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Example of a brightly painted antique papyrus, as could benefit from wasabi’s preservative qualities.	Source: Thomas Sztanek/Adobe Stock

Wasabi Is Innovative ‘Green’ Solution for Preserving Ancient Papyrus

Researchers have discovered a novel, environmentally friendly method for preserving bio-deteriorated painted archaeological papyri using wasabi. The study, led by Hanadi Saada and her team, explored...
Rakau Momori Moriori tree carvings. Source: Royston Vasey / CC BY-SA 3.0

Endangered Heritage: The Rakau Momori Tree Carvings of the Moriori

Wood carving, or whakairo , has a long and rich history in Maori culture. Traditionally, Maori artisans, utilizing woods like totara, kauri and pohutukawa, crafted intricate designs laden with...
Archaeologists use drones to map Peru’s ancient sites. Source: YouTube Screenshot / The New York Times.

Recording Thousands of Peru’s Temples Using Drones (Video)

In a race against time, archaeologists armed with a fleet of drones have been tirelessly working to map the legal boundaries of Peru's ancient ruins for the last few years. These unregistered...
Teotihuacan, Mexico. Source: fergregory / Adobe Stock.

Bribes, Zoning, and Ancient Pyramids: Walmart's Corporate Greed at Teotihuacan (Video)

In 2012, The New York Times uncovered an elaborate tale of bribery involving one of the world's largest corporations. Walmart, a global powerhouse, faced scrutiny when The Times exposed a cover-up of...
Limahuli Garden Preserve, Hawaii. Source: stevengaertner / Adobe Stock.

Guardians Protect Hawaii’s Ancient Plants (Video)

Discover the remarkable Limahuli Garden Preserve, a 1,000-acre botanical haven on Kauai's North Shore. Amidst tranquil landscapes, this preserve harbors unique flora integral to Hawaiian culture ...
Buddhist stupa at Mes Aynak, Afghanistan (Jerome Starkey / CC by SA 2.0)

Mes Aynak: Afghanistan's Buddhist City Threatened by Chinese Mining (Video)

Mes Aynak , located about 40 kilometers southeast of Kabul, Afghanistan, is an extraordinary archaeological site with a history dating back over 2,000 years. This ancient Buddhist city, nestled...
A Muslim and a Jew inside a Jewish synagogue in Kolkata, India. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Atlas Obscura.

The Muslims Preserving Kolkata's Last Jewish Synagogues (Video)

In the vibrant city of Kolkata, India, a heartening and harmonious interfaith tradition is flourishing as Muslim caretakers diligently preserve the last remaining Jewish synagogues . This unique...
Pictish carvings in Wemyss Caves. Source: SCAPE Trust.

Carved in Stone: Exploring Wemyss Caves' Pictish Symbols (Video)

Hidden within the depths of Scotland's Fife lies a secret world of mystery and artistry, tucked away in the Wemyss caves . These ancient caverns hold a remarkable treasure trove of symbols etched...
The Taizhou mummy was discovered accidentally by road workers and was found immersed in a mysterious brown liquid. Source:  GU XIANGZHONG, XINHUA

Accidental Find of Impeccably Preserved Ming Dynasty Taizhou Mummy

Mummies often evoke thoughts of the ancient Egyptians and their sophisticated mummification rituals. These practices aimed to create a seamless transition between life and death and led to remarkable...
The oldest piece of tartan ever found in Scotland was created in the 16th century. Source: Alan Richardson / V&A Dundee

Peat Bog Yields Oldest Known Scottish Tartan Fabric

A thin but intact square of old fabric removed from a Highland peat bog four decades ago is likely the oldest tartan ever found in Scotland, a new battery of tests has revealed. It is estimated that...
Representational image of a Viking-era boat. Source: Noel Cook / Adobe Stock

Viking-Era Boat Has Been Discovered Under an English Pub

Archaeologists from the University of Nottingham are currently studying what locals believe to be a Viking-era boat that was discovered buried beneath a pub car park in Wirral, England. The boat was...
The Mummies of Qilakitsoq at the National Museum in Nuuk. Source: Kenny McFly / CC BY-SA 4.0

Ten Incredible Mummy Discoveries That Shocked the World

Mummies of humans and other animals have been found on every continent, both as a result of natural preservation through unique climatic conditions, and as intentionally preserved corpses for...
One of the natural mummies in San Bernardo, Colombia. Source: The Gringo / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Natural Mummies of San Bernardo: Created by Earth, Gas or Fruit?

Were extremely well preserved natural mummies discovered in Colombia made by special high altitude climatic conditions, or was it the fruit they consumed? The mausoleum of San Bernardo is located...
Pictured here is another example of Roman shoes found at Vindolanda, alongside Hadrian's Wall in peatland.		Source: Vindolanda Trust

Drying Peatland Endangers Hadrian’s Wall and Other Archaeology Sites

In the year 122 AD, workers laid the first stones on Hadrian’s Wall, the imposing Roman-era defensive fortification that would run horizontally across northern England from sea to sea. When completed...
A Chinchorro mummy

7,000-Year-Old Chinchorro Mummies are the World's Oldest

The mummies of ancient Egypt are arguably the most famous mummies in the world. They are not, however, the oldest. The Chinchorros of South America began preserving their dead about 7,000 years ago...
An Egyptian Mummy

Did Egyptian Mummification Descend from a More Ancient and, Perhaps, Reversible Preservation Technique?

A central concept in the novel The Sphinx Scrolls is whether a mummification technology has ever existed that could preserve someone for long periods and retain the potential to bring them back to...
The Tripitaka Koreana: A Vast Trove of Buddhist Woodblock Wisdom

The Tripitaka Koreana: A Vast Trove of Buddhist Woodblock Wisdom

The Tripitaka Koreana is a collection of Buddhist texts, laws, and treaties originally created during the 11 th century by the Korean kingdom of Goryeo. The Tripitaka Koreana was carved onto...
Replica of Fet Mats Israelsson, Falu Grava Visitors Center, Falun, Sweden. (Tidsspegeln) Inside Falun copper mine. (bluecoomassie/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The Mummified Miner: Fet Mats Israelsson and His Unfortunate Demise

Mining is an industry that really doesn’t sound all that entertaining or enigmatic. Rocks, drills, and pickaxes - not much happens in the world of a miner. But when it does - it tends to be...
An Ancient Treat: The Rich History of Fruitcake

An Ancient Treat: The Rich History of Fruitcake

Love it or hate it, fruitcake has been a winter holiday staple for a long time. You could say the earliest version was a barley, pomegranate seed, nut, raisin, and honeyed wine dessert called satura...
Salt man - Iran Baastan museum.

Preserved by Nature: Studying the Spectacular Salt Mummies of Iran

The saltmen are a group of natural mummies that were discovered in the Chehrabad Salt Mine in Iran. This mine is in the Zanjan Province and located about 340 km (211.27 miles) northwest of Tehran...
What will this frozen goat teach us about famous human ice mummies?

What a Frozen Alpine Goat Can Teach Us About Famous Ice Mummies

DNA is especially important now in understanding our ancestors and the past. However, there is a problem in that it can often be difficult to analyze and preserve. The discovery of a mummified...
The cave lion cub now known as ‘Sparta.’ Source: Siberian Times

Uniquely Preserved Cave Lion Cubs: Stunning Photos and Secrets Revealed

By Valeria Sukhova / Siberian Times At first, scientists believed they had found male cave lion cub siblings that were born 44,000 years ago and found ten meters (32.8 ft.) apart in Yakutia, but the...
The 42,000-year-old foal. Scientists hope the discovery of the animal’s liquid blood can help resurrect the Ice Age species.

Liquid Blood Extracted from 42,000-Year-Old Extinct Horse Sparks Cloning Hopes

By The Siberian Times reporter Permafrost preserved the ‘oldest blood in the world,’ boosting hopes of bringing an extinct species back to life. The blood comes from an Ice Age foal that is arguably...
Poulnabrone portal tomb in Burren at sunrise, Ireland.

Ireland’s Archaeology has More Public Support than Ever!

It can be hard sometimes for archaeologists and historians to gain public interest and support in a world so filled with a focus on technology and modernity. But it is not the case everywhere. Irish...
