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Milky way seen from a grassy summit in, Nantlle Valley in Gwynedd, Wales.( Chin / Adobe Stock)

Astrophysics - The Origins Of The Zodiac In Wales

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Astrophysics indicate the origin of the Zodiac may just be found within the Star Maps of Gwynedd, one of several counties or administrative districts in North Wales.  Thousands of years ago Gwynedd was an ancient kingdom in its own right, covering the entire north-west quarter of Wales. The Island of Anglesey (original name Ynys Mons), fabled home of the Druids, was also part of ancient Gwynedd.

Kingdom of Gwynedd c. 620 (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Kingdom of Gwynedd c. 620 (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Star Maps of Gwynedd may be the largest distinct ancient site on Earth covering 2,000 square miles (5,179 square kilometers) or 1,000,000 acres. In comparison, the greater Stonehenge area covers 200 square miles (517 square kilometers)and the ancient Egyptian sites including Giza, Saqqara, Dendera, Abydos and Luxor cover about 400 square miles (1,036 square kilometers), as does a square area from Gōbekli Tepe to Karahan Tepe to the ancient star city Harran.

Star Map area of North Wales. (Image courtesy ©Hugh Evans)

Star Map area of North Wales. (Image courtesy ©Hugh Evans)

The Star Maps of Gwynedd are anything from 4,500 to 6,500 years old, perhaps much older, incorporating thousands of named stone circles, cairns, standing stones, mountains, rivers, sacred sites, holy springs, churches, towns and even public houses. CADW (Welsh heritage) date the stone circles as to the Bronze Age circa 2500 BC, but the star maps demonstrate an understanding of the stars that goes back thousands of years earlier. British mythology recounts that the stars were mapped from the top of the central, sacred mountain Cadair Idris by the Great Astronomer Idrisi. Idris was also known as Enoch, and he was great grandfather of Noah, dating the star maps to approximately 4500 BC. The Book of Enoch says that Enoch was instructed by Uriel, who was already there!

Idris looking at the hell after his ascend to the heavens (Public Domain)

Idris looking at the hell after his ascend to the heavens (Public Domain)

In comparison, the Stonehenge area is now thought to be circa 3250 BC, although some Mesolithic post holes have been dated at circa 8000 BC. The ancient Egyptian sites date from circa 3500 BC to 100 BC, some say they are older. And Gōbekli Tepe has been radiocarbon 14 dated from 9500 BC (enclosure D) to 7500 BC (enclosure C). If Pillar 43 of Enclosure D is a representation of the constellations and the constellations were fixed in Gwynedd, then the Star Maps of Gwynedd may be older than Gōbekli Tepe.


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Hugh Evans studied Astrophysics at university, graduated in aeronautical engineering, subsequently qualifying as a Chartered Accountant. Hugh has invested thousands of hours of painstaking research, site visits, hieroglyph interpretation and language translation to identify all the features of the present Zodiac and circumpolar constellations across the land features of Gwynedd, North Wales. He is the author of The Origins of the Zodiac, Cadair Idris and the Star Maps of Gwynedd.    

Top Image: Milky way seen from a grassy summit in, Nantlle Valley in Gwynedd, Wales.( Chin / Adobe Stock)

By: Hugh Evans



IronicLyricist's picture

If one is quite read in torsional physics one can infer that the 19.5 n pole energy sinks(transference from closer to The Creator) can transmit and or absorb energy.. one could logically suppose if such are present in each of the major bodies of our solar system(earths triangles, great red white n dark spots, saturns hexagon, sunspots etc) then they are more than likely to exist in other solar systems.. this would be the true SCIENCE if astrology(not the fortunetelling b.s. but something much deeper)

infinitesimal waveparticles comprise what we call home the earth
manipulatable by thought ability supressed in humans since birth


Hugh Evans studied Astrophysics at university, graduated in aeronautical engineering, subsequently qualifying as a Chartered Accountant. He now applies his scientific interest, engineering rigour and professional scrutiny to a lifelong passion for history and the stars; offering a new perspective... Read More

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