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The Desert Caravan by Edmund Berninger

Did Jesus of Nazareth Travel to the Far East?

It is a mistake to think there wasn’t international travel during Jesus’ time. As this map of ancient merchant routes shows, the known world was linked by land and sea. Perhaps with some helpful...
Neanderthals (CC0)

Five Surprising Things DNA has Revealed About our Ancestors

Researchers recently used DNA from the 10,000-year-old “Cheddar Man”, one of Britain’s oldest skeletons, to unveil what the first inhabitants of what now is Britain actually looked like. But this isn...
Prayer Flags on Tomb of Songtsen. View of Chongye Valley to the South from the Tomb.

Tibet's Valley of the Kings: What Hidden Treasures Lie Within This Imperial Tibetan Graveyard?

Chongye Valley is known also as Tibet’s Valley of the Kings. This site adjoins the Yarlung Valley (about 180 km (111.85 miles)) to the Tibetan capital, Lhasa. The Chongye Valley is famed for its...
A photograph of the 14th Dalai Lama

Chinese Government Wants to Decide the Dalai Lama’s Next Reincarnation

The Chinese Government has said the Dalai Lama must reincarnate into someone that has their endorsement. The remarks were made during the Dalai Lama’s controversial visit to Tawang, an Indian border...
Can You Solve the Mystery Behind This Intricately Carved Skull?

Can You Solve the Mystery Behind This Intricately Carved Skull?

Experts from a wide array of organizations are examining an intricately carved skull discovered in an antique shop in Vienna in 2011. The skull, believed to be 300 years old, is completely covered...
From the same 1429 Persian manuscript. Sañjīvaka/Schanzabeh.

What Pearls of Wisdom are Held in the Animal Tales of the Panchatantra?

The Panchatantra (which means the ‘Five Principles’ in Sanskrit) is a collection of interwoven short stories from India. The tales in the Panchatantra are told in both prose and poetry, and consist...
Humans Occupied Tibetan Plateau Thousands of Years Earlier than Previously Thought

Humans Occupied Tibetan Plateau Thousands of Years Earlier than Previously Thought

That conclusion challenges the previously held view that permanent human occupation of the Tibetan Plateau began no earlier than 5,200 years ago, after the advent of agriculture. The new finding is,...
Sky Burial: Tibet’s Ancient Tradition for Honoring the Dead

Sky Burial: Tibet’s Ancient Tradition for Honoring the Dead

The tradition of Sky burials, which is also known by the name of ‘Celestial burial’, is particularly associated with the Tibetan culture, although it has existed in other civilizations throughout...
How Breeding with an Ancient Human Species gave Tibetans their Head for Heights

How Breeding with an Ancient Human Species gave Tibetans their Head for Heights

A recent study of the DNA of Tibetans has looked at the gene underlying their ability to live in the low-oxygen conditions at high altitudes. It found that this gene has come from an unexpected...
Researcher and filmmaker Jake Norton photographs a 1,200-year-old skeleton from Samdzong, Nepal.

Ancient Nepalese People Buried in Caves were Defleshed but Not Consumed

The 1,200-year-old skeleton of a young man found in a cave in Nepal had been defleshed, but researchers are unsure how he died. The lead researcher of this body and other remains said in 2011 that...
The inside of the princess’s large tomb, which contained 166 funerary items

Tomb of a nomadic tribal princess will help unravel China’s complicated ethnic history

Chinese archaeologists have excavated the sixth century tomb of a nomadic tribal princess of the ancient Tuyuhun Kingdom in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. In the tomb they found two skeletons...
A repoussé golden death mask dating to before 200 AD

Archaeologist pieces together story of the mysterious Zhang Zhung people of Tibet

Many centuries ago, high in the mountains of western Tibet, the Zhang Zhung people established a civilization complete with technological advancements, rich art and a pantheon headed by a supreme god...
Dalai Lama

Chinese Government says they will decide into whom the Dalai Lama will reincarnate

A Chinese official said on Sunday that the central government has the right to confirm the new incarnation of the Dalai Lama and nothing he says or does will alter their power to do so. The remarks...
Dalai Lama

Chinese government says Dalai Lama must reincarnate to respect tradition

The Dalai Lama has said that he may choose not to reincarnate inside Tibet if it is not free, and that no one has the right to choose his successor for political ends. However, the Chinese government...
Ten Magnificent Ancient Structures of Asia

Ten Magnificent Ancient Structures of Asia

By Daniel Cameron , Epoch Times Featured below are just a few of the countless magnificent ancient structures that Asia has to offer. 1. Tibet: Potala Palace Construction of the Potala Palace started...
The Kangyur Written with 9 Precious Stones

The Kangyur Written with 9 Precious Stones

Buddhism was founded over two and a half millennia ago in India by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (Sanskrit for ‘awakened one’). Like the practitioners of Hinduism, Buddhists believe in the concept...
fire - Dukezong, Tibet, China

Devastating fire destroys ancient Tibetan town

A fire that raged for nearly 10 hours on Saturday 11th January has burnt down more than two hundred buildings and destroyed countless historical artefacts in the 1,300-year-old ancient Tibetan...
Pattra Leaf

Tibet fights to preserve culture through protection of ancient scriptures

An institute has been established in Tibet to preserve ancient texts written on the leaves of plants, known as pattra-leaf scriptures. Originally from ancient India, these cultural relics are...
Kapala skull caps

The practices and rituals of Tibetan Kapala skull caps

The word Kapala is a Sanskirt term meaning skull, bowl, vessel, begging bowl and is a decorative human skull used as a ritual implement in both Hindu and Buddhist Tantra. They were often carved with...
