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Two men in shogun armor.

What It Was Like To Live During The Shōgun Era In Japan

Life during the Shōgun era in Japan was marked by significant social, political, and cultural transformations. This period began with the rise of the Tokugawa shogunate, established by Tokugawa...
Samurai in Medieval Japan. Source: Public Domain

Samurais, Shoguns, Etas and the Social Pyramid of Medieval Japan (Video)

The structure of medieval Japan was characterized by a complex social hierarchy that shaped the lives and interactions of its people. Rooted in centuries-old traditions and influenced by...
Portrait of Tokugawa Ieyasu             Source: Public Domain

The Shogun - The True Story of Tokugawa Ieyasu (Video)

Amidst the turbulent backdrop of Japan's 16th and 17th centuries, Tokugawa Ieyasu emerged as a legendary figure, blending martial prowess with strategic finesse. Born in 1543, his early years were...
The Samurai would collect enemy heads. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

A Samurai's Collection of Human Heads (Video)

Samurai , driven by the need to prove their loyalty and valor to their shogun masters, often resorted to a gruesome practice – the collection of human heads. The severed heads served as tangible...
virtual, Japan, Edo period, samurai, shogun

Bringing an Ancient Japanese City to Life in an Immersive Virtual World

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if there was a parallel world in which the ancient Japanese Edo period existed today, where the modern world and the Shoguns could converge? With the...
Outside picture, taken in 2020, of Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan a hot spring hotel in Hayakawa, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan (Boltor / CC by SA 4.0)

Hot Spring Hotel in Japan Has Been Run by the Same Family for 1,300 Years!

Now this is family dedication – a hotel that has been passed down 52 generations of one Japanese family over more than 13 centuries! The hot spring Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan hotel in Japan’s Yamanashi...
Noh-Arashiyama by KOMPARU Zempo (Public Domain)

The Art Of Noh: 14th-Century Japanese Dance Drama

Since the 14th century AD, Noh has been a major form of classical Japanese dance-drama. It is the oldest major theatre art form that is still performed on a regular basis to this day. Noh , which is...
Tokugawa Ieyasu was the epitome of the rags to riches possibilities for Japanese samurai.    Source: Dusan Kostic / Adobe Stock

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Most Powerful Shogun and Great Unifier of Japan

Throughout the medieval history of Japan, it was the shoguns that held the real power in the country. As powerful military dictators, they were the de facto rulers of Japan, subordinate only to the...
The Heian Era: Golden Age of Japan’s Imperial Court

The Heian Era: Golden Age of Japan’s Imperial Court

The Heian period, which lasted from the 8 th to the 12 th centuries AD, is considered to be the last division of Japan’s classical era. This period began with the establishment of a new imperial...
Letter Shows How Samurai Lord’s Code Kept the Peace in Edo Japan

Letter Shows How Samurai Lord’s Code Kept the Peace in Edo Japan

Old letters can be a way to understand things that are still a mystery or as new historical evidence. A letter has been found that is from 17th century Edo Japan which is offering researchers new...

The Enigmatic Zenigata Sunae – A Majestic Heritage of Feudal Japan

Japan is full of countless intriguing places and monuments from its rich and vibrant past. From centuries of rich, evolving history, to the devastating effects of the Second World War, Japan has...
The 9th Tokugawa Japanese shogun visiting a newly built home in Edo.         Source: Kobayashi Toshimitsu / Public domain

The Amazing Ascent of the Japanese Shoguns from 1192 to 1867

The shoguns were the military rulers of Japan during the country’s feudal period . Although Japan had emperors, they were mere figureheads for centuries. Actual power was held by the shogun, who...
Representation of the English samurai, William Adams.         Source: adrenalinapura / Adobe stock

Remains of Legendary Lost English Samurai Unearthed in Japan

The skeletal remains of a legendary English samurai who landed in Japan in 1600 AD, on his way to the New World with an ill-fated Dutch convoy, have been positively identified by archaeologists. The...
Japanese megalith in a garden as representation of the Ashikaga Shogunate stones found.     Source: Samuel Ponce / Adobe stock

Massive Megaliths Found in Japan Shed New Light on Ashikaga Shogunate

Archaeologists excavating at the residence of the Ashikaga Shogunate family in Japan have unearthed a collection of eight enormous garden stones. The shogunate , was the hereditary military...
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako at the emperor's ceremony of enthronement to the Chrysanthemum Throne.

A New Japanese Emperor Takes To The Chrysanthemum Throne

The Chrysanthemum Throne is the throne of the Emperor of Japan and a metonym referring to the Japanese monarchy itself. The Japanese imperial family has recently been in the news, due to the...
coat of arms of the Tokugawa shogun clan is seen embossed on this ridge-end gargoyle tile off Hatsushima island in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture

Shipwreck’s Cargo Belonged to Most Important Shogun Clan in Japanese History

In recent decades marine archaeology has greatly expanded our knowledge of the past. A Japanese team of marine archaeologists has made an amazing discovery at the bottom of the sea. They have been...
The legend of Heikegani: the Samurai ghost crabs

The legend of Heikegani: the Samurai ghost crabs

Heikegani is a species of crab native to Japan, with a shell that bears a pattern resembling a human face. According to Japanese folklore, the Heikegani crabs contain the souls of the Heike samurai...