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Experts study many theories behind the meaning of the Egyptian pyramids’ location.              Source: Marla/Adobe Stock

Is There A Meaning Behind The Egyptian Pyramids Location? (Video)

​ The construction of Egypt's pyramids , a marvel dating back 5,000 years, remains a puzzle for archaeologists. The ancient Egyptians initially built pyramids near the capital, Memphis, overseeing...
The Grand Canyon landscape, Arizona.	Source: SeanPavonePhoto/Adobe Stock

The Surprising Link Between the Grand Canyon and Ancient Egypt (Video)

For centuries, travelers have explored renowned Grand Canyon landmarks like the Osiris Tower and the Temple of Ra, evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity. However, the origins of these names reveal...
Egyptian painting of dancers and flutists, from the Tomb of Nebamun. (Public Domain)

The Wildest Party in Ancient Egypt- The Festival of Drunkenness (Video)

In ancient Egypt , amidst the grandeur of pyramids and pharaohs, there existed a unique annual event—the Festival of Drunkenness . This mid-August celebration found its origins in Egyptian mythology...
Bust of a pharaoh found at Heliopolis Source: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Statues of Powerful Egyptian Pharaohs Found at Heliopolis Sun Temple

Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered broken statues of ancient Egyptian royalty at a sun temple in the ancient urban archaeological site of Heliopolis . The stone-carved fragments depict some of...
The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer

The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer

The concept of cataclysm is very common in almost all mythologies and religions. It is when the god or gods decide that humanity is not serving them anymore and, thus, they order humanity’s...
Abu Gorab is the site where Egypt’s 3rd Fifth Dynasty sun temple has been discovered beneath a younger sun temple!		 Source: National Geographic / Windfall Films / MCPR

Lost Egyptian Sun Temple Found Near Cairo: 'Biggest Find in 50 Years'

In a thrilling new find, archaeologists have found the remains of what they believe is one of six sun temples ever built by the Fifth Dynasty pharaohs. The discovery made in Abu Gorab, south of Cairo...
4th Century Stone Blocks Tell Story of Sun Temple of Heliopolis

4th Century Stone Blocks Tell Story of Sun Temple of Heliopolis

Archaeologists have uncovered stone blocks and other interesting fragments that are helping them piece together the history of the once magnificent and extraordinary temple, dedicated to the sun god...
Tilapia Stew: Egyptian Recipe Found in 6000-year-old Stomach

Tilapia Stew: Egyptian Recipe Found in 6000-year-old Stomach

This recipe is based on an archaeological discovery made in an upper Egypt tomb dating to around 3500 to 4000 BC. Differing from a typical mummy, which would have had its organs in canopic jars, the...
Seth (Set)Left, and Horus

Were The Worshipers of the Egyptian God Set Following a God or a Demon?

Set, sometimes known as Seth, but also as Sutekh or Seteh is an ancient Egyptian god depicted with the head of an unknown animal and referred to by Egyptologists as a ‘Set animal’. The ancient...
Coffin lid dating from the Late Period flanked by two depictions of Wepwawet; design by Anand Balaji

Wepwawet, Lord of Abydos and Champion of Royalty: Origin, Myth and Divinity—Part I

The ancient Egyptians not only worshipped animals they admired but also those that they feared greatly. As a result, their pantheon consisted of innumerable feathered and furry creatures – each a...
Detail from the side of a seat of a group sculpture shows a baboon holding a cosmetic pot or kohl eyeliner; design by Anand Balaji

Primates of Ancient Egypt: The Bizarre and Satirical Monkeys of Amarna—Part II

Baboons and monkeys were an inalienable part of the religious and artistic landscape in ancient Egypt. A wealth of depictions of these animals exists in varied media spanning all dynasties. But it is...
Detail from one of the canopic jars of Padiouf, a priest of Amun, shows the face of the god Hapy; design by Anand Balaj

Primates of Ancient Egypt: The Deification and Importance of Baboons and Monkeys—Part I

The ancient Egyptians populated their vast pantheon of gods and goddesses with an incredible menagerie of animals and birds. These deities served as protectors, law-givers, healers, patrons of the...
The Monumental Temple of Hibis: Memories of Glory Days by the Last Egyptian Pharaoh of Kemet

The Monumental Temple of Hibis: Memories of Glory Days by the Last Egyptian Pharaoh of Kemet

Nectanebo II is known as the last native ruler of ancient Egypt; Persians and the ancestors of Alexander the Great took over after his reign. Although these circumstances led to Nectanebo II being...
The Goddess Nut is the sky, arching over her brother, the God Geb, who is the earth.

Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths: Lords of the Earth and Sky, Scarab God Khepera, and Lady of Slaughter

Egypt, land of the Pharaohs. There is no single creation myth for Ancient Egypt as each region of the country owed allegiance to a different god, so for simplicity’s sake we shall just look at the...
Archaeologists Discover a Resting Place for an Ancient Egyptian Sacred Boat

Archaeologists Discover a Resting Place for an Ancient Egyptian Sacred Boat

In ancient Egypt, sacred boats called barques were believed to ferry the dead to the afterlife, the sun god Ra across the sky, and various other gods and royalty up and down the Nile River. Now a...
Painting of an ancient Egyptian woman being served beer.

Provocative Yet Sacred: The Ancient Egyptian Festival of Drunkenness

The Festival of Drunkenness is a religiously significant celebration that was held annually (said to be biannually in some places) by the ancient Egyptians. The background story for the celebration...
Some of the Abydos boats in their brick-built graves.

The Abydos Boats: Transporting the Pharaohs Through the Afterlife

The Abydos boats are a fleet of ships discovered in the sands of Abydos, Egypt. Sea vessels played an important role in ancient Egypt, not only in the everyday life of its people, but also in its...
Ogdoad - The Place of Truth. Relief at Deir el Medina.

The Infinite Ogdoad: The Creation Pantheon of Ancient Egypt and Predecessor Gods of the Old Kingdom

The Ogdoad, also called the Hehu or Infinites, were the celestial rulers of a cosmic age. Considered to have come long before the Egyptian religious system currently recognized, the Ogdoad were...
Reconstructed Temple of the Night Sun in Mortuary of Queen Hatshepsut

Reconstructed Temple of the Night Sun in Mortuary of Queen Hatshepsut opens to the public

More than 1.2 million rotations of the Earth on its axis since her death, Queen Hatepshut has not been eradicated from memory by her ancient successors. Far from it. Still today, nearly 3,500 years...
Alexander the Great and Egypt

The Canopus Way of Ancient Alexandria and the Birthday of Alexander the Great

In 332 BC after Alexander the Great defeated the Persian army of Darius III at Issus in Syria, he entered triumphantly with his army into Egypt. The twenty-four year old Macedonian king was hailed by...
Egyptians and the beginning

Egyptians and the beginning

According to archaeologists, Egypt—alongside Sumer—produced one of the first known civilizations. There are many Egyptian myths related to creation; however, all of them share a common theme: that...