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  1. Adrienne Mayor

    ADRIENNE MAYOR is a research scholar in the Classics Department and History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Program at Stanford University.

    ancient-origins - 02/01/2013 - 08:10

  2. The Erotic Art of Ancient Greece and Rome

    Craig Barker /The Conversation

    ancient-origins - 05/02/2021 - 23:40

  3. New study sheds light into ancient Egyptian health care system at Deir el-Medina

    Stanford archaeologists have undertaken the first ever detailed analyses of human remains found at  Deir el-Medina, an ancient Egyptian village which was home to the artisans who worked on the tombs in the Valley of the Kings during the 18th to 20th dynasties of the New Kingdom period (c. 1550–1080 BC), including those of Ramesses II and his long line of successors. Their findings reveal a detailed and fascinating picture of a health care in the ancient world.

    aprilholloway - 23/11/2014 - 22:57

  4. Is The Iconic Dendera Zodiac of Ancient Egypt The Oldest Horoscope in the World?

    ... be found on the disc. These represent the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, and Aries respectively. Nevertheless, there ...

    dhwty - 29/01/2017 - 20:04

  5. A Woman’s Best Friend: The Herstory of Dog Domestication

    The Grimaldi Goddess clay figurine, unearthed at the Neolithic settlement of Çatal Hüyük in Turkey, dates back to about 6000 BC. It depicts an obese woman giving birth while seated upon a throne. Although many have considered this a sure sign of feminine fertility, many scholars have dismissed the two massive dog-like beasts sitting by her side.

    B. B. Wagner - 03/10/2020 - 17:46

  6. Magic and superstition in ancient Egypt

    On a grey November day in London’s Hyde Park we passed beneath a cluster of leafless trees, their skeletal branches alive with the chatter of hundreds of starlings. Suddenly, the birds fell silent. A long moment passed. And then with a single hum they rose as one body and took flight. We were amazed at the uncanny unison of the flock, alerted by a signal undetectable to us that had pulled them as if by a magnet from the bare branches.

    ancient-origins - 16/10/2014 - 23:10

  7. Two 'Perfect' 3,400-year-old Egyptian Mummies To Be Restored

    Two ancient Egyptian sarcophagi containing mummies, that are to be restored and displayed at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC) in Cairo, were recently unpacked and witnessed by Khaled al-Anany, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.

    ashley cowie - 23/09/2019 - 18:52

  8. Woman, Healer, Goddess? Famous (and Forbidden) Female Physicians in the Ancient World

    Throughout history, women have always been healers. They were pharmacists, cultivating healing herbs and exchanging the secrets of their uses. They were also nurses, counselors, midwives who traveled from home to home and village to village. The history of women in medicine dates to 3500 BCE. Queen Puabi of Ur was buried with surgical instruments so that she might practice surgery in the afterlife.

    MartiniF - 19/04/2017 - 15:34

  9. Poison: The Good, the Bad and the Deadly

    For thousands of years poisons have been both a deadly threat and a protective tool used around the world. Poisons have played a dominant role in our history and legends, persisting both as evil potions and curative antidotes. Vital medicines we rely on today have roots in the diabolical concoctions of antiquity.

    aprilholloway - 04/10/2014 - 12:59

  10. Solving the enigma of Stonehenge

    ... point is between Taurus and Gemini, the other between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The two locations are precisely ... The intersection of the ecliptic and Milky Way between Scorpio and Sagittarius is the centre of the Southern Cross. ...

    paulburley - 03/05/2014 - 12:18

  11. A Tough Commute: Long Hike to Work in the Valley of the Kings Caused Laborers to Suffer from Arthritis

    In the ancient world, work was so hard that bone pathologies show up in skeletal remains even to this day. In ancient Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, workers labored hard to build the mortuary temples and complexes to pharaohs and other high officials, but they also worked hard just hiking to the job site that their legs show osteoarthritis, a new study says.

    Mark Miller - 26/11/2016 - 03:44

  12. Eating Insects: The History of the Human Hunger for Bugs

    Have you ever thought about eating insects? Do cricket cookies, chocolate covered silkworms, or smoke cured mopper moth caterpillars make you froth at the mouth? This certainly was the case for our ancestors, who, since the beginning of human history have been dining on spicy leafcutter ants, sweet honeypot ants, savory crickets, and an assortment of delectable insect delights. Insect eating continued into the days of civilization too, and continues even today!

    Jake Leigh-Howarth - 05/03/2022 - 18:00

  13. Passover Magic I: Secret Egyptian Themes Hidden In Exodus

    The Jewish Holiday week of Passover is once again upon us. Millions around the world will experience the traditional Seder meal and remember an event from thousands of years ago. They will eat and drink symbolic foods in a yearly ritual to commemorate their ancestor’s escape from Egypt, and to remember the man who led them to their freedom: Moses. He founded the Passover event on that fateful night long ago when the Israelites finally fled Egypt.

    Jonathon Perrin - 11/04/2020 - 14:02

  14. DNA Analysis Suggests Cats Chose to Be Domesticated

    According to an extensive DNA analysis of cat genes the domestic cat is descended from wild cats that were tamed twice; once in the Near East and then in Egypt. The study suggests that cats lived for thousands of years alongside humans before they were eventually domesticated.

    Theodoros Karasavvas - 22/06/2017 - 02:00

  15. Researchers Rediscover Species of Snake used as Biological and Psychological Weapon in Ancient Greece

    Imagine you are in battle, probably scared out of your wits, and then enemy troops start flinging snakes in your face. The ancient Greeks did just that, says a group of researchers who rediscovered a species of boa in Sicily used in warfare, which had not been seen in nearly a century. It was a case of biological, psychological and unconventional warfare all wrapped up in one terrifying tactic.

    Mark Miller - 02/01/2016 - 00:51

  16. Snake Oil Has Long Been Deemed A ‘Fake Medicine’, But It’s Not Guilty, It Really Does Cure!

    In the late 19th century, microscopes enabled scientists to observe the microbial effectivity of medicines in the treatment of ailments and these new skills finally dislodged many traditional ‘magical’ medieval medicines and treatments. This was not the case, however, in China, where still today thousands of tons of scorpions, freeze-dried millipedes, tiger penises, and rhino bones are consumed as medicines.

    ashley cowie - 13/01/2019 - 18:58

  17. People Alarmed Over Announcement of 13th Astrological Sign

    ... need to change their  astrological chart . For instance, Scorpio would be reduced to just a week and this would mean ...

    Ed Whelan - 19/07/2020 - 21:42

  18. Were Catapults the Secret to Roman Military Success?

    The Roman Empire conquered the known world in large part due to its army. The Roman Army was a formidable force of training and discipline led by military minds who established organizational and tactical strategies that have influenced the world up to this very day. In short, the Roman army was one of the most effective and enduring forces in military history. In addition to skill and zeal, the Romans also had a more material advantage on their side: siege weapons, such as catapults.

    Kerry Sullivan - 31/03/2017 - 18:54

  19. Archaeologists find 12,000-year-old pictograph at Gobeklitepe

    Excavations being conducted at the ancient city of Göbeklitepe in Turkey have uncovered an ancient pictograph on an obelisk which researchers say could be the earliest known pictograph ever discovered.

    Robin Whitlock - 17/07/2015 - 21:56

  20. Widespread Erection Problems In China Are Bringing Rhino, Tiger And Other Species To An End

    We’ve all heard of the deceptive ‘snake oil’ salesmen of America’s western frontier who peddled bottles of medically useless placebos and panaceas to ill and often desperate people, but not so many folk are aware that ‘snake oil’ is a Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) which utilizes the fats extracted from the Chinese water snake. And now, China want to bring sell such antiquated potions to the western world.

    ashley cowie - 26/11/2018 - 22:56
