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Osiris as a pharaoh, real king (NorLife/ Adobe Stock)

Was Osiris A Real Person Deified After Death Or A Mythical God?

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Who was Osiris? Was he a mythological God in ancient Egypt before Christianity began, or was he a real person, a King of Egypt? Dr Ken Jeremiah provides his thoughts on the existence of a real person who was named Osiris (wsir), and Dr Rachel Medina argues he was a mythical god.

Osiris the Man – Dr Ken Jeremiah

The Egyptian God Osiris, properly called wsir, was originally known as an agricultural God and the God of fertility.  In time, He took the place as supreme ruler of the Egyptian pantheon, and he became known as the God of the afterlife and resurrection.  He is associated with natural cycles, which included agricultural ideas, as well as notions regarding the cycle of life, death, rebirth, and then re-death.  He was killed by his brother Set, whose name later became Satan in Christianity.  He was often called the ‘Lord of Silence’ or ‘Foremost of the Westerners’, and at one point, during the Old Kingdom period (2686-2181 BC), there appeared symbolic representations of him joining Ra in the sky after his death.  According to some sources, citizens first began worshipping him during the Fifth Dynasty (25th century BC), but other authors, including the current author, believe that his real origins lie with the life and death of a real human being who lived during pre-dynastic times (5500-3100 BC), and that he was deified after his death.

Original Holy Trinity, Osiris, Isis and Horus ( lurs / Adobe Stock)

Original Holy Trinity, Osiris, Isis and Horus ( lurs / Adobe Stock)

The Original Holy Trinity

Although it might seem odd, there are different types of deities in the world.  Some were mythological beings, others were actually human beings who were deified after their deaths, and others were created to teach concepts, like the Guardian Kings (Myoo) in Buddhism.  Osiris was unique.  The story involving him evolved into the Christian story of the Holy Trinity due to his wife Mary (Meri) who was called Isis, and his son Horus, who was crucified between two thieves.  It is the Christian story of Issa, normally known as Jesus, but it played out  thousands of years before.  Almost everything that occurred in Christianity actually occurred in the Egyptian religion and most of it was from Osiris, Meri (otherwise known as Isis), and their son Horus. This was the original Holy Trinity. 


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DR. KEN JEREMIAH has written several books about religions, mummification, and spirituality, including Living Buddhas, Christian Mummification, Eternal Remains. Making Millions: A 500-Year-Old Kabbalist's Guide to Conquering Chance, and Zen Art, Zen Writing  Daily Meditations for Improving your Craft and Finding Joy in Life and Creatures Real and Imaginary in Chinese and Japanese Art: An Identification Guide and  Historical Mysteries

Top Image: Osiris as a pharaoh, real king (NorLife/ Adobe Stock)

By: Dr Ken Jeremiah and Dr Rachel Medina

Ken Jeremiah's picture

Dr Ken Jeremiah

DR. KEN JEREMIAH has written several books about religions, mummification, and spirituality, including Living Buddhas, Christian Mummification, and Eternal Remains.  Other books cover the martial arts, golf, and unusual historical phenomena, such as Remnants of a Distant Past, If the... Read More

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