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Royal Excess and Corruption - Catalysts of the French Revolution

Royal Excess and Corruption - Catalysts of the French Revolution

The French Revolution , a pivotal moment in history, was catalyzed by a culmination of factors, with corruption at the forefront. The ruling class, ensconced in opulence at Versailles, grew...
Lisbon Marquis of Pombal. Source: Downunderphoto / Adobe Stock.

Lisbon's Cataclysm: The Earthquake that Shook History (Video)

In the year 1755, the vibrant city of Lisbon awakened to a day like any other. Little did its inhabitants know that this would be a fateful All Saints' Day that would reshape history. As the sun rose...
Composite image of the Trung sisters. Source: warmtail / Adobe Stock

Hell Hath No Fury Like the Freedom Fighting Trung Sisters

Throughout history, Vietnamese women have been instrumental in resisting foreign domination. The most well-known of these heroines are the Trung sisters, who led the first national uprising against...
Why are Democrats ‘Left’ and Republicans ‘Right’? The Surprising History of Political Affiliations

Why are Democrats ‘Left’ and Republicans ‘Right’? The Surprising History of Political Affiliations

The terms right and left refer to political affiliations that originated late in the eighteenth century (1789–1799) in relation to the seating arrangements in the various legislative bodies of France...
Four ancient Egyptian sphinxes pictured at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor.     Source: Anton / Adobe stock

Four Ancient Egyptian Sphinxes Sacrificed In Political Chess Match

Four ancient Egyptian sphinxes are controversially being reallocated to a busy roundabout in Cairo and Egyptologists are warning they will be exposed to air pollution, which will cause irreversible...
Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix (1830), celebrates the French Revolution (Louvre Museum).    Source: Public Domain

The French Revolution and Birth of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

The French Revolution is often considered to be one of the most significant events not only in the history of France and Europe, but also in the world. This revolution is known also as the Revolution...
The glass jewel with the encoded message

Coded Jewel Found in 300-Year-Old US Tavern Has Secret Message to Overthrow British King

Brunswick Town, in North Carolina, was once ‘a hotbed of anti-crown sentiment’ where rebellions were plotted and planned. Now archaeologists have made an amazing discovery in a once razed tavern that...
An 1811 wood engraving depicts the coronation of King Henry. Source: Fine Art America

The Kingdom of Hayti and the Slave that Pronounced Himself King

By Marlene Daut / The Conversation Marvel’s blockbuster “Black Panther,” which recently became the first superhero drama to be nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award, takes place in the secret...
Fireworks of 14 July 2017 in Paris (David Proteau/CC BY-SA 2.0) and the Bastille Fortress, 1789 (Public Domain);Deriv.

Storming the Bastille – Do French Ghosts Haunt a National Holiday?

Little appeals to the heart of Americans more than a story of a rebellion against a tyrannical government. And so, it’s not entirely surprising that many in America live it up on Bastille Day each...
Researchers Believe They May Have Located a Famous Ship Once Owned by Captain Cook

Researchers Believe They May Have Located a Famous Ship Once Owned by Captain Cook

A team of researchers in the USA believe that they've located the area of the wreck of Captain James Cook’s ship. The HMS Endeavour is known for being the ship which reached Australia on April 19,...
This postcard shows a Pueblo Indian man with San Ildefonso Black Pottery. The postcard was published between 1930 and 1945.

335 years ago Indians drove the Spanish out of New Mexico and secured their culture for posterity

August 10, 2015, marked the 335 th anniversary of the Pueblo Indian uprising, during which they expelled the Spanish usurpers and tormentors from New Mexico. Modern Pueblo Indians call August 10...
Sans-Souci: The Ruined Palace of King Henry I of Haiti

Sans-Souci: The Ruined Palace of King Henry I of Haiti

Often called the Palace of Versailles of the Caribbean, the Palace of Sans-Souci, in Haiti, was constructed during the early 19th Century as the royal residence of King Henry I. He was a self-imposed...
Decapitation of King Louis XVI

DNA test on bloody gourd reveals it is not from decapitated King Louis XVI

A new study published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports has cast doubt on a centuries-old belief that the blood contained in a decorated gourd (container made from a hard-shelled fruit)...