Ronald Lloyd Ryan grew up in a tiny remote and isolated fishing village on the north east coast of Newfoundland Island, lost in the wilderness of forest, ocean and mountains, with transportation and communication by the ocean in summer, and dog team through the forest in winter. He attended university in Canada and the United States and earned degrees in science (mathematics), education, administration, theology and psychology, including two doctorates. He devoted his early career to teaching, school administration and counselling but the pulpit was always a calling and avocation. He is an ordained Unitarian minister-priest and operates in that capacity as a volunteer community priest. Ten years ago, he decided to put his training in science to work as he began to explore the meaning of historical and archaeological artifacts from Newfoundland Island that seemed to have no context. The most exciting discovery is an intact church, a basilica, that may be as much as 1400 years old, the oldest church, by far, in the western hemisphere. Supported by several loyal and active associates, he has made astonishing discoveries that will force the re-writing of world history.