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Roman Britain

Roman baths at Bath, England.	Source: bnoragitt/Adobe Stock

New Study Shows Britain Enjoyed Explosive Economic Growth in Roman Era

A fascinating new study has produced ample evidence to show that after the Roman Empire conquered Britain in the year 43 AD, the occupied region experienced a period of sustained and intensive...
Aerial glimpse of AI image of Roman legions unveiled in panoramic bird's eye view. Source: Arnolt/Adobe Stock

Why the Romans Couldn’t Conquer Ireland (Video)

​ The Romans' failure to conquer Ireland can be attributed to several factors. During its expansion , Rome primarily focused on territories closer to home, gradually extending its reach across...
Image of a woman from a pre-Roman tribe, possibly the Dobunni of ancient Britain. Source: Stanislav/Adobe Stock

Dobunni Tribe Thrived as Peaceful Ancient Farmers of the Cotswolds

The ancient Dobunni tribe holds a significant place in the Celtic era of British history, and its legacy is etched deeply into the fabric of pre-Roman Britain. Hailing from the area now known as...
Representational image of Boudica, the warrior queen of the Iceni, one of the many Iron Age tribes of Britain. Source: NorLife / Adobe Stock

Forging a Nation: The Iron Age Tribes of Britain

The Iron Age tribes of Britain were dynamic societies that flourished between roughly 800 BC and 43 AD. This pivotal period marked a significant transition in British history, characterized by the...
The collection of 16 mostly Roman offerings found at the sacred spring site in Anglesey. Source: Museum Wales

Roman Offerings at Sacred Spring Whisper of the Druids’ Last Stand

In a significant archaeological find, a collection of sixteen ancient artifacts dating back to the Iron Age and Roman periods has been officially declared treasure by H.M. Senior Coroner for North-...
The Roman-era egg was cast into a watery pit, possibly as part of a funeral rite. Source: Oxford Archaeology.

1,700-year-old Egg Found at Roman Era Site Still Has Liquid Contents

An extraordinary discovery in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, has stunned archaeologists and scientists worldwide: a 1,700-year-old egg, is the only intact specimen from Roman Britain, and now considered...
Left; Cimex lectularius, bedbug. Center; Wing casings (elytra) of Oryzaephilus surinamensis found at Vindolanda. Right: Almost complete wing casing (elytron) of Aphodius sp. Source: Left; Daktaridudu/CC BY-SA 4.0, Center and Right; Katie Wyse Jackson/Vindolanda Trust

Romans Look to Have Brought Bedbugs to Britain

In a fascinating addition to our understanding of ancient Britain, recent archaeological work at Vindolanda, a key Roman garrison south of Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland, has unearthed evidence...
The Roman city at Silchester with grid road system and building locations map overlaid. Source: University of Reading

Beneath Roman Britain - An Iron Age Settlement Is Revealed At Silchester

Five decades on from the start of an archaeological dig by the University of Reading, the findings of the investigation will be brought to the public, showcasing the incredible discoveries from...
The excavated burial of Offord Cluny 203645. DNA has revealed he was a Sarmatian immigrant to Britain. Source: MOLA Headland Industry

Offord Cluny 203645: DNA Reveals Only Sarmatian Remains Known in Britain

After completing a DNA analysis of the remains of an individual who was buried near the village of Offord Cluny in Cambridgeshire, England in the second century AD, a team of scientists discovered...
A night view of modern day York, Yorkshire, England.  Source: davidionut/Adobe Stock

The Ancient Roman and Viking Origins of Yorkshire (Video)

In the history of Yorkshire , the fusion of Roman and Viking legacies weaves a captivating narrative. Beyond its picturesque landscapes, this English county harbors a multifaceted history. Romans...
Drawing of male Pict. Source: Public Domain

The Picts, the Scottish Tribe That Gave the Romans Hell (Video)

The Picts , a group dwelling north of the Forth–Clyde isthmus, in what is now Scotland, remain shrouded in mystery despite their historical notoriety. The term "Pict" emerged around the third century...
Roman manubalista. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

The Manubalista Was Rome’s Secret Weapon in Ancient Britain (Video)

The Manubalista , a formidable weapon from ancient Rome, played a crucial role in the Roman conquest of Britain . In the skilled hands of Roman soldiers, this weapon proved to be a deadly asset. It...
Tribes in Britain gave allegiance to the Romans. Source: Bernard GIRARDIN / Adobe Stock.

Britons Gave Allegiance to Romans in Exchange for Protection (Video)

In ancient Roman Britain , business practices took a unique turn, driven by the empire's strategy to establish dominion over the region. The native tribes' constant discord presented an opportunity...
50 BC coin bearing the name Esunertos, a previously unknown Iron Age British king.	Source: Spinks Auctions

A New Iron Age King in Britain? Gold Coin Found Stamped with the Name 'Esunertos'

Britain’s history may have just undergone a significant addition, thanks to the remarkable discovery of a coin bearing the name of a forgotten Iron Age ruler. The coin was unearthed by a metal...
Aerial view of Vindolanda. Source: makasana photo / Adobe Stock.

Britain’s Amazing Roman Structures That You Can Still Visit Today (Video)

The enduring Roman legacy in Britain is evident through remarkable sites. Hadrian's Wall , constructed around 134 AD, served as a formidable barrier, rising 20 feet high and spanning 73 miles from...
Several timbers thought to be from a fragmented Roman crossing structure for the River Wye. 	Source: Simon Maddison/CAS

2,000-Year-Old Roman Crossing Linking England and Wales Uncovered

A bridge connecting past and present – in this case the ancient past, has been found crossing the River Wye at Chepstow in the UK, often called the ‘gateway to Wales’. Archaeologists made the find...
Evidence in East England has revealed that there were Roman vineyards in the area. Source: mythja / Adobe Stock

Make Wine Not War: Digs in England Reveal 1st Century Roman Vineyard

Excavations in Cambridgeshire, England, recently produced evidence to suggest that Roman winemakers were active in the region in the first century, possibly as early as 43 AD. This was the time of...
Roman guards. Source: Martin / Adobe Stock.

Could You Survive as A Roman Soldier On Hadrian’s Wall? (Video)

Hadrian's Wall, a monumental fortification stretching 73 miles across second-century Britain, served as the northern limit of the Roman Empire. Defending the wall were approximately 9,000 auxiliary...
The Ryedale Hoard. Source: / CC by SA 2.0.

Roman Treasure Unveiled: York’s Ryedale Hoard (Video)

The Ryedale Hoard, a group of four stunning bronze objects, has become the focus of a captivating exhibition at the Yorkshire Museum. Unearthed near Ryedale, North Yorkshire, this discovery offers a...
The Roman gypsum burial being scanned at York Museum. Source: University of York

Hidden Secrets of Roman Gypsum Burial Practice Revealed by Scanning

Unveiling an ancient family tragedy buried beneath layers of history, archaeologists from the University of York have embarked on a groundbreaking journey into the lives of Roman citizens who met a...
Roman soldier with hairless body, now found to be achieved using tweezers. Source: Gabi Moisa/Adobe Stock

Caesars Loved Tweezers! Plucking Romans Were Obsessed With Hair Removal

More than 50 pairs of tweezers have been found at one of Roman Britain’s largest settlements, providing a link into the deep-rooted history of hair removal practices! Wroxeter City Shropshire is the...
Roman women. Source: burnel11 / Adobe Stock.

Unveiling the Fashion Secrets of Ancient Roman Britain (Video)

Have you ever wondered how people dressed in Roman Britain ? The ancient Romans had a distinctive sense of fashion and beauty, and this extended to their clothing and accessories. Women would bind...
A Roman ritual center has been discovered in Northampton, which had been in use since the Bronze Age. Source: International Council of Museums / Twitter

Highly Significant Bronze Age and Roman Ritual Center Discovered in England

A team of archaeologists from the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) have uncovered a 4,000-year-old treasure trove of ritual and religious activity in Overstone, near Northampton, England. This...
Unique 2,000-Year-Old Roman Road Accidentally Uncovered in Worcestershire

Unique 2,000-Year-Old Roman Road Accidentally Uncovered in Worcestershire

What is thought to be a Roman road, potentially dating back 2,000 years, has been uncovered in a field in Worcestershire in the UK. An expert has assessed it to likely be a cobbled ford, and the...
