was a type of Greek container used as early as the...
A Chontal Maya sea craft.

Forgotten Voyagers: The Ancient Mexican Merchants Who Took to the Seas

“They were all young, well built and not black but fairer than the other natives I have seen in the Indies. They were handsome with fine limbs and bodies, and long straight hair cut in the Spanish...
Peeking Behind the Veil: Unique and Decorative Burial Urns with Faces in the Pomeranian Culture

Peeking Behind the Veil: Unique and Decorative Burial Urns with Faces in the Pomeranian Culture

The Pomeranian culture is one of the most mysterious Pre-Christian cultures which lived near the Baltic Sea. Although many of their sites have been lost, the story behind their decorative urns...
: Discovery of the vessel.

Wine used in Ritual Ceremonies 5000 Years Ago in Georgia, the Cradle of Viticulture

A Georgian-Italian archaeological expedition has discovered vine pollen in a zoomorphic vessel used in ritual ceremonies by the Kura-Araxes population. In the archeological site of Aradetis Orgora,...
Hippalos: Early Navigation of Deep Sea Routes Between India and Egypt – Part I

Hippalos: Early Navigation of Deep Sea Routes Between India and Egypt – Part I

On the south-east or Coromandel Coast of India, about two miles (3.2km) south of the former French enclave of Pondicherry, there is a tract on the east known locally as Arikamedu, near the village of...
19th century watercolor of the Tomb of the Dancers.

Ancient Burial Rituals Prove You Can Take it With You ... and What You Take Says a lot

Death is inevitable, but what death shows us about the social behaviors of the living is not. And recent University of Cincinnati research examining the ancient bereavement practices from the Central...
