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  1. Searching for the Lost Footsteps of the Scorpion Kings

    There were two Scorpion Kings in the pre-dynastic period of ancient Egypt. They were forgotten by most of the world until Dwayne Johnson played one of the rulers in the famous movie ‘The Scorpion King’.

    Natalia Klimczak - 06/08/2020 - 18:59

  2. This Scorpion Was Among the First Lifeforms to Walk on Earth

    Almost half a billion years ago Earth was largely inhabited by armored arthropods with segmented bodies and jointed limbs, shelled mollusks, and wobbly unrecognizable fishlike organisms darting about. What all these species had common, besides hunting for prey at sea, was that all these creatures breathed not with lungs, but with gills.

    ashley cowie - 17/01/2020 - 01:57

  3. ‘Scorpion King’s Domain’: The Oldest Place Name Sign in the World

    The oldest place name sign in the world has been found in Egypt. The inscription, which was etched into a rock in Wadi el Malik east of Aswan, dates back to the late fourth millennium BC. It names the location as part of the “Domain of the Horus King Scorpion.”

    Alicia McDermott - 05/12/2020 - 02:39

  4. The Cosmic Scorpion Evident in Ancient Cultures

    Scorpions have inhabited the Earth for over 400 million years. They were one of the first seabed evolved creatures to climb out of oceans onto land. Although older than the dinosaurs and despite many species, there has been small change to their basic form over this vast time. Their mysterious appearance is deeply entangled in human culture and known for symbolizing danger, eroticism, the hidden and clandestine. A Roman war-machine, a yoga posture, and a star constellation take their name from this predatory arachnid.

    Alistair - 01/07/2019 - 15:47

  5. The Vulture Stone of Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Pictogram?

    ... of the Enclosure’s construction. The constellation of Scorpio   Suns, Heads and Vultures It would be wrong to ...

    Alistair - 27/10/2015 - 23:44

  6. 8 Bizarre Folklore Creatures That Will Keep You Up at Night

    We’ve all heard of mythical creatures and cryptids like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, but those aren’t the only strange creatures rumored to be wandering the earth. Throughout history, there have been dozens of other strange folklore creatures described in stories passed down from generation to generation. Each of these creatures has its own fantastic description, whether about its physical appearance or interactions with humans.

    Lex Leigh - 08/01/2023 - 13:57

  7. Archeologists Discover Ancient Burial Site of Infants, Scorpions and Crocodiles

    A group of archaeologists excavating an ancient site in Egypt have uncovered tombs and crypts – dating to the reigns of Pharaohs Thutmose III and Amenhotep II – containing intact remains of infants, goats, cats and scorpions, as well as a mysterious crocodile skeleton.

    Theodoros Karasavvas - 17/01/2017 - 00:49

  8. Is this Minoan Artistic Marvel a Miniaturization of the Heavens?

    ... Ophiucus, Corona Borealis (the "Northern Crown"), and Scorpio. Sagittarius is also included for reference. Stunning ... sky constellations Hercules, Ophiucus, Corona Borealis and Scorpio. (Author provided). Hercules: The Swordsman vs ... suggestive of the "multiple heads" of the constellation Scorpio just below). Similarly, Athena is frequently depicted ...

    David W Mathisen - 18/12/2017 - 19:03

  9. Catapult: The Long-Reaching History of a Prominent Medieval Siege Engine

    One of the most iconic images of the European Middle Ages is the castle. This defensive structure was often heavily fortified and provided its inhabitants with much-needed safety. It was usually quite difficult for an enemy to capture a castle, and for that, an attacking army needed siege engines. The catapult was one of the most efficient of these war machines.

    dhwty - 26/02/2021 - 18:06

  10. Kindred Skies: Ancient Greeks and Aboriginal Australians saw Constellations in Common

    Look up on any clear night and you can see myriad stars, planets, and the Milky Way stretching across the sky. The chances are that you know some of the constellations.

    ancient-origins - 14/04/2017 - 02:03

  11. Ancient Magical Incantation to Capture Evil Devourer Found in Turkey

    The discovery of magical incantation that is 2800-years-old has been announced by experts. It was found at a site in south-west Turkey and is written in the ancient Aramaic language. The incantation referred to an enigmatic creature known as the ‘devourer’.

    Ed Whelan - 24/12/2018 - 15:52

  12. 2,600-Year-Old Greek Wine Cup May have Oldest Depiction of Constellations

    An ancient Greek wine cup long thought to depict a random assortment of animals in a hunting scene, may actually have the earliest known depictions of star constellations, a new study shows. The cup may provide clues regarding ancient knowledge of astronomy in Greece.

    aprilholloway - 02/11/2014 - 00:25

  13. Satire in Mesopotamia: Unravelling the Bull Headed Lyre of Ur

    Many of us tend to think that the people of early cultures were less sophisticated than us. The wealthiest people may have lived lives of luxury with gold and slaves, but admittedly we cannot really imagine how everyday life was in detail. Maybe that’s why the fine inlays on the front of this bull headed lyre are so stunning. They tell of satire and self-irony, of lost dignity and greed, but also of humanism, and they demonstrate that mankind hasn’t changed much over the last 4,500 years. 

    Niels Bjerre Jorgensen - 13/01/2020 - 23:00

  14. Religion and Magic in Amarna: A World of Confusion in Akhetaten—Part II

    The population that inhabited Akhenaten’s brand new city, Akhetaten, in Middle Egypt was ill at ease with the massive religious uncertainty their monarch had unleashed. A question mark hung over not just their very way of life, but also the age-old magical practices that they resorted to in order to combat challenges throughout their lives.

    anand balaji - 05/03/2018 - 22:52

  15. Challenges of Infant Mortality in Ancient Egypt: Amulets, Spells and the Divine—Part II

    Among all the perils that the ancient Egyptians battled through their use of religion and magic, none came close to the poignant and desperate prayers they made to save the lives of their offspring. In a time when the lack of proper medication and the understanding of how and why diseases struck existed; the people did the very best they could by beseeching the pantheon of gods and goddesses for help.

    anand balaji - 23/05/2018 - 15:31

  16. Could Kharga Oasis Rock Panel Represent Zodiacal Constellations?

    ... left.  This is a bird. In ancient times the constellation Scorpio was represented by a bird, typically an eagle. This ... the solstices and equinoxes (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio.)  The second figure from the left that looks like a ... to us from the Greeks via Babylon. Libra was once part of Scorpio, representing its claws. This area of space was ...

    ledom - 29/12/2013 - 23:36

  17. The Veneration and Worship of Felines in Ancient Egypt

    The ancient Egyptians revered and worshipped many animals, just as the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Norse did, but none were worshipped as reverently as the cat.  It was not until the Pre-dynastic Period that they were domesticated—interestingly, much later than dogs—yet their prominence in Egyptian culture remains highly identifiable even today.

    Riley Winters - 09/05/2015 - 13:20

  18. Göbekli Tepe & The Great Year

    ... appear to cluster about the galactic centre (Sagittarius, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, etc.) while the new star path consists of ...

    Alistair - 20/05/2014 - 14:09

  19. Elephant Tomb Discovered in Spain May Have Been a Temple to the God Mithras

    ... equinox, the constellation of Taurus rose to the East and Scorpio was hidden to the West. During the autumn equinox the opposite occurred.  Taurus and Scorpio were both of special significance to the Mithraics. ...

    aprilholloway - 14/05/2013 - 20:56

  20. Corpse Recycling at Gobekli Tepe: The True Purpose of its Ancient Stone Circles?

    The following essay is an extract from Stone Circles Explained by Stephen Childs, in which the author offers some original theories regarding the purpose of stone circles. Covering sites from around the world, including Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge and Avebury, the book theorizes on the various reasons for why prehistoric stone circles were built.

    Stephen Childs - 23/10/2021 - 18:49
