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What Happened To The Coveted Spear Of Destiny?

What Happened To The Coveted Spear Of Destiny?

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Throughout the centuries, Christianity has been a fiery topic.  Some debate about its true origins and connections to other religions, while others look at the malfeasances of some of its religious leaders.  Another facet that has been talked about and debated for years is the fascination with certain artifacts, whether they be the bodies of deceased saints or religious reliquaries, and it seems such intrigue will never end. Among religious artifacts the most famous in Christianity is undoubtedly the Spear of Destiny, the Holy Lance that allegedly pierced Jesus' side as he was dying on the cross.

Longinus in The Crucifixion, by Jan Provoost (1501) Groeningmuseum of Bruges (Public Domain)

Longinus in The Crucifixion, by Jan Provoost (1501) Groeningmuseum of Bruges (Public Domain)

The truth is, however, that most people do not know what the Holy Lance actually is, as there are no publications available describing its true history and its actual current location, which is in the Americas. There is a copy in Vienna which many hold to be the real one, but the story gets much thicker than that, and there is a connection between the Roman Catholic Church and Nazi plunder during World War II. 

The Nazi’s Quest for the Lance

This tale of the Holy Lance involves secret societies, Christian history, the Nazis, and the occult. The Nazis themselves wanted to create a new world order, and as bizarre as this might sound, they considered their movement a religious one, and at the center of that was Heinrich Himmler, who at one point was Adolf Hitler's number one soldier and the founder of the infamous SS. Because they considered this movement a religious one, and because many of them grew up as Christians although they turned away from the faith later, they sought religious artifacts throughout the world and there are documentaries and movies about the subject, including the famous Indiana Jones series. When they were in power, frightening the world, they had this in mind, and they even had their own ideology with marriage ceremonies and unusual rituals. There was a strong connection to a popular faith at the time called spirituality which was popularized by Helena Blavatski.

Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler coveted the Spear of Destiny, as legend holds that whoever has the Holy Lance can manipulate everything.


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DR. KEN JEREMIAH has written several books about religions, mummification, and spirituality, including Living Buddhas, Christian Mummification, Eternal Remains. Making Millions: A 500-Year-Old Kabbalist's Guide to Conquering Chance, and Zen Art, Zen Writing  Daily Meditations for Improving your Craft and Finding Joy in Life and Creatures Real and Imaginary in Chinese and Japanese Art: An Identification Guide and  Remnants from a Distant Past

Top Image: The Holy Lance held in Schatzkammer, Vienna, Austria (René Hanke / CC BY-SA 3.0 )

By: Ken Jeremiah

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Dr Ken Jeremiah

DR. KEN JEREMIAH has written several books about religions, mummification, and spirituality, including Living Buddhas, Christian Mummification, and Eternal Remains.  Other books cover the martial arts, golf, and unusual historical phenomena, such as Remnants of a Distant Past, If the... Read More

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