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Quantum computer-based simulation of a deuteron - when a neutron (in blue) and a proton (in red) bind together within a nucleus. Source: OLCF / CC BY 2.0

Use of Quantum Sensors at Megalithic Sites

The quantum: that pesky stuff hiding sub-atomically. Our world is made up of matter, and that matter is made up of atoms. If we were to grab our tape measure, the quantum space deals with matter...
Shakespeare’s ghosts meet quantum entanglement.

Shakespeare’s Ghosts Live! What Secret Messages do The Spirits Reveal about the Nature of Reality?

When one of us began studying psychology he was told that if the aim was to understand human relationships, it would be better served by studying literature—especially Shakespeare. Since then, at...
A representation of what human teleportation could look like.

One Step Closer to ‘Beam Me Up’? Teleportation is Possible…At Least at the Quantum Level

Have you ever seen Star Trek? If so, you must be familiar with characters being ‘beamed’ from one spacecraft to another, or to a planet. While Star Trek is fictional, there are some concepts...
An atom

Peering Deeply into the Hydrogen Atom for the First Time in History

A few decades ago, who would have imagined that we’d be able to photograph a hydrogen atom? Given what we know about quantum mechanics, the whole concept would have been dismissed as absurd. But in...

Teleportation: Will Quantum Physics Make Star Trek Tech a Success?

Most of us have seen the science fiction series Star Trek and are familiar with their concept of teleportation, in which characters are ‘beamed’ off the ship to another spacecraft or to the surface...
The magical night sky

This Haunted World: You’re a Part of It, and You Have Been for Thousands of Years

Where do we come from? A normal life consists of being born into and then living within a world made up of material building blocks such as subatomic particles, atoms, protoplasm, flesh and blood...
Fairy realm and abstract quantum physics

Do you have the Second Sight? Finding Fairies & The Secret Commonwealth of Robert Kirk

The tale of the Rev. Robert Kirk and his Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Faeries is very peculiar. When read carefully, the text of his 1691 manuscript describing the faeries of Aberfoyle,...
‘Creation of Man’, (Public Domain) Cosmos (Public Domain); Deriv.

Science Versus Religion on Our Ancient Origins: What if They’re Both Wrong?

"The universe began when God said, 'Let there be light'!" "No, the universe began with the big bang!" "God created life as we know it largely in the forms we now recognize!" "No, evolution is the key...
Freezing light for one minute

Scientists achieve the freezing light for one minute

It wasn’t long ago that I reported on scientific research about creating matter from light , a result of the effort of a scientific team of Harvard and MIT which opens incredible possibilities for...
Light forms matter

New form of matter created by scientists using light

When we talk about matter we normally have in our minds something of substance that we can touch and hold. However, scientists at Harvard and MIT have questioned our beliefs about matter and the way...