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Portrait of Tycho Brahe

Hidden Elements Found in Renaissance Astronomer Tycho Brahe's Laboratory

In the Middle Ages, alchemists were notoriously secretive and didn't share their knowledge with others. Danish Tycho Brahe was no exception. Consequently, we don't know precisely what he did in the...
The Borgia Family by Dante Gabriel Rossetti		Source: Public Domain

Machiavellian Maneuvers Of The House Of Borgia (Video)

The House of Borgia , one of the most infamous families of the Renaissance, is synonymous with ambition, power, and scandal. Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo Borgia, epitomizes their controversial...
Leonardo da Vinci’s sketch of his invention of the giant crossbow. Public Domain

Five Da Vinci Inventions That Could Have Revolutionized Technology

Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most famous artists in history. His genius, however, was not just in his art; Leonardo was also a brilliant inventor in the fields of civil engineering, chemistry,...
Reading of Voltaire's tragedy of the Orphan of China

How the Age of Enlightenment Shaped Modernity (Video)

The Renaissance heralded a transformative period in human history, marked not just by artistic brilliance but by a profound philosophical shift. This shift, embodied by humanism, steered European...
The Crowning with Thorns (c. 1603) by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571–1610).  Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum) in Vienna. Source: Adam Ján Figeľ/Adobe/Stock

Caravaggio, The Artist Who Died For His Art (Video)

Caravaggio, the charismatic artist of the Baroque era, left an undeniable mark on the art world with his revolutionary chiaroscuro technique, which brought an unparalleled depth and drama to his...
Representational image of the complex nature of Renaissance magic combining science and the divine. Source: lleandralacuerva / Adobe Stock

Renaissance Magic: Linking the Earthly and the Divine

In the Renaissance, magic was a convergence of science, philosophy, and the mystical, reflecting the era's quest for knowledge and understanding of the world. Unlike today's clear demarcation between...
Portrait of Lorenzo de’ Medici, the Magnificent. Source: Public domain

Lorenzo de' Medici: the ‘Magnificent’ Patron of the Renaissance

Lorenzo de' Medici, also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent, stands as one of the most prominent figures in the history of Florence and the Italian Renaissance, and the foremost member of the powerful...
Picture of St. Hildegard near Bingen at Rhine River. Source: Philipp/Adobe Stock

Exploring the Masters: 10 Influential Medieval Artists You Should Know

The Medieval period, spanning roughly from the 5th to the 15th centuries AD, was a time of profound artistic expression that laid the groundwork for the Renaissance to follow. Despite the challenges...
Huge 16th century statue known as the Apennine Colossus by Giambologna in the garden of the Villa Demidoff di Pratolino, Tuscany, Italy.  Source: Antonio Scaramuzzino/CC BY NC ND 2.0

Man Out of Mountain: The Striking Figure of the Apennine Colossus

At the feet of the Apennines, Aeneas and his men defeated the Latins in one of the first victories of the early Romans. Amid flying arrows and screaming men, the Latins laid down their weapons and...
Pope Leo X and his cousins, by Raphael. Pope Leo X was a prominent member of the Medici Dynasty and Pope of the Catholic Church. 	Source: Public domain

The Medici Dynasty: Unraveling the Legacy of the Masters of Florence

The Medici family, prominent during the Italian Renaissance, wielded immense power in Florence and beyond. Rising from humble beginnings as bankers, they ascended to become one of Europe's most...
Giulia Tofana was a 17th century leader of a poison cartel responsible for over 600 deaths thanks to her trademark poison Aqua Tofana. The Love Potion by Evelyn De Morgan.	Source: Public Domain

Giulia Tofana: The Woman Who Poisoned 600 Men with Her Makeup (Video)

Giulia Tofana's notoriety stemmed from her cunning manipulation of Renaissance society's fascination with poisons and cosmetics. Born into an era where women lacked agency in matters of marriage and...
Interior detail from the Florence Cathedral, Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy. Source: EnginKorkmaz/Adobe Stock

Everything You Need to Know About the Renaissance Period (Video)

The Renaissance , arising from the tumultuous aftermath of the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages, was a transformative period in European history characterized by unprecedented social, cultural, and...
Classic column of Renaissance architecture, in Venice, Italy. Source: leeyiutung/Adobe Stock

How Did Europe Step Into the Modern Era? (Video)

Historians contend that the advent of the Modern Era predates the digital age, tracing its origins back to the Renaissance period of the 1500s. This epochal shift emerged from the aftermath of the...
Habsburg family portrait by Martin van Meytens, 1764.        Source: Public Domain

The Rise and Fall of the Habsburg Empire (Video)

The Habsburg Empire , a dynasty spanning nearly 600 years, wielded vast influence over central and Eastern Europe. Unlike other monarchies, the Habsburgs were a family lineage rather than a single...
Susanna and the Elders, by Artemisia Gentileschi in 1610. Source: Public domain

Artemisia Gentileschi Used Art To Avenge Her Rape

Since the 1970s, the work of Italian Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi has seen a surge in popularity due to her unique perspective as a female artist of the 17th century. Artemisia Gentileschi...
Battle of Rocroi was a turning point in the Thirty Years War.	Source: Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau/CC BY-SA 3.0

Thirty Years’ War: The Horror Of Europe’s Bloodiest Conflict (Video)

In the 16th century, Europe witnessed a seismic shift as Latin Christianity fractured into Catholics and Protestants, sparking the bloodiest conflict in its history—the Thirty Years' War . Fueled by...
The Roman Pantheon. Source: Iakov Kalinin / Adobe Stock.

The Incredible Architecture of the Roman Pantheon (Video)

The Roman Pantheon , built in 27 BC by Marcus Agrippa , stands as a remarkable example of ancient architectural brilliance, captivating modern minds despite the ubiquity of contemporary...
Queen Adelaide wax bust from 1830. Ancient wax sculpture. Funeral effigy. Source: Timothy Millett/CC BY-SA 4.0, © Trustees of the British Museum /CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Public Domain

Eerie Ancient Wax Sculptures For Hexing Enemies and Destroying Demons

The eerie, sightless stare of wax-figure mannequins disconcerts many an onlooker, but the famous wax museums of today which host hyper-realistic looking wax models of celebrities and historical wax...
The two panels of "The Melun Diptych" (circa 1455) by Jean Fouquet: "Étienne Chevalier with Saint Stephen" (on the left, featuring theAcheulean handaxe, and "Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels," in an exhibition at the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, Germany. Source: Saiko/CC BY 3.0

This 15th Century French Painting Features A Precisely Drawn Prehistoric Tool

This artistic-anthropological mystery was solved after a team of researchers analyzed a curious stone, depicted in a 15th century French painting. Merging the Paleolithic Age with the Renaissance,...
A woman in the Renaissance getting dressed. Source: YouTube Screenshot / CrowsEye Productions.

The Elaborate Process of Getting Dressed as a Renaissance Woman (Video)

In Renaissance Florence , Italy, fashion was a tapestry of elegance and refinement . The clothing of this era showcased intricate details and subtle displays of wealth. Women of the time donned silk...
Viano Castle opening, viewed at night.  Source: Marcello Assandri

Vejano Castle Opened Up For the First Time in 414 Years

Today, after 414 years, the castle of Vejano (once Viano), Italy opened its heavy doors to experts coming from seven countries. Prince Landolfo di Napoli Rampolli, whose family has owned the castle...
Filippo Negroli helmet. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

What Makes This Helmet a Masterpiece of Renaissance Metalwork? (Video)

This Renaissance helmet , currently an exhibit at the New York Met, serves as an intriguing example of metal craftsmanship. In the refined circles of the Renaissance, connoisseurs examined such...
All video courtesy of Marcello Assandri.

Huge Lost Medieval and Renaissance Castle Complex Discovered in Italy

A large medieval or Renaissance castle has been discovered amongst the foliage of a hill in Lazio, Italy. The discovery was made after investigations based on satellite imaging, which clearly...
Left, Santacroce tower, Rome Right, Marcello Assandri at Castel S Angelo, Rome. Source: Marcello Assandri

Unearthing Italy's Hidden Renaissance Castles 4: Borgia Strongholds of Rome

Rome was the adopted hometown of the Borgia; they were originally from the Catalan region of Spain. The Roman branch of the Santacroce family had lived in Rome for a few centuries. In this episode,...
